Today we consider a picture book that will convince you that while the state of the world may go up in flames shortly, at least the state of some contemporary and current picture books is just fine.
Serious is easy. Making people laugh? That's a challenge that only a few take on. Let's reward the few then.
"We actually got a note to tone down the teeth." Hijinks ensue when I interview my new favorite funny picture book creators. If you read one interview this year, read this one with Emma Hunsinger and Tillie Walden.
Everything you want to know (and more!) about chickens and prognostication. Two picture book legends join together to give us one of the silliest new books on record.
Folks, we live in an era of scam artists so if New in Town is just one of a million tiny answers to the question of how we create a new savvier generation, that’s good enough for me. An exceedingly clever, funny, eye-popping story about not falling for the words of silver tongued devils.
Exceedingly simple with an equally simple message (message: Don’t be rude and loud) you wouldn’t expect A Tree for Mr. Fish to be as wackadoodle as it is. And yet, here we are.
Smart fairytailing that’s tonally on point? More of this, please.
Writing, timing, art, and humor. What's not to love? One thing’s for certain, though. Kids absolutely adore it, and that’s not the kind of thing you can fake.
It’s a treatise on philosophy as it relates to young children. It’s about escaping the confines of yourself and reaching out to others. And, most importantly, it’s a cute baby chicken picture book where 95% of the action takes place inside an egg.
There wasn't a whole lot to laugh at in 2020, that's for sure. Yet a great big list of wonderfully funny picture books came out, and here are some of the best. A bit of much needed levity for the year.