A Most Beautiful Reveal of The Most Beautiful Thing: Cover Reveal and Interview with Kao Kalia Yang
|"You have the most to learn from the perspectives that are hardest to find in the world." For today's cover reveal, American Hmong author Kao Kalia Yang discusses the story behind her remarkable and beautiful upcoming picture book The Most Beautiful Thing, and how intersectionality informs her writing.
Humor, hijinks, and activism? Must be today's President's Day book jacket reveal.
Ladies and germs, it is with great pleasure, that I present to you, not only a view of the first Levine Querido title, but also an excerpt from the book itself. Coming to you August 25, 2020 . . .
Today, I am happy to announce that Phoebe Wahl has an author/illustrated title on the horizon by the name of The Blue House. Touching on the subject of housing insecurity, it manages to be both homey and realistic. Ms. Wahl was kind enough to speak with me about the title, showing why it's an important contribution to today's literary landscape.
Now THIS sound interesting. On the heels of Christian Robinson's Another, (which received five starred reviews and a New York Times Best Illustrated Award) his next solo project is waiting in the wings. Called YOU MATTER, it goes on sale on May 5, 2020. What's it about?
Today we're revealing Kristin L. Gray's upcoming middle grade novel THE AMELIA SIX. But before we get to all that, let's talk a bit to Kristin herself about the book, speedcubing, Amelia Earhart's work with Syrian immigrants, and the difficulty level of writing middle grade mysteries (of which we never have enough).
Here's a new idea. Let's see what you think of it. We're all familiar with "blog tours" at the moment. Heck, I'm hosting one today. The "blogger blitz" is a little different. Essentially, a publisher takes a high quality author (say, one Remy Lai of the magnificent 2019 release Pie in the Sky) then, instead of releasing their new cover on a single site, does so across the internet on a plethora of them. Today, I am one of a hoard.
I can't just do a cover reveal of a title without getting the lowdown on the book in question. So I shot some questions in Anne Nesbet's general direction and she was happy enough to oblige me with answers.
Angela Johnson has more than forty books to her name and she can write the gamut from board books to YA. This year, she's giving us a poem-turned-book called A Girl Like Me, with illustrated photography by Nina Crews. Naturally I'd like to show you the cover, but first I had some questions for the creators.
The starry-eyed montane tree frog. The mutable rain frog that goes from smooth to spiny. The pebble toad that has a unique method of escaping predators. All this and more I discuss with my special guests, even as I reveal their latest book jacket.