Interested in studying in one of the finest children's literature libraries in the nation? Now's your chance!
"The critics don't know. The creators don't know. The kids get to see a giant explosion!" We debate the true meaning of this 1968 Caldecott Award winner.
If you could cast any actor from any time period in a cinematic children's book adaptation, who would you cast?
In the 17 years in which I've had this blog, I've accrued a large number of images. Today, we start breaking them down for display ideas.
"It was almost December, and Jonas was beginning to be frightened." What is the point or purpose of the first line of a book? Today we look at 30 award winning first lines. What can they tell us?
If you could hold in your hands a picture book biography of anyone at all, who would it be? Today I name ten folks deserving of their own books.
If you could list the worst parents in all of children's literature who would you include? I polled a group of folks and here were their answers.
You are given a chance to ask a conservative activist a question about book banning (which he supports) on a debate show. Do you do it?
What is the worst case scenario for a website that isn't renewed? If you create books for kids in any way, please listen to today's warning.
In the mood for something scary? Today we premiere the story by fifth grader Clara J. that won the R.J. Stine Stinetinglers contest for kids.