Fuse 8 n’ Kate: Corduroy by Don Freeman
The gift giving season is upon us so it seemed appropriate to foist upon Kate that old tale of copious consumption and old-fashioned department stores (with just a touch of multiculturalism for spice). Yep! Corduroy it is! I find it very very important to begin this podcast by laying down the law on Marry, Kiss, Kill. Then we do Star Wars, and it pretty much goes from there. And yes. We’re both marrying Yoda.
This episode was brought to you by . . . Viola Davis.
Listen to the whole show here on Soundcloud or download it through iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or your preferred method of podcast selection.
Show Notes:
– Mr. Fancy Handwriting Guy.
– I am so right. There is no comic duo like Strega Nona and Anthony. NO ONE!
– Voila. Scary clown, demented rabbit (there are none in Alice Through the Looking Glass, but I wasn’t going to mention it), and the giraffe.
– Mom is so stylish and the girl’s jacket? Dude. I want that.
– I am very interested in your evidence as to whether or not Corduroy really does have agency, or if this is just in the girl’s head.
– Behold. The worst security guard in the world.
– THE CLOWN IS BACK!!! Corduroy, don’t sleep there!
– The fluctuating age of the nameless girl. And her oddly small bed.
– The two sequels to Corduroy are Don Freeman created a sequel, A Pocket for Corduroy, in 1978. In 2006, B. G. Hennessy created Corduroy Lost and Found as a sequel. And I don’t mention it but there were lots of unofficial Corduroy sequels, but I didn’t feel they were worth mentioning.
– #22 on the picture book poll was Corduroy!
– The wikipedia page for Corduroy.
– Woohoo! Today’s Special. This one goes out to all of you who watched it when I did on early Nickelodeon:
– Once you see it, you can never unsee it. The Corduroy television movie:
– The Saturday morning cartoon show!
– The bear’s mouth is not open, therefore . . . . hm.
– American Vandal. Here’s the trailer for the show I referenced.
– And for those few of you unfamiliar with it . . . Stranger Things.
Filed under: Fuse 8 n' Kate

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Admitting that I am TOTALLY BIASED because I share the human character’s name, this is definitely a “reread book” for me and it’s one of the few books of its length my preschool groups at the library have actually sat still for. So I think it’s got mesmerizing powers for little ones. I probably am one of the people who boosted it in your poll. 🙂
I remember my public librarian reading this at Preschool story time. My PreK kids now still love it. I have two copies in my school library and at least one is always out.