Happy 5th Birthday Little Bloggy Wog!
Five years ago, I had a notion. I’d read enough articles in SLJ to get an idea of what a blog was and could be. So on February 7, 2006 I started my own. Here’s what I said:
Yeah. That whole “a review a day” thing sort of ended when I realized that . . . well . . . that I’m not insane in the membrane. And I learned fairly fast not to use the term “kiddie lit” or even “kid lit” ever again, since it’s considered a dismissive term in academic circles.
Still and all, it was a start. And as I went I got more confident in my abilities to write and post thoughts on various children’s literary issues. Folks started to read me too, which was a bit of a shocker since I wasn’t entirely certain whether I myself believed half the things I posited.
I realized early on that I needed to have a “hook” to get people interested in the first place. Thus the Hot Men of Children’s Literature series was born. Now long defunct, HMOCL was what put this gal on the map. It was weird. It was different. It fell trippingly off the tongue. Folks have assumed that I stopped the series after some squeamish folks told me it was disrespectful. Not at all. The truth of the matter is that I started getting submissions from men . . . of themselves. And there is no way that I have ever found to tell a gentleman that he isn’t, as we say, hot. Nor the wives who submitted their husbands as well. It began to turn into a strange marketing tool, and that was just unpleasant. But in the beginning, it was pure and good. I maintain we’ll get a calendar out of it someday.
And generally speaking, people were incredibly kind to me. Check out this anonymous little gift that arrived in the mail when the blog was just two or three years of age:
Ain’t he sweet? He’s my little Fuseman and he guards the door to my office as we speak. Later it turned out that he was the product of illustrator Katherine Tillotson who harbors an enormous wealth of creativity.
I was also tapped in June of 2006 to fill in on the Newbery committee, in part because of the blog. You can read my old recap of that time here. At that time ALSC had not yet revised their rules regarding blogging, and Fuse #8 got more attention that it might have as a result. I pumped up the volume in October too when I posted a letter someone had written to me regarding the usefulness of SCBWI. That post got 66 comments, the most I’d had to date.
I had begun the blog on Blogger, which was a perfectly nice place to be. Yet in 2007 SLJ started wondering if I might want to blog on their site instead. It was a generous offer but I had many concerns. Would I own my own content? Would everything have to be vetted? What about my reviews? Would folks confuse the reviews I wrote on my SLJ blog with the official SLJ reviews out there? To each of these concerns, SLJ gave me a happy answer that pleased me considerably (yes, no, no). So it was that in June of 2007 I moved. For a time I kept the old Blogger site running as a place for my podcasts, but the sheer amount of energy a podcast took out of me sapped my energy down to a nub. From here on it, we’d be all SLJ blogging, all the time.
Since that move we’ve been a good fit for one another. I wrote my first post here and after we worked out a few kinks (remember the bouncing Atherton banner ad of death?) all was well. There have been a couple minor scandals since I arrived, most notably the Amazon VINE program (lesson learned: If you criticize a group with its own message board, you’re just asking for it). But generally speaking we’ve kept it low key, my blog and I.
Now there’s a new little arrival due in my home in June. My blog’s going to have to contend with its greatest challenge yet: A little Bird. I have faith that I’ll be able to balance them both, but it’ll mark a new shift in the blogging atmosphere, that’s for certain.
In the meantime, I’d like to thank those of you out there who have followed me since the beginning, and to also thank y’all who have joined along the way.
Here’s to at least another five years down the road!
Filed under: Uncategorized

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Name That LEGO Book Cover! (#60)
The Revenge of My Youth: Re Life with an Angelic Girl, vol. 1 | Review
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Take Five: February 2025 Middle Grade Novels
Congrats, you! You’re my slightly older blog sister, I always say, and I’ve loved watching you and learning from you along the way. You mention a lot of specific things, but if I may toss out a general statement about your blog: it’s consistently great, and it’s that consistency that I admire more than anything.
I look forward to whatever the next five years bring!
Oh, happy happy birthday!
And dibs on doing the photography for the HMOCL calendar. Kadir Nelson, James Kennedy, Jarrett Krosoczka, N.D. Wilson, Peter Sis . . .
