Just in time for Juneteenth we discuss a work of historical fiction with its author and get the inside scoop on her influences, upcoming titles, and more!
Happy Father's Day! We're highlighting my favorite daddy book of 2024 and talking about it (though I do get a little distracted by these creators' killer headshots).
"...all joy, genius, and play." Not a bad way of describing today's book and interview with its author, the illustrious Lulu Miller.
Nyasha Williams is on hand to discuss Hoodoo, daily rituals, and a keen watermelon and orange salad.
Visual Storytelling Meets the Wet Side of Pet Ownership: A Walkies Interview with Estrela Lourenço
|Meet the charmer of the season. A picture book influenced by both animation and silent films, and that puts those wet, miserable walks in context.
A pediatric cardiologist in the Bronx writes three young adult novels then pens a thoroughly touching tale of a girl and her grandfather. Learn more about this story and its origins.
A star studded anthology brings us stories of kids with tiny superpowers. Today, we talk with the book's creators to find out what makes this title tick.
Tender and Subtle, with a Wild Fancifulness: A Q&A About Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow’s SISTER FRIEND
|In first grade, Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow was the only non-white kid in her first grade class. Her response? Write a truly stunning and lovely picture book about it as an adult. We discuss all.
Talking today about what it takes to make a great food-related picture book readaloud. We discuss pasta, Bee-bim Bop, and more! Warning: This Q&A may make you hungry.
Today we talk with a man who slowly, methodically, carefully, and with great love, churns out some of the smartest books for kids today.