I can’t pinpoint what it was that made me think of this. In this day and age with children’s picture book characters appearing as television and movie characters every other minute, to say nothing of the new deals being made with the names of classics we all grew up with, it’s a lot easier to […]
Thanks to @doseofsnark for the link. Ah, Banned Books Week. It only comes but once a year (as opposed to banning books which appears to be a year long occupation). For the one stop shopping round-up everyone needs, bookshelves of doom has compiled just a top notch collection of links for the occasion. One of […]
Though I mentioned it yesterday, I was pleased as punch to discover the recent winners of the Society of Illustrator’s Original Art. The Gold? It went to a plucky (and very good) little nonfiction title by the name of Witches! The Absolutely True Tale of Disaster in Salem, both written and illustrated by Rosalyn Schanzer. […]
Full credit to my co-writer Jules at Seven Impossible Things for bringing my attention to this rather awesome new site. Uncovered Cover Art calls itself a sketchbook of “reimagined children’s books”. What that means is that artists are encouraged to submit their own interpretations of children’s book jackets. The hope is that industry insiders would […]
Things that I love: Blogging. My baby girl. Seattle. Two of those three things will be coming together on September 16th and 17th. That’s when the 5th (five already?) annual Kidlitcon will occur! It’s looking like a remarkable line-up as well with special keynote speaker YA author Scott Westerfeld and great presentations, as per usual. […]
Matt continues his husbandly duties, helping me out by blogging on topics that pertain to my world. Last week, if you’ll recall, he meddled with Harry Potter IV, V, VI, and VII. This week? A consideration of How to Train Your Dragon, both the book and the film, and how changes to the novel ended […]
The other day I spoke on the phone with author James Cross Giblin.
Well, that was satisfying. For those of you unfamiliar with the James Kennedy/Neil Gaiman “feud” (and I use that term loosely) this video may work best with a little background. You see, I first became acquainted with the YA author of The Order of Odd Fish when he wrote this remarkable screed entitled America, Emulate […]
You know what? Skip everything I’ve ever suggested about visiting the Bologna Book Fair. Airflights take a lot of time. Your sleeping schedule gets off. And then there’s all that walking. Phew! It’s enough to exhaust you just thinking about it. No no, far better to just watch this little video created by Bart Moeyaert. […]
I guess that there’s a mild irony to the fact that while I’ll write up anyone’s literary event if I’m able to attend, if I help to throw the darn things myself then suddenly I clam up. For example, with the possible exception of the blogger panel I had two years ago, I don’t think […]