Fuse 8 n’ Kate: 2019 Caldecott Contenders
Last year Kate and I discussed three potential Caldecott winners, and two later received medals. This year, Kate and I are discussing Dreamers, Blue, and We Don’t Eat Our Classmates. And as per usual, Kate brings up stuff I never considered before. Questions like, how exactly does Penelope Rex eat her classmates so quickly (does she unhinge her jaw?). What does “caminantes” mean? And does the guy in Blue rename his girlfriend’s dog? Kate has a violent reaction to one of the three books that I find deeply amusing. Then we find out that Frances from Bread and Jam for Frances was originally supposed to be a vole, and my mind. Is. Blown.
Listen to the whole show here on Soundcloud or download it through iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or your preferred method of podcast selection.
Show Notes:
– Actually Pete Seeger is Laura Vaccaro Seeger’s husband’s uncle, not her own. Uncle-in-law, let’s say.
– Here is the PW interview Yuyi Morales and Neal Porter that gave a lot of great background information to Dreamers.
– Here is the Horn Book interview with Laura Vaccaro Seeger that discussed Blue.
– And here is the PW interview with Ryan T. Higgins about We Don’t Eat Our Classmates.
– Tuna sandwiches with cheese?!? What ungodly creation is this? I mean, I hate to say it but if that’s what I had to eat every day at school, I might start looking at my classmates with an uncanny glint in my eye (if you know what I mean).
– I may have to make Shaking Fist Girl. My next avatar. That’s basically me.
– Kate was completely right, by the way. The Triceratops and T.rex were contemporaries. Here’s the article I was thinking of when I said the T.rex was farther from the Stegosaurus than we are from the T.rex (Kate found it for me).
– William Omoto thinks: This is my life.
– Kate’s new tattoo. I knew we were related in some way. Compare and contrast the two photos. Look at how he’s looking RIGHT at you at the end. Creepy.
– Walter is the true bully of the book. How else to explain the fact that he’s taken away her juice box?
– Kate and I are both captivated by the the mom’s dress in Dreamers. The question is, how would you make one of your own?
– The technique with the backward letters in this book reminded me of what Shaun Tan did with the letters in The Arrival.
– This reminded Kate of Love You, Forever. Puh-leeze.
– You can find the link to the Frances / Debbi Michiko Florence, Jasmine Toguchi series here, as spotted by Emily Schneider.
– Glynis Johns read all the Frances books?!? This is huge news!
– And here is Kate’s board game. Sadly, less one Madame Mim.
– Be sure to stay for Kate’s um-num-num-num-num.
Filed under: Fuse 8 n' Kate, Newbery / Caldecott Predictions

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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I have to say that I ONLY like tuna with a slice of cheddar cheese. Even better if it’s a layer of tuna and cheese on a saltine instead of on bread. Give it a try! 🙂
Tuna salad on a slice of bread, slice of cheese on top, then toasted to melt the cheese. Cut into triangles and served with tomato soup and fritos. Pretty good on a chilly day when you don’t want a cold sandwich for lunch.
Tuna and Kraft Singles will be the entree at the awards dinner.
Invoke it not!!!