The Yarn
December 29, 2024 by Betsy Bird
As with any list of longer titles, I have to say right off the bat that what you'll find here is more of a representative sample of the great older fiction of 2024 than what was actually the "best".
September 11, 2024 by Betsy Bird
If ever you have had thoughts or opinions or questions on nonfiction and informational books, these three posts constitute a wealth of information that's free for the taking.
April 20, 2024 by Betsy Bird
Funny and hopeful, realistic and wistful, this is a book to inspire dreamers and scientists alike. A book you simply won’t want to miss.
December 28, 2023 by Betsy Bird
I love great nonfiction for kids, but I do miss stuff sometimes. Consider this a jumping off point for some of the best informational texts for older kids coming out in 2023.
September 8, 2023 by Betsy Bird
“You have a family, friends, a home. You go to school, and like all children, you like to play. One day, a threat appears and changes everything.”
July 3, 2023 by Betsy Bird
The Mona Lisa Vanishes: A Legendary Painter, a Shocking Heist, and the Birth of a Global CelebrityBy Nicholas DayIllustrated by Brett HelquistRandom House Studio (and imprint of Random House Children’s Books)$22.99ISBN: 9780593643846Ages 9-12On shelves September 5th I sense that we are on the brink of something. I’ve sensed it for a while. Do you remember […]
February 18, 2023 by Betsy Bird
The idea of taking an autobiography and turning it into a series of found-verse poems not only breaks with convention, it opens up an entire world of possibility when dealing with firsthand accounts from history. A triumphant tale of enslavement, education, and ultimate freedom, all true, all as you’ve never seen it before.
February 16, 2023 by Betsy Bird
The recently NCTE statement on the role of nonfiction stands as a bold defense, not simply of children's reading choices, but of the power, allure, and incredible love of nonfiction by kids.
January 17, 2023 by Betsy Bird
In his latest book Kwame Alexander tackles the subject of slavery head on, providing a template not just for teachers, but for any adult wishing to give the kids of today a better grasp on material that so many have worked so hard to avoid for all these years.
December 28, 2022 by Betsy Bird
One thing you will definitely find here today are my favorite reads for older kids in 2022, if those kids happen to be into nonfiction and informational books. These are lean, mean, fact-spouting machines and they are perfect for fact-loving kids.
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Karen Jensen, MLS
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