Fairytales and folktales are like mushrooms. You have a general sense when they'll crop up but you never know quite where. Today, they're cropping up here.
Today, I celebrate not just the translated picture books that I've done in the past, but also translated board books, nonfiction, poetry, and more. Enjoy!
On today's round-up of some of the best wordless titles of 2021 we examine a fascinating collection of different styles, tastes, storylines, and methods. Put another way, some of my favorites of the year.
Come check out an array of photography. There are scientific texts and contemplations on age. There are bunnies, foxes, and baby chicks. Enjoy!
I think we all feel a little browbeaten by the books that prefer to thwack young readers bluntly over the head with their messages. These books, picture books and board books one and all, are more adept.
Each year I keep a keen eye out for math books. This year, it was hard to pick between them! Come for the numbers. Stay for the numerals.
Of the hundreds and hundreds of children's books that go out of print every year, only a small handful find themselves reprinted later. And of THOSE, only a very few make it to this list.
They're beautiful. Sublime. True award-winner quality . . . and they'll get bupkiss this year. Celebrate the beautiful books that don't fit our current Caldecott criteria.
Serious is easy. Making people laugh? That's a challenge that only a few take on. Let's reward the few then.
A plethora of delightful rhyming tales from 2021. From trees to pets, from monkeys to the invention of the traffic light, enjoy!