Exclusive Cover Reveal and Q&A: Cabin Head and Tree Head with Scott Campbell
There are some books that you read and midway through you realize that you are reading for the very first time a title that will now be counted amongst your favorites for the rest of your life. That was my experience reading Cabin Head and Tree Head. Now it’s not coming out until September 16th, but I’m excited about this book NOW so NOW we will talk about it!
Written by Scott Campbell, the book exhibits an incredible friendship between two little creatures that live in a world where everyone sports something on its head. Our heroes have a cabin and a tree (with little people that occasionally show up on both) but in their world there are all KINDS of heads! Library Head (woohoo!). Garden Head. The somewhat unfortunate Outhouse Head. If I’m having a hard time explaining the book, that’s simply because it’s almost too delightfully weird to encapsulate. Here’s what the publisher says about it instead:
“Jump headfirst into the hilarious world of renowned creator Scott C. in this graphic novel series featuring a best friend duo like no other! It’s Frog and Toad meets Bill and Ted for a new generation of readers and best buddies of all ages.
Book 1 includes 6 laugh-out-loud adventures in a universe where everyone is a Head! Includes bonus content: Storytime with Library Head, Pool Party with Pool Head and Drawing Time with Box of Crayons Head.
Whether drawing or hiding or just saying HELLO or BYE BYE, Cabin Head and Tree Head are irresistible buddies who have fun together, support one another’s ideas (digging for treasure without a map) and help one another overcome challenges (bad leafcuts!). These are lighthearted tales of two pals who think differently — and entirely embrace it — set in a wonderfully off-the-wall world of equally unforgettable characters such as Automobile Head, Volcano Head and Trash Can Head. Readers of all ages will laugh their heads off and fall head over heels for these goofy, good-natured pals.”
Today I have the great delight in getting to speak to Scott Campbell himself about this book. You may recall Scott from his Great Showdowns series. Or maybe you’re more familiar with some of his picture books (Hug Machine was always my personal favorite). But Scott hasn’t had a children’s book out since 2019. That all changes this year.
Now recently Scott’s been having to deal with the evacuation situation in Los Angeles. Even with everything that’s been going on, he took the time to answer my questions today and for that, I thank him profusely. So let’s talk to Scott about this delightful book, and at the end you’ll get to see the book cover for yourself:
Betsy Bird: Scott! Words cannot convey how excited I am about not simply your return to the world of children’s books, but also this book specifically. CABIN HEAD AND TREE HEAD is everything I would want from a Scott Campbell graphic novel. It’s weird. It’s sweet. It’s funny. It’s weird. Did I mention it’s weird? Basically, it’s the book we need in 2025. So just to start us off with a loaded question, where the heck did this book come from precisely?

Scott Campbell: I am so happy that you like it! Thank you for these kind words. It is certainly a strange world. I first started writing stories about these Heads back in the late 2000s when I was brainstorming for a comic anthology. I thought these drawings of happy little characters with items on their heads looked pretty funny and I was curious about what they did with their spare time. They had trees and houses and cars on their heads, but also little humans living up there. How would they feel about those little humans? They would probably love those little humans. I know I would love the little humans if I had them living on my head. But also, I would enjoy participating in other activities like digging holes and painting portraits.
BB: As far as I can determine, this is your first comic for kids. In the past you’ve done work on picture books, but that’s a different set of muscles entirely. Was this book always intended to be a graphic novel or was there ever a time when it could have been something else, like an early chapter book?
Scott: I have always loved comics, collecting them as a kid and had originally fantasized about a future drawing X-men comics. Sometime after college, my path shifted when I started getting interested in indie comics and began writing funny stories with my friends, making mini comics and tabling at conventions. I even had a webcomic for a number of years. So it feels nice to get back to this kind of storytelling. I particularly enjoy watching dialogue breathe in panel form like this. This is the first real venture into comics intended for kids, but I feel like my work has always been geared towards kids as much as adults. Through the years, I considered turning this world of Heads into picture books or chapter books, but I am happy to be making stories in the fashion they were originally intended.
BB: Tell us a little bit about how the book changed from its early inception to its final form. As it currently stands you have six main stories and three additional bonus stories. Was that always the case? Were there any stories that had to get cut?

Scott: A collection of little stories made the most sense with the energy of the characters of this world. I like to riff out many little ideas to take the pressure off brainstorming, so I think I riffed 100 or so little loglines that I had to pare down in order to choose which ones to develop. I enlisted friends to help me choose. There are definitely stories that were cut, but with the intention that we could see them again in future books. As we get to know these characters, the best stories will hopefully begin to reveal themselves as wanting to be told. I have no idea which characters will resonate with readers once this book is out. I know Tara, my wonderful editor, really likes this character called Little Brick Head who was just a character passing through a story, so we might need to give this little buddy more screen time in future books. That is why I love the little backmatter stories in the book — because we get to spend time with some of the background characters like Library Head and Box of Crayons Head.
BB: Very much along those same lines, was there anything you had to remove from the book that made you a little sad? A Head who didn’t quite gel, perhaps?
Scott: Any Head that did not make the cut will hopefully have their time in the sun in future books, so I was never too sad. There are just too many Heads to pack in there! I want to get to know them all!

BB: Aww. I love that no Head is ever truly cut. And you already hinted at this, but any chance for more Cabin Head and Tree Head in our future? (Note: Please please please say yes).
Scott: YES YES YESSSS. Cabin Head and Tree Heads forever until the end of time. This is my plan.
BB: YESSSS! Good answer! Finally, what else are you up to these days? What else is on your plate?
Scott: Well, I am already working on the second book, so that is a thrill. I also have some art exhibitions coming this year, including a sort of retrospective in New York in June. I also have this ongoing online series called the Great Showdowns that I have been doing for many years which are just memorable little moments of tension from the world of film. I will probably help out my friends at Double Fine Productions doing concepts for their upcoming games when I can. But mostly MAKING MORE BOOKS!
Ah. Such a great guy. Such a great book too.
And your patience shall be rewarded. Here is the cover:

Big thanks to Scott for taking the time to answer my questions during such a dire time in L.A. Thanks too to Evan Munday and the team at Tundra/Penguin Random House Canada for helping to put this all together! Cabin Head and Tree Head is out September 16th, so look for it then!
Filed under: Best Books, Best Books of 2025, Cover Reveal, Interviews

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Had heard of this book until now, but it’s probably the new release I am most excited for. Holy moley does this sound fun.
Holy moley it IS fun! You have excellent taste in selecting this as your preferred new release.