Good Comics for Kids
November 8, 2022 by Betsy Bird
The world's first "Explor-a-Storium" is on the horizon and Jon Scieszka and I are on hand to help. We'll be hosting a fun auction and event on November 18th. Come join us and support an amazing new immersive experience.
March 25, 2020 by Betsy Bird
Imagine a place that turns the entire notion of children's books and museums on their head. Picture an Explor-a-Storium a.k.a. an interactive children's museum where everything inside is children's book related. Mad, you say? Absolutely. Now check out how close we are to completion...
May 2, 2016 by Betsy Bird
This is big. Maybe the biggest idea in the realm of children’s literature I’ve seen in years. Possibly my entire career. I don’t like using the term “gamechanger” but I can’t think of a better word in this particular case. Okay. So imagine, if you will, a new children’s book museum. But where that term […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
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