100 Scope Notes
July 14, 2020 by Betsy Bird
"While I don’t want queerness to always be relegated to the shadows, overhead lighting doesn’t do anyone any favors, either." Kyle Lukoff tells us tales of Frogs and Toads, secret rooms, and the longstanding tradition of queer values in children's literature.
June 11, 2018 by Betsy Bird
The name of the game here is A Break From Brats. I wanted to get Kate out of the realm of bratty children’s book protagonists, so I thought the world’s greatest friendship pair was the way to go. But before we get to that, we do a rundown of the best and worst picture books […]
May 23, 2016 by Betsy Bird
I’ve done it again. Delayed my Fusenews too long and now this post is going to overflow with too much good stuff. Forewarned is forearmed, as they say. Me stuff for the start. And in fact, there just so much Me Stuff today that I’m just going to cram it all into this little paragraph […]
March 3, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Our good buddy James Kennedy alerted me to the fact that after his magnificent 90-Second Newbery show left New York City for other library systems in other states he received additional, incredibly funny and insane submissions that are worth seeing. What we have here is a Tacoma-based Frog and Toad Together take on the story […]
December 9, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Oh, why not. Let’s just start with what is undoubtedly the best thing ever. Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending the 90-Second Newbery and James Kennedy, the author and organizer, was clever enough to know how to start things off. It seems that Aaron Zenz and his Boogie Woogie kids have made another […]
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