Back to Work (includes snappy socks)
They say all good things come to an end (“autumn leaves must fall”) and that goes for summer vacation and maternity leave. Yep, the kids are returning to the schoolhouse and I’m returning to work at New York Public Library. My baby girl *sob* is left in care of her daddy while I rejoin the land of the productive members of society. Pfui.
I only wish I had clothing appropriate for the occasion. There’s really not a standard Former Pregnant Woman outfit out there. The best I could find were these back to school socks instead. If I were a teacher I’d own these in a New York minute:
Thanks to Crooked House for the link!
Filed under: Uncategorized

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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I remember the day I went back to work after being at home with my first baby. My whole office looked different when I returned. Nothing physical about the space had changed (except the piles on the desk were taller) and everybody acted the same, but it all felt altered. You know, like when the husbands on Bewitched changed but nobody at Samantha’s house seemed to notice.
Or the daughter on Roseanne! I understand completely.
How about these socks?
I just went back to work from maternity leave and they rearranged and shifted all the books. I don’t know where anything is anymore!
I also had to buy a ton of new clothes because I only fit into some of my pre-pregnancy clothes. So we began the delicate dance of “how can I look professional, but not spend any money, because I’m not planning on these clothes fitting next year?”
When I came back from maternity leave it was so surreal. But it becomes more normal after a while.
Socks for you!
(They also have great shirts — I really want the Pigeon one that says on the back, “I have dreams, you know!”)
As a librarian in an iconic New York building might I recommend sky scraper socks:
I am overwhelmed by sock awesomeness. I may need to beat down the urge to splurge.
Betsy, the first few days back at work are going to be a bit crazy and weird. Might be a good idea to get Chinese takeout and call it a day:
Oh, that’s great that you can leave your baby with your husband! We did that, and it made such a difference in his fathering. When I was home, I was the one experienced with babies, so I was in charge. When my husband had time on his own with our son, he learned to trust his own instincts as a Dad. He parented differently than I did, but he was an awesome Dad.
He had a whole speech about “Don’t call me Mister Mom. Call me DAD.”
Best of all, I didn’t feel at all guilty leaving my son with him. I could enjoy getting out of the house!