Happy Number 5 to you Number 8! Have been enjoying your blog from the very beginning 🙂
Wow, it’s already been five? Congrats! I’ve enjoyed reading you over the years – always interesting, always informative. Here’s to another five!
Happy happy bloggie birthday! Here’s wishing for many more!
Y’all are sweet. I would buy you all a celebratory ice cream if I was able.
Happy Bloggity Birthday!!
And I would totally buy that calendar.
(lifts glass) Here’s looking at you, kid.
Happy Blog Birthday Betsy – I’ve enjoyed following through it all! 🙂 e
Happy Birthday, B. Bird.
I’m glad I joined in on the fun.
I know I’ve been reading since before HMOCL but I have no idea how I found you. It doesn’t matter–I’m glad I did.
Happy birthday!
Happy Blog Birthday Betsy!
Always a joy to be part of your world . . . thanks for sharing it!
Congrats indeedo n the 5 years! And I’m interested in your comment about kidlit being a term that you avoid – being a relative newbie on the block I hadn’t picked up on the dislike of this term – would be interesting to hear from others what they think about the term.
Happy birthday, Fuse #8! I joined the readers of this blog a little late in the game. Since then, this blog has been such an inspiration to me–both as a reader and writer. In fact, I wrote my first fictional picture book after reading the Top 100 Picture Books!
The day I stumbled on your blogger blog, you had written something snarky about a book (that I can’t stand but shall not name), and I’ve been reading daily ever since…
Happy Fuseday!
Happy Blog Birthday! =D
Congrats! “A little Bird”? That’s tremendous!!! Congrats on both!
Here’s a 2006 blurb that I remember fondly. 🙂 http://blogs.slj.com/bowllansblog/2006/03/27/whats-a-fuse-8-production-2/
Happy 5th Bday! Thanks for sharing all the great content with style over the years. And you’ve reminded me that my own blog’s fifth anniversary is coming up this month…where does the time go? To another great year!
Hurrah for Fuse #8!
Happy 5th birthday Fuse #8. Too many blogs are pure self-promotion vehicles, but you have provided a wide-range of detailed information and intelligent, fair (hey, sometimes snarky is fair) comment on the complex and often bizarrely strange world of children’s literature. Long may you reign!
Betsy–You’re definitely one of my go-to gals in the world of blogging. Happy 5th! Hope Baby Bird is doing well, kicking up a storm while awaiting a wealth of board books and a VERY practiced read-aloud mommy. I’m guessing Are You My Mother? will become a theme book in your household.
Happy Birthday Fuse 8. February is the birthday of “Check It Out” as well. I love reading your posts.
Wow, five years! I’ve been a follower since that fall (when I moved to Virginia). I was inspired to try my hand at blogging, mainly for the benefit of staff and patrons. Although I’m nowhere as good or dedicated, it’s been fun. I really appreciate your seasonal preview posts. I had to cut back on my blog reading some time ago, but I would never not read Fuse #8.
“The truth of the matter is that I started getting submissions from men . . . of themselves. And there is no way that I have ever found to tell a gentleman that he isn’t, as we say, hot. Nor the wives who submitted their husbands as well.”
This cracked me up, especially the wives submitting their husbands. You don’t want to go there.
Happy Blogiversary! I can’t believe it’s been five years! I’ve been following you the whole way 🙂
Five years. Are you sure it wasn’t just yesterday?
(Many happy returns!)
Happy blog birthday! FWIW, I see Fuse #8 shares a bday with Laura Ingalls Wilder and Charles Dickens.
I have really enjoyed the last 5 years and look forward to many more! Slainte!
Happy blog birthday! Your blog is an invaluable source of info, as well as smart, funny and an iddy biddy bit offbeat (in a good way). Congratulations, and I shall choose to see your appropriation of MY blog’s title as an homage and a sign of respect. 😉
Ah, if only I knew a cyber-method that would allow a little animated avatar to lurch in (a la Cat Ballou), sing “Happy Birthday to you/Happy Birthday to you/Happy Birthday, dear Frankie/Happy Birthday to you…” and then blow out the candles in honor of your blog! Thank you for all the pleasure you’ve delivered in these five years!
adding my heaps of birthday wishes on the pile. i wouldn’t be blogging myself were it not for the twin discoveries (on the same day!) as you and the seven imps. much praise, much love, much thanks.
