You won't see me putting these books on any of the straight-up Nonfiction lists for 2023, but I want you to acknowledge how nicely they do the job of making their subject matter bright, fun, and always always interesting.
These days, kids say "comics" and "graphic novels" interchangeably and maybe it's time for adult to do the same. Today, we look at those comics and gns that stood out this year.
Today there are creepy novels, high fantasy world-building titles, comics, early chapter books, and even the odd spate of magical realism thrown in for spice. Every last one? Worth a kid's time.
We see so little science fiction in a given year that I just feel an overwhelming urge to sing its praises. And today I'm getting ready to belt one out.
Some of these books you will know, but I guarantee that there will be at least one on this list that is new to you. Humor me. You're gonna love 'em.
BOTH easy books and early chapter books are the hardest types of titles to write for kids. That's why it gives me so much pleasure to present you today with this incredible list of really and truly magnificent examples of the form.
Today's crop of books push envelopes. Try new things. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they fail, but they are never boring.
There just aren't a lot of poetry collections out there. Fortunately, from the few that do exist, I've seen some really lovely stuff. Here's a selection of some great books.
Today I am saluting these little hero books. They not only took on the challenge of eschewing written communication, but they did so successfully and with aplomb. We should all be so talented.
A show of hands. How many of you consider this your favorite list? If so, I've good news for you. 2023 was a PARTICULARLY strong year in this category. Enjoy!