Recently a fellow co-worker at NYPL, a Mr. Jonathan Pace, decided to write a piece for NYPL’s Huffington blog called Returning to Busytown: Remembering Richard Scarry. Best of all, the man did his research. He got in touch with Scarry’s son, Mr. Huck Scarry, and has posted all kinds of information and photographs that certainly […]
Our top news story today is the fact that NOW is the time to start nominating books for The Cybils! The Cybils, for the record, are the only book awards handed out to children’s and YA titles as chosen by book bloggers. Books that win The Cybils are meant to represent those titles that have […]
I am indebted to Jenny Schwartzberg for bringing to my attention the fact that the BBC’s extensive archives are offering up recordings of some of the great British Novelists of the past. These are both television and radio programs and they are intoxicating. You can hear the very voice of Virginia Woolf herself. And on […]
Sometimes a book trailer attempts to replicate the world of the movie trailer. Other times, they embrace television advertisements because that, essentially, is what they are. Now this ad for Basher books is far closer to the latter video form than the former, but you can’t mind that. For one thing, it uses a grizzled […]