Video Sunday: Trailer Bonanza
A little more than a year ago I conducted a Children’s Literary Salon at NYPL with a bunch of talented female graphic novelists of children’s literature (Colleen AF Venable (Hamster and Cheese), Raina Telegemeier (Smile), and Tracy White (How I Made it to Eighteen)). It was recorded for posterity (unlike most of my Salons) and that was the last I heard of it. Then the other day I find out from J.L. Bell on Twitter that it’s up and running on the NYPL website. Glory be, who knew! So if you’ve ever been curious as to what a Literary Salon consists of, have at it.
Again, this was yet another pretty darn good week for videos. Trailers abounded, and not just for movies. The big news of the week was that a Bill Joyce picture book had been turned into what may be the most cinematic picture book app we’ve seen yet. It’s called The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore and is so gorgeous, in fact, that I’m going to do something I’ve managed to avoid until now. I’ll buy it. Here’s why:
Thanks to Ben Rubin and Paul Schmid for the link!
On the book trailer side of things is this one for what I’m going to call the most anticipated fall children’s book of 2011, I Want My Hat Back:
And then on the actual movie world, two trailers were released this week. One gives me hope. The other . . . not so much. So on the hope side of things is this new, longer Tintin trailer. I was always convinced that Tintin could never be done well because who’s going to allow a kid like him to handle a gun onscreen? I never counted on CGI to save the day. I usually hate this style of animation but here . . . it kinda works because it acknowledges how cartoony it can be. Oddly, I could only find a trailer online that had French subtitles. Ah well.
Nice yes? Well retain that happy feeling because the other trailer released was a bit of a disappointment. I don’t know why Martin Scorsese got it into his head that the title “Hugo” sounds better than “The Invention of Hugo Cabret”. Plain old “Hugo” sounds very odd indeed. Then . . . well, see for yourself.
Here’s me beef. First off, I may be partly put off by the music of the trailer, which sounds like it was culled from the Because of Winn-Dixie soundtrack. Perfectly serviceable tune, but inappropriate for this kind of movie. Second, what we appear to be looking at is a trailer that makes the film look like Home Alone set in a French train station. Third, I never like Chloe Moretz, but that’s a personal thing. Doesn’t help matters any that they gave her lines in this trailer that seem awfully “gee willikers”. Now there are things I liked here as well. Jude Law as a dad is a good idea. They somehow found a kid to play Hugo that looks exactly like Selznick’s drawings, bags under his eyes and all (would that I could say the same for Ms. Moretz’s character). Ben Kingsley = brilliant. And if they refilm scenes to look like they came from old Melies films then I’ll forgive any and all sins (though Matt points out that Smashing Pumpkins already did exactly that).
In other news, recently some animation students at Kingston University were inspired to create short animated films of Salman Rushdie’s children’s novel Luka and the Fire of Life. This one was deemed the winner:
And if you’d like to see the runners-up, Zach Ellams, Moira Lam, Tim O’Leary, Sophie Powell created this one, Frank Burgess, Angus Dick, James Lancett, Ben Tobitt, Sean Weston made this one, and John Balallo, Jun Hyoung Chun, Katie Robson, Yao Xiang made this. Thanks to The Guardian for the info.
Finally for the final off-topic video of the day, this is from the documentary Dark Girls (more info here). This looks amazing. I wish I could see the film itself. The little girl at 2:17 will kill you.
Thanks to BB-Blog for the link.
Filed under: Videos
About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Colleen says
In regards to Hugo Cabret, I totally agree. It is fairly common, though, to use different music in the trailer if the film hasn’t been scored yet. I’m hoping that’s the case here. But really, with the font and the weird color temps, I feels like it’s trying too hard to be Harry Potter. The black and white of the book helped the story feel grounded, but the color in the film (I think it’s the blues that do it) feel like it’s trying to be a fantasy or fairy tale.
JMyersbook says
The extended clip from “Dark Girls” is amazing/horrifying/illuminating. Powerful. I was riveted. Thank you for sharing this.
Brooke Shirts says
The music in the “Hugo” trailer brought back painful memories of when they put Enya in the trailer for “Tuck Everlasting.” Shudder.
Oh, and “Dark Girls” just about made me bawl. Thanks so much for sharing, it looks amazing.
Karen Gray Ruelle says
LOVE the music for that I Want My Hat Back trailer. Is it Danny Elfman, d’you think? Sure sounds like it. Oh yeah, and the book looks great, too.
tanita says
I Want My Hat Back… kind of hilarious, that SOME animals refused to comment, ahem. Meanwhile, I had seen a shorter version of the Dark Girls trailer previously – I think the trailer is shattering; the movie just might kill me. And yet: every time I see The Doll Test, and children are still self-hating, without even knowing yet why… I think, “we still must keep bearing witness.”
Ed Spicer says
Loved watching the women in comics/graphic novel video. I laughed when you asked about the differences between women and men in comics–“What’s it like to be a female librarian?” I loved hearing about the perception of the hamster gender. The Dark Girls video is heart breaking; I am going to repost that one. It is important.