Heavy Medal
December 26, 2022 by Betsy Bird
Today, we're giving lesser known people their place in the sun while also acknowledging people with famous names who finally have picture book bios worthy of their fame.
September 21, 2022 by Betsy Bird
Not your parents' Jackie Robinson biography. Meet the men behind the "myth-breaking" book CALL HIM JACK and hear why it's possible to write a heroic bio with nuance.
May 6, 2022 by Betsy Bird
With care, grace, and not a little cleverness, Zoboi doesn’t just introduce Butler to kids in the book Star Child. She makes it very clear from the get go that young Octavia was one of us. A supremely relatable person with a drive and output that far outstripped her times.
December 26, 2020 by Betsy Bird
Each crop of yearly biographies runs the gamut from the uber famous to people who may not have ever even received an adult biography. I loved the sheer variety on display in 2020. Behold a sampling of some favorites.
July 1, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Silent Days, Silent Dreams By Allen Say Arthur A. Levine Books (an imprint of Scholastic) $21.99 ISBN: 978-0-545-92761-1 Ages 8-12 On shelves October 31st I love what makes biographers tick. I lack that ability and it’s so interesting me the way in which a person selects not just their subject but the aspects in their […]
September 12, 2016 by Betsy Bird
Presenting Buffalo Bill: The Man Who Invented the Wild West By Candace Fleming A Neal Porter Book, Roaring Book Press (a division of Macmillan) $19.99 ISBN: 9781596437630 Ages 9-12 On shelves September 20th I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we present history to our kids. Specifically I was thinking about picture book biographies […]
January 14, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Everybody Paints! The Lives and Art of the Wyeth Family By Susan Goldman Rubin Chronicle Books $16.99 ISBN: 978-0-8118-6984-3 Ages 9-12 On shelves February 4th For years it was my pleasure to work in the New York Public Library’s Central Children’s Room, located in the Donnell Library. The Central Children’s Room was the crown jewel […]
April 21, 2010 by Betsy Bird
Sparky: The Life and Art of Charles Schulz By Beverly Gherman Chronicle Books $16.99 ISBN: 978-0-8118-6790-0 Ages 8 and up On shelves now. Sitting in the biography section of my children’s room are crisp, new, clean, pristine biographies of all sorts of people. Saints and sailors, presidents and queens, you name it. We got `em. […]
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