100 Scope Notes
August 17, 2022 by Betsy Bird
By taking three photographers that shot the incarceration camps of WWII in three different ways, in today's book we get a well-rounded portrait of a government desperate to sell a bad idea to the American public under the guise of openness.
September 5, 2018 by Betsy Bird
Fox & Chick: The Party and Other Stories By Sergio Ruzzier Chronicle Books $14.99 ISBN: 978-1-4521-5288-2 Ages 4-7 On shelves now Have you ever sat down and looked at books meant to instruct children in the art of reading from the early 18th to 19th centuries? When Americans colonists first came around to the idea […]
October 21, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Her Right Foot By Dave Eggers Illustrated by Shawn Harris Chronicle Books $19.99 ISBN: 978-1-4521-6281-2 Ages 6 and up. Consider your country, America. Consider what our teachers have been charged to do. Facing a future where the children of America are inadequate in the realm of nonfiction, our educators have been told to get them […]
March 13, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Charlie & Mouse By Laurel Snyder Illustrated by Emily Hughes Chronicle Books $14.99 ISBN: 978-1-4521-3153-5 Ages 6-9 On shelves April 11th Only the jaded should write reviews of children’s books. Oh, it makes sense! Think about it. Children’s books are where the saccharine and overblown and overbearing go to die. Things that wouldn’t cut it […]
September 21, 2016 by Betsy Bird
They All Saw a Cat By Brendan Wenzel Chronicle Books $16.99 ISBN: 978-1-4521-5013-0 Ages 4-7 On shelves now It’s funny. Unless you’re a teacher or librarian, a grown adult that does not work or live with children will come into very little contact with picture books. Then, one day, they produce a few kids and […]
February 9, 2016 by Betsy Bird
The Sandwich Thief By Andre Marois By Patrick Doyon Chronicle Books $14.99 ISBN: 978-1-4521-4659-1 Ages 7-9 On shelves March 1st Injustice, that sweet universal quality, makes for great children’s books. Whether it’s a picture book or a young adult novel, if you can tap into a reader’s sense of unfairness you have yourself some children’s […]
January 2, 2015 by Betsy Bird
It’s a new year but the librarian previews just ah-keep on coming. Generally you’ll read my previews of “The Big Six/Five” (they haven’t really gone down to a proper five yet, but it’s coming). My heart always belongs to the little guys, though. The folks who aren’t necessarily located in NYC. Folks like Chronicle Books, […]
April 3, 2014 by Betsy Bird
This is it! We’ve officially begun! Here is, without a doubt, the very first Librarian Preview of the Fall 2014 season. I’m so thrilled to be presenting it in its full unaltered glory. Chronicle Books, that plucky little Californian publisher, has really made a name for itself in the past few years. And now, with […]
January 14, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Everybody Paints! The Lives and Art of the Wyeth Family By Susan Goldman Rubin Chronicle Books $16.99 ISBN: 978-0-8118-6984-3 Ages 9-12 On shelves February 4th For years it was my pleasure to work in the New York Public Library’s Central Children’s Room, located in the Donnell Library. The Central Children’s Room was the crown jewel […]
November 19, 2013 by Betsy Bird
It’s official. Should I happen to leave New York City for any reason (I’ve been saying I would for years, but it’s gotta happen someday) and I work for a publisher I want to work for Chronicle Books. No, really. I don’t what it is about them, but I get a really good vibe off […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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