Congratulations! Here’s to five more years!
Happy fifth, Fuse and Betsy! I have to say you’ve been an inspiration to me to start my own blog, mostly just because I need the writing practice in preparation for going back to school, but thanks are deserved all the same. So thanks for everything you do and provide for us, the heaps of reviews and the many. many laughs. Cheers!
Happy 5th, Betsy! I raise my coffee cup to you, and I can’t swear to it but I’m pretty sure that even the awful rendering of Mark Twain on that coffee cup is trying to smile. It’s hard to tell, though. It’s really a pretty awful rendering. But I’m sure if he could, he would send his congrats along as well. Many, many thanks for all that you do.
Yaaay! Happy 5!
Happy anniversary to the hardest-working woman in the children’s lit world–congratulations on this milestone!
Dear Betsy,
I believe I found your blog very early on. I remember being charmed and seeking you out at the NYPL. Your delightful posts have entertained and informed me for these (has it really been F-I-V-E??) years. Thanks for every bit. Warmest wishes, Katherine
Happy Blogiversary to one of the most useful and entertaining blogs out there!! My most fond memories are of my son and I logging in every morning, in great suspense, to see which book would be the next one in the Top 100 Children’s Novels. Those posts gave us so much joy and excitement, and such a tremendous wealth of knowledge about fabulous books. And we have read so many marvelous books because you recommended them, and you’re always right on target. Thank you so much for all of it, Betsy! Looking forward to more and more Fuse 8, plus Little Bird.
Happy Birthday to the great blog! I must confess that if it were not for you and your blog I probably wouldn’t be where I am today, and so I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am a lifelong fan.
PS- HEY! Does that Gregory K Pincus guy EVER SLEEP?! (Shaking miserly old fist in the air)
Congratulations, Betsy! I got hooked when you did the 100 Best Picture Books, and have stayed thanks to your always interesting content.
Thanks for the good-times. As I’ve said before, if you were to suddenly disappear from the face of the blogosphere my IQ would drop by 20 points. I get credit for brilliance that that I’ve leached from the Fuse.
Thank you for the two gigantic polls that filled a book nerds need for sporting events. If you never do another one you would have done enough – but please do another one, once the fledgling is toddling about.
I would love to see the list of wannabe Hot Men. I won’t hold my breath.
Ain’t nothin’ wrong with some Cypress Hill lyrics to celebrate a 5th birthday. Yes, indeedy. Happy 5th Birthday to you. I have enjoyed your posts since I found your blog over the summer. And I don’t know, but this advice from Elizabeth Burg in Escaping Into the Open has helped me as I try and write with little ones in my life: “In order not to cheat yourself, you have to make writing a high priority….But you have to live the rest of your life, too; you have to allow room for all that makes you you, for all that feeds you. In my mind, being more than a writer, means you’re more of a writer.” You’ll find that balance, I’m sure.
On my blog today I used the word “weblog.” I learned about them in 2004 and it took me four more years to find the courage to start one. I’m grateful for your words on Fuse #8, as well as your encouragement. You’re a wealth of interesting information.
Happy Birthday Fuse#8! This is my favorite blog in the world. It shocks me that it is only five years old– when I found it three years ago, it already seemed to be so AUTHORITATIVE, so GREAT, so LEGENDARY, that it MUST have been around for ages. I mean, I’ve been blogging– um, okay, posting things on the Internet– for SIX years– I can’t even DREAM of coming close to the awesomeness that is you and this blog.
I have several times regretting that I showed up too late for the Hot Men of Children’s Literature series. It makes me feel not quite a complete geek to be getting crushes on people like Mac Barnett if I know other people are celebrating their Hotness too.
Happy Bloggy Wog Day! What would we do without you? You rock!
Happy blog birthday, Betsy! A celebratory post and I STILL learn from you: I never knew “kidlit” was belittling! And here I’ve been saying it in the intro to my podcast! Doy! Thanks for all you do for …um…children’s literature!
