Honestly, I don’t quite know why I even bother doing Fusenews posts on Saturdays. As you might suspect, my readership dips considerably when the weekends hit, but an old Fusenews post is like a week old fish. Time does it no favors. As such, I shall cut through my seething envy of everyone at BookExpo […]
Giving birth! All the kids are doing it these days. And you know what giving birth means, right? It means having a little extra time to blog and get my non-work related projects done. Though, naturally, I wrote 50% of this post a day ago and then must have failed to save the darn thing. […]
Zounds! No reason in particular I wrote that word. I just like to say “Zounds!” from time to time. Onward! I initially misread this post as “Summer Reading Takes a Hit From Online Scanning and Skimming Researchers Say” (which shows you where my mind is these days). It’s not “Summer” but Serious Reading Takes a […]
Avast! Tis me sister, me hearties! Finding yet ANOTHER fun and crafty way to work children’s literature into your lives. Children of the 80s and 90s (and perhaps the 70s for that matter) may remember the old board game Guess Who with fondness. So what about finding an old run-down copy at a garage sale […]
Sometimes I do a little ALA Youth Media Awards wrap-up after all is said and done, but since Lori Ess and I were able to have our say immediately following the awards announcements, I feel like I’ve covered my bases. Moving on! Lest one be so caught up in the thrilling hullabaloo of the ALA […]
Huh! Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. In spite of the sheer swaths of time I’ve had since I completed my last Fusenews, I am surprisingly bereft of information for you this week. Whodathunkit? Ah well. NYC was recently hit with a bit of the old snowstorm, so while we stare mournfully at the unshovelled […]
Happy Tuesday to you, one and all! Hope your weather isn’t as bitingly cold as ours has been. Time to warm up with some fresh and festive children’s literature tidbits. Personally, I’m trying to figure out why I wrote today’s headline a couple days ago. I’m sure there was a reason for it. Hmmm. The […]
I have a sister. Did you know that? Tis true. She’s not a librarian and her interest in children’s literature pretty much begins and ends with me, which is probably why she hasn’t come up before. One thing she is? Crafty. Crafty as all get out. And the kicker is that she’s just started this […]
Happy Columbus Day to you! I’ve not particularly insightful encapsulations of the day to offer you, though if you’d like to read some preview posts I’ve done on the day (completely with book recommendations) feel free to go here. I will start today with this rather interesting post about a recent brouhaha that arose when […]
Oh, so very much has gone on this week! Where to begin? What to do? Well, for starters, NYPL released a handy dandy list to accompany their current exhibit The ABC of It: Why Children’s Books Matter. I helped make said list, which is officially called 100 Great Children’s Books, 100 Years. So, two things. […]