Good Comics for Kids
April 15, 2024 by Betsy Bird
My husband Matt Bird joins us for the very first time for one of the most obscure Dr. Seuss titles ever conceived. Like Candide? Then this is for you.
March 27, 2023 by Betsy Bird
It's considered a classic by animation fans, but does the book hold up? We explain why this translation from film to page missed quite a few steps along the way.
October 4, 2021 by Betsy Bird
For our 200th episode we consider the controversy surrounding Dr. Seuss and his most famous cat.
March 8, 2021 by Betsy Bird
When we heard that the Dr. Seuss estate was pulling six relatively obscure Seuss titles from publication due to offensive content, we thought we might try one on for size. So here's the first book Seuss ever made for kids.
December 7, 2020 by Betsy Bird
An orange fellow is told to leave over and over and over again. So it clearly has nothing to do with the state of the world today. If you've never listened to one of our podcasts before, I might recommend this as a place to start.
April 13, 2020 by Betsy Bird
While many people remember all too well the title of today's book, its plot (such as it is) remains, for many, a mystery. My sister certainly didn't know what to expect and, to be fair, how could she have? Can anyone truly predict Clark or the Ying or Ned? Sweet sweet Ned?
November 25, 2019 by Betsy Bird
When Kate challenged me to find a classic Thanksgiving book, she made the mistake of saying off-handedly, "Oh, it could just be about food too." Ah HAH! Food, eh? Well, we'd already done Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, so that could leave only one other famous food-related piece of children's literary history. That's right. Time to down some Green Eggs and Ham.
January 29, 2019 by Betsy Bird
Now that we're done with the award announcement delights of the 2018 season, I'd say it was high time to start thinking about something completely different. And what could be more different than cases where adult books mention children's books and children's book creators in some way? In my travels I ran across the following books. Keep your eyes peeled for them in the coming months!
April 15, 2018 by Betsy Bird
Maybe it was School of Rock that started the interest in working with children. Certainly the Goosebumps movie was an indication, and who can forget Jumanji? However you want to look at it, Jack Black at some point in the proceedings became the friendly face of children’s books adapted to the big screen. Considering the […]
October 11, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Good morning to you. While I’m off traipsing about the Illinois Library Association conference in bee-auteous Tinley, IL, why don’t you settle down for an informal smattering of Fusenews. Good for what ails ya. ok, let’s talk about Dr. Seuss says Grace Lin. Ms. Lin faced the full wrath of the masses when she […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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