100 Scope Notes
June 2, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Hey there, hi there, ho there, mouseketeers! Ain’t the weather lovely out there? Ain’t the politics insane? Don’t you want to forget about it for a second or two and indulge in some children’s literature news? Well now you can! I’ve some interesting tidbits for your consumption. Behold the following: I don’t know about […]
October 3, 2016 by Betsy Bird
Serving on award committees is a time-honored tradition amongst children’s librarians. The award ceremonies that come after? Gravy. This past weekend I was delighted to attend the Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards Ceremony, the Horn Book at Simmons Colloquium, and the presentation of the Scott O’Dell Award all in one fell swoop. To do this I […]
September 16, 2016 by Betsy Bird
Fast fast, like lightning, fast! It’s a Fusenews round-up of epic quickie proportions! First up, my buddy Warren Truitt used to work with me in the Central Children’s Room of New York Public Library. Then he moved to Alabama. He’s kept busy, since that time with a long-term personal project. This one man machine […]
June 6, 2016 by Betsy Bird
Happy Monday to you! You want the goods? I’ve got the goods. Or, at the very least, a smattering of interesting ephemera. Let’s do this thing. First and foremost, you may have noticed the Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards were announced. The BGHB Awards are some of the strangest in the biz since they encompass […]
May 31, 2016 by Betsy Bird
Me? I spent it in Vermont. The rolling green hills. The bears and red squirrels and little tiny insects that think your left nostril is a house and home. The lovely company, particularly when you’re deciding the 2016 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award winners. Yup. Alongside fellow committee members Roxanne Feldman and Joanna Long (she of […]
July 7, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Dwell not on the fact that you were unable to attend the Newbery/Caldecott Banquet whilst your fellows caroused to all hours of the night (or so I assume . . . I left when I felt sleepy, party animal that I am). Now you can feel like you were there in the supple flesh all […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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