A Letter From the Management: I think the Fall brings out the feistiness in folks. It’s the time of year when people are dead set on giving out their opinions to any and all and the cool autumnal weather gives them the gumption to do so. As I may have mentioned earlier in the week, […]
In spite the amount of sheer hours I spend lobbing my opinions out into the virtual stratosphere, allowing them to whack unsuspecting online trawlers upside the head, I am not particularly fond of memes. I just don’t think that my thoughts on one topic or another are of any use to you. Why would you […]
The Bearskinner: A Tale of the Brothers Grimm By Laura Amy Schlitz Illustrated by Max Grafe Candlewick Press $16.99 ISBN: 9780763627300 Ages 7-12 One shelves now For the reviewer that reviews for pleasure, every book that sits on your lap has to prove itself to some extent. Even the world’s shortest picture book is an […]
I know each snowflake usually only gets a single posting a day, but check out this picture of the box that Meghan McCarthy will be including with the little beauty I posted about yesterday. Yes, darling, that is leopard print. Yowzer!
For those of you who complain that more attention needs to be focused on African American authors (or the lack thereof) please take note of the following press release: Can You Hear Us, Now? Co-ed Author Team Works to Highlight African American Children’s Authors (Severna Park, MD ) YA authors, Paula Chase and Varian Johnson […]
Today’s daily snowflake posts: Tracy McGuinness-Kelly at Sam Riddleburger’s blog Sarah Kahn at Kate’s Book Blog Sylvia Long at Whimsy Books Jeremy Tankard at the excelsior file Holli Conger at Please Come Flying
While living in New York I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know a little about author/illustrator Meghan McCarthy. She’s a lot of fun to corner at parties, and her artistic style suits me every time I look at it. It’s that remarkable blend of kid-friendly and adult-pleasing. Now with the auctions benefitting Robert’s Snow […]
A couple days ago I got this e-mail from author Rose Kent, that I would like to share with you. Rose says this far better than I ever could: I know that many bloggers like you use your hearts & your minds when chosing content, so I am passing on that November is National Adoption […]
Regular readers of this blog will recall that on the first of every month I give away ARCs to people willing to receive them in the mail. This month I present to you the following titles that were reviewed or mentioned on this site in the past 30 days. The books are: Satchel Paige: Striking […]
After a gander at the achingly beautiful Artist to Artist: 23 Major Illustrators Talk to Children about Their Art, Roger Sutton poses the following query: "But I couldn’t help noticing that only five of the twenty-three artists included are women. Having no idea if this representation is proportional, I compared it to the last 23 […]