Happy 5th blog birthday, Betsy. I’m virtually clinking your glass, wishing you at least another 5 years, too. I’ve learned so much from you.
In April 2009 I discovered your blog and since then I’ve been tuning in almost every day for news and reviews and homemade tattoos. I especially enjoy your storytime tips. Happy happy anniversary. Viva la Fuse!
Congrats, Betsy! I remember first hearing about your blog when I started working at Jefferson Market in 2006 and thinking, “WOW! This is completely awesome!” I’ve stopped and started my own blog a few times, but have been a faithful reader of Fuse#8 since the start. You are a HUGE inspiration. Some people may think blogging is easy, but you just make it appear effortless. You continue to inspire me to keep on blogging and get my kidlit, I mean Children’s Literature, thoughts out there. :–) You totally rock. Happy 5th Blogthday!
Happy birthday to your wonderful, groundbreaking and inspiring blog! The biggest goal in my life to to someday find a great book that you haven’t already blogged about months before. 🙂
And double congratulations at the expected “little bird.” That event will be life-changing in so many ways. Reading to your own is absolutely the best experience in the world (as long as they get to choose the book).
I am a recent addition to your flock, and I am always delighted to see what you focus on from day to day. I have tried to see archives of your blog, but I’m currently getting a 404 error (file not found). Is there anywhere, or any link, that would allow me to read blogs from your early years of blogging?
Also, if I haven’t said so already, thank you SO MUCH for blogging about “Good Egg.” It has now been used with something like 20 story time groups here, and the kids (and teachers) LOVED it. I shared my copy with a colleague, and a parent liked it so much she bought my colleague a gift copy when she bought a home copy for her toddler.
Thanks again!
Happy Blog-B’Day, Betsy! If I’d known, I’d have brought you a cake this morning!
Happy Birthday Betsy! I look forward to reading this blog everyday!
Congratulations, and all best wishes, Betsy. What an amazing library your Little Bird will have!
Happy birthday #8. I’ve loved your blog from the start. Love the depth of your reviews. Love the breadth of topics and creators and books you discuss. Love the interviews. Love the “red carpet” humor, the podcasts, etc. Love that you are so eclectic. I even like the controversy stirred up here every now and then. It keeps us on our toes.
When I first saw the title of your post, I assumed it was about Mike Jung’s blog! That Mike Jung. He’s all over the web.
Hearty congratulations, Betsy, on both the 5th blog birthday AND the little bird to come. Cheers!
I totally should have credited Mike Jung, you guys are right. I had originally called it Happy 5th Birthday Little Bloggy Woggy, then thought that sounded to weird.
You guys, as I may have mentioned before, rock. And Nora, if you relaunch my blog with a backslash at the end of the address (https://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production.com/) and then press the “Previous” link, you can read my other posts. However, if you want to see where it all began from 2006-2007, that would still be on http://fusenumber8.blogspot.com.
Happy #5, #8.
Way to blog, Betsy!
So I went back and read your VINE post, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the questions raised. I think Colleen Mondoor (among others) makes a profound point in noting the importance of separating consumer reviews from professional reviews. (She also rightly identifies professionals as reviewers who didn’t pay for the book.) Both kinds of reviews are incredibly valuable (frankly, I *prefer* consumer reviews for things like restaurants), but problems develop when you blur the two: am I reading an informed professional or an irate customer?
I am fine with professionals keeping their reviews off Amazon — let that site be all about consumer reviews. Instead, I wish professional book reviewers had their own site … we need a “Rotten Tomatoes” for books! If this already exists, will someone let me know?
Happy blog birthday, Betsy (a bit belated, but oh well!).
Belated Happy Blog Birthday, Betsy. Your blog is often one of the highlights of my day. Thanks for all your great posts!
Oh Elyzabeth,I love you !
you are first in my top 100 since 2000.
Happy blog birthday, Betsy! I love coming here…a place where we feel the love for kiddie lit. (what, is that really a no-no?). Seriously – this is just a wonderful, wonderful blog, especially for MG-minded people. Keep up the good work – I hope for a lot more than 5 more.