Good Comics for Kids
April 5, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Days like today exist to remind you that spring is not summer. Here in Evanston it is wet and rainy and altogether cool and unpleasant. Think then of the folks in Bologna right now. Sunny. Warmer. Full of gelato. *sigh* With that in mind, here’s a Fusenews that is occasionally drenched in a bit of […]
January 11, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Not too long ago I created the 31 Days, 31 Lists series where I counted down a list of top 2016 books every day. When I initially came up with the idea I briefly wondered if I should make lists celebrating specific kinds of diversity. Top African-American Picture Books of 2016 or Best Diverse Titles. […]
June 1, 2016 by Betsy Bird
Here is what in truth is just a query masquerading as a legitimate blog post. I am never above misusing my power when I’m curious. And while I’m sure somebody somewhere has brought this up, I certainly can’t recall it being as big a topic as it could be. The other day I was talking […]
November 24, 2015 by Betsy Bird
So I’m going to confess something to you. All year long, from January onward, I’ve been keeping track of any picture book, easy book, or early chapter book I’ve seen containing some kind of diversity. Have I missed books? Of course I have! You cannot make a list like this without missing something. Books from […]
March 9, 2015 by Betsy Bird
Top of the morning to you, froggies! I had one heckuva weekend, I tell you. Actually it was just one heckuva Saturday. First there was the opening of the new Bank Street Bookstore location here in NYC. I was one of the local authors in attendance and, as you can see from this photograph taken […]
December 22, 2014 by Betsy Bird
My husband’s best friend returned to us the other day from his vacation in South America bearing gifts. Amongst them was a t-shirt for my daughter featuring this cartoon tyke: Know her? If you’re American the answer is probably no. But if you were Argentinian you’d instantly recognize her as Mafalda. She was Argentina’s answer […]
November 2, 2014 by Betsy Bird
The We Need Diverse Books campaign has kicked it up a notch with an Indiegogo campaign. They’re raising money to support authors, diversify classrooms, develop educational kits, promote diverse programming, you name it. As of my writing this they are $40,000 or so away from their goal. Check it out: Diverse Campaign w Thanks Card […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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