January 17, 2019 by Betsy Bird
Boy, howdy. I haven't done a good old-fashioned Fusenews in a long time. How do these work again? I just sort of throw up the recent children's literature news from a variety of sources with comments of some sort? Honestly, I used to do these pieces fairly regularly. That is, until I realized that PW Children's Bookshelf basically had this game in the bag. They know what they're doing over there. Still, there are always some interesting tidbits that catch my eye. On beyond the usual suspects:
December 25, 2018 by Betsy Bird
So I know you're all wondering what elements Kate chose to focus on with this book. Would she like it more than Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus? Less? Well, I'll sum it up for you. We discuss at length the proper way to wash a pure white bra, the genetic dominance of a character's eyes (or lack thereof), and the proper way to pick up a sack of screaming, flailing meat when it is your child.
November 7, 2018 by Betsy Bird
Well, THAT was exciting! I’ll confess that I had a hard time writing up this Fusenews last night. I kept dipping over to my phone to watch the latest results as they rolled in. To those of you that voted, well done. There is much to celebrate and much to keep fighting for. Hm. […]
October 23, 2018 by Betsy Bird
I know we Americans don’t talk a lot about the translation of children’s literature for a variety of reasons. Even so, I had hoped it would be bigger news when translator Anthea Bell died recently. Though she did not work exclusively with children’s books, she was probably personally responsible for one of the most successful […]
September 28, 2018 by Betsy Bird
Welcome to Fusenews! Or, as I like to call it, all the news that fit to fuse. Yeah. We’re still working on that one. First off, a great illustrator for children has died. This was very much the case of me not knowing that he was still alive, only to be doubly saddened when […]
August 24, 2018 by Betsy Bird
All right! Been a couple months since I did one of these and they’ve been burning a hole in my draft folder. My laptop is at 25% and I can’t find the cord to plug it in so let’s make these short and oh-so sweet! In the good news department, Idris Elba is going […]
June 8, 2018 by Betsy Bird
Shhh! I’m busy prepping for my daughter’s birthday so I really shouldn’t be blogging. My hands, however, are firmly tied. How can I help but blog when there’s so much interesting information out there these days? Check out some of these crazy cool links I found recently. If you know me then you know I […]
April 17, 2018 by Betsy Bird
As a librarian I know that reading aloud to children is necessary for their growth and development. And I know that periodically new parents that happen to be writers in other fields will come to children’s books through their offspring and suddenly be overwhelmed with the importance of reading. In cases such as these they […]
March 1, 2018 by Betsy Bird
It’s been a while! You can tell when I’ve been flush with content because my Fusenews posts become a bit less frequent. But here we go. I’m back, and I just have so MUCH to tell you! Where to start, where to start . . . . I know! Let’s begin with everyone’s favorite subject. […]
January 12, 2018 by Betsy Bird
Science Alert, people. New Study Shows It Does Matter Which Books You Read to Your Baby: Not all stories are equal when it comes to development. Naturally I read that and immediately wanted a listing of books that were good for babies. It’s not that kind of article (dang) thought it does namecheck those old […]
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
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