Video Sunday: There’s GOLD in Them Thar Books!
Sometimes a book trailer attempts to replicate the world of the movie trailer. Other times, they embrace television advertisements because that, essentially, is what they are. Now this ad for Basher books is far closer to the latter video form than the former, but you can’t mind that. For one thing, it uses a grizzled prospector. It is a proven fact that every video on the web can be improved by the presence of a grizzled 19th century prospector. It’s true! I tested that theory and everything.
Thanks to Angus Killick at the MacKids blog.
I’d heard rumor of Evangeline Lilly’s potential children’s book but I hadn’t actually heard her . . .uh . . . recite from it before.
NO! No, Simon & Schuster. Now you just back away. You are NOT allowed to get near that material. No no! I know you wanna but it would just make you feel dirty. Take a step back. Very good. Now take another. We will have none of that on the children’s market. Be good. And thanks to bookshelves of doom for the link.
For the record, you are not allowed to publish this either:
Back to real authors now.
What a difference good film quality makes! This talk by Sue Stauffacher about her new Animal Rescue Team works as a video partly because the sound and film quality is good, partly because she’s so natural in front of the camera, and partly because you get a peek into her studio (which looks fantastic).
Now this is nice and library related. Each year NYPL hosts the Anti-Prom. Described as “an alternative, safe space for all teens who may not feel welcome at official school proms or dances because of their sexual orientation, the way they dress, or any other reason,” this year some High School of Fashion students went to NYPL to get fashion ideas. This was clearly shot a long time ago, though, so I’m wondering how long this “episode” was in the works. In any case, a nice glimpse of some of our librarians.
Finally, we get to be a little historical with our final off-topic video. Kate Beaton drew my attention to this. Love.
Their song on prime numbers isn’t too shabby either.
Thanks for reading!
Filed under: Videos

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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…and from that day on, whenever a celebrity wrote a bad children’s book, it was referred to as a “Squickerwonker.” A meme was born.
Why do you say the glam-prom episode was shot a long time ago? All the kids with iPhones make it seem pretty recent to me. Love the Two Gentlemen!
Well, it’s strange. The phones are new but at one point they cut to the front of the library. There you can see some banners for the Children’s Center that haven’t been up in more than a year. It’s possible, though, that the footage of the front of the library is old and that the rest of it is new. I can’t decide.