Good Comics for Kids
June 29, 2018 by Betsy Bird
As we all know, critical interpretations of book jackets are entirely subjective. What I might like, you might find appalling. What I abhor, you might find sweet. That said, is there any feeling in the world quite as frustrating as reading a marvelous middle grade novel, only to discover that the book jacket doesn’t do […]
February 27, 2018 by Betsy Bird
When I lived in New York City, publishers were a dime a dozen. Big publishers, little publishers, a whole slew of them are located in Manhattan (with a couple in Jersey and a few in Brooklyn). You get jaded when you live there. Then you move away and it’s a whole new ballgame. Oh, you […]
January 12, 2018 by Betsy Bird
Science Alert, people. New Study Shows It Does Matter Which Books You Read to Your Baby: Not all stories are equal when it comes to development. Naturally I read that and immediately wanted a listing of books that were good for babies. It’s not that kind of article (dang) thought it does namecheck those old […]
October 2, 2015 by Betsy Bird
I was walking the stacks yesterday, minding my own business, when this book catches my eye: I stare at it for a moment. It looks remarkably familiar for some reason, though I know I’ve never seen it before. Then it hits me: Barbara O’Connor fan that I am, I remember really adoring this cover when […]
August 10, 2015 by Betsy Bird
I think I’m getting the hang of this whole living-in-Evanston thing. All moves take adjustment, but you know the one thing that makes a transition smoother? Finding a great new bookstore. I was wondering the streets of downtown Evanston when I saw this sign advertising a bookstore down an alley. And while alley walking isn’t […]
April 13, 2015 by Betsy Bird
The weather! She has warmed here in NYC! The crocuses and daffodils and purple flowers that I can never identify are blooming in my front yard. The birds are singing and there are buds on the trees. Tis spring spring spring! To celebrate, we begin today with a poetic celebration of baseball (a very spring […]
December 11, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Consider, if you will, the strange relationship that exists between a book jacket created in America vs. a book jacket created in the United Kingdom. Both are appealing to an audience that speaks primarily English. But the perception of what will sell/appeal in one country can vary widely from that of another. Over the years […]
August 6, 2014 by Betsy Bird
As per usual there are some Wild Things links I’d love to share today. Lemme see here . . . Well we got a real stunner of a review over at Chapter 16. That’s some good and gorgeous stuff going down there. Phil Nel called us “Punchy, lively, and carefully researched.” The blog The […]
June 21, 2014 by Betsy Bird
First up, my little sister. My daughter recently had her third birthday so my sis came up with a craft involving what she calls Do It Yourself Cupcakes. Each cupcake sported a teeny tiny cover of one of my child’s favorite books. Then we took them to her daycare where she delightedly set about pointing […]
May 29, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Here we are on the cusp of summer. It always surprises me when the weather gets warm and yet the kids are still in school here in NYC. Still, they’ll be out soon enough, running into my libraries with their summer reading lists clenched in their hot little hands. Here in New York City each […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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