The Yarn
October 24, 2017 by Betsy Bird
We start with the Me Stuff, and then it’s all downhill from there, as they say. First up, I’m slated to be in NYC this weekend! *enter noisemaker sound here* Yup! It’s Bookfest time at the Bank Street College of Education and this guy is gonna lead a discussion on humor with Jon Scieszka, […]
October 1, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Are you ready to be scared? Because I don’t know about you but I find this new adaptation of Peter Rabbit for the screen to be absolutely terrifying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6c_uFAvouQ What’s rather remarkable is how they managed to avoid poop jokes. Normally awfully trailers are just rife with them. Now there is a distinct possibility that […]
July 23, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Over at Read-Aloud Revival they hosted two of my favorite people in conversation. Honestly if you could just give Jeanne Birdsall and N.D. Wilson their own talk show, I would be first in line to be in the studio audience. Here’s how they described this talk at Anderson’s Bookshops: Jeanne and N.D. are good friends, […]
June 2, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Hey there, hi there, ho there, mouseketeers! Ain’t the weather lovely out there? Ain’t the politics insane? Don’t you want to forget about it for a second or two and indulge in some children’s literature news? Well now you can! I’ve some interesting tidbits for your consumption. Behold the following: I don’t know about […]
August 2, 2016 by Betsy Bird
Here’s the thing about Minh Lê. He doesn’t blog terribly often, but when it does it just sort of explodes like an atom bomb on the scene. His Hamilton starring Elephant and Piggie . . . sheer brilliance. I’m just mad I didn’t think of it myself (not that I could ever have paired the […]
April 24, 2016 by Betsy Bird
So many good videos to choose from today! First and foremost, I begin with a very special message from Jon Scieszka. It seems you still have two days to vote in the Children’s Book Choice Awards and . . . well . . . Jon would really like your kids to do so. Seriously. I […]
April 18, 2016 by Betsy Bird
It’s happened to us all. You hear that one of your favorite books for kids or teens is being adapted to the silver screen and you are struck with a simultaneous feeling of hope and fear. You go to see it and it’s even worse than you imagined. Then you leave the theater and realize […]
August 19, 2014 by Betsy Bird
The advantage of having a bookstore in the library is when it has a tendency towards brilliance. Take this recent list the employees of the Schwarzman Building of NYPL came up with. I can take no credit for this. It’s just smart stuff (and very useful for my ordering as well). With mild tweaks on […]
August 12, 2014 by Betsy Bird
[SPOILER ALERT: This whole review pretty gives away every plot point in both the book and film versions of The Giver. Abandon ship all ye who wish to remain surprised.] On Sunday night I had an extraordinary experience. I was sitting in a theater, just about to watch Guardians of the Galaxy, and seeing what […]
June 29, 2014 by Betsy Bird
No time to dilly-dally, people! We’ve most of our peers and betters living it up in Las Vegas. Let’s soothe our sorrows of not attending ourselves in some lovely videos then, eh whot? First off, you may have known that there was a recent Boston Children’s Book Trivia Night. But did you know there was […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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