Time to take a peek at a large array of Fall 2023 titles! It's the first part in our multi-part series, considering the upcoming lists from a slew of publishers!
A sneak peek at three titles coming out from one of the newest children's book imprints in town.
The third in our series on small publishers and what they have coming out in the Spring of 2023.
It's part two in our exploration of what some of the smaller publishers have on the docket for Spring 2023. Find yourself a gem.
Snails, nomads, Vikings, sushi, karaoke, and more! It's the first part in our Spring 2023 series, looking at what some of the smaller publishers have coming out.
The final preview is at last here! Witness the final titles that make Fall 2022 look good.
Today we continue to look at four small publishers and what they'll have on offer in the Fall of 2022.
This preview of a host of smaller publishers continues! And at the rate I'm going I should probably be able to get these done before fall is actually here.
Today we examine Fall 2022 books coming out from Diamond Book Distributors, Floris Books, and Flowerpot Press.
Part Two in our ongoing series of titles coming out this fall from smaller publishers