Fusenews: Book Baths and Far Side – What More Could You Want in Life?
Huh! Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. In spite of the sheer swaths of time I’ve had since I completed my last Fusenews, I am surprisingly bereft of information for you this week. Whodathunkit? Ah well. NYC was recently hit with a bit of the old snowstorm, so while we stare mournfully at the unshovelled sidewalks in front of our homes, let me recount in the briefest of briefs the situation of the world as it stands.
- First off, The 2013 Cybils Finalists have been announced! I’ve panned through the books listed and they’re lovely. Not a single title I’d seriously object to being on a list (well… maybe one, but that’s still a pretty darn good track record). Well done to all the hard working judges that had to cull the endless submissions down down down.
- One of my favorite podcasts Pop Culture Happy Hour has a segment called “What’s Making Us Happy This Week”. If I might purloin their phrase, this, right here, is what has been making me happy for more than a week. Artist Mike Holmes came up with the concept of illustrating himself and his cat (Ella) in the style of a different cartoonist every day. I’ve seen folks do this sort of thing before. The difference with Holmes? He is AMAZING. Example A: This version of The Far Side. He even got the tone right.
Now please, someone go tap him for a picture book. I’ll just sit over here patiently and wait.
- A good In Memoriam piece here at SLJ. None of the losses make me happy but particularly painful was Ned Vizzini. It was one of those deaths you hear about on Twitter before you hear anywhere else. Doesn’t make it any less terrible.
- On a lighter note, SLJ also released its top posts of 2012 and one of my blog posts ranked at #5. Which one? The Complete Listing of All Public Children’s Literature Statues in the United States. Admittedly I haven’t finished posting all the suggestions I’ve received but I solemnly swear to get back to it one of these days (or anytime someone wants to offer me a book deal – ho ho!). In other news, the #1 post was also mine in a roundabout way. It was a link to NYPL’s 100 Great Children’s Books which I culled together with a co-worker. Small world, eh?
- The holiday gift giving season may be over, but if you ever want to see the most insane present in the world (and you have just oodles of time on your hands) then you must see how my sister put together a Personalized Monopoly Game. Dear God, woman.
- The New York Times has a book review podcast? And a recent entry discussed children’s books? Learn something new every day! Many thanks to Monica Edinger for the link.
- Daily Image:
Why, yes. I will take a library with my bathtub, thank you.
I’ll leave the specifications and, uh, payment to you. Thanks to Aunt Judy for the link.
Filed under: Fusenews

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Mike Holmes is the best! I’ve been following him online for years from when he used do his comic True Story and was fortunate to even have him draw a sketch of me and my cat as Tintin/Snowy. I think the buzz from his Mikenesses project helped lead to his involvement in the Adventure Time and Bravest Warriors comics. But I agree, a picture book would be great!
The bath library will only work if it comes with a toy boat. Just saying. Thanks for keeping us up to date – as it is.