The Top 100 Children’s Novels Poll: Everything Else (Part One)
And so we reach the end of everything. Due to the sheer size of this list, I haven’t been able to change the formatting sufficiently. However, it’s readable to a large extent. And if you pick through it there are still some surprises. Three number 6 votes for The Silver Curlew by Eleanor Farjeon. The unexpected massive love for Carol Ryrie Brink. Some great quotes (read what Brooke has to say about Robin McKinley’s The Hero and the Crown). And I don’t think you’ll have much difficulty figuring out which ones the kids voted for. A reminder that if you find something with a great deal of points but that did not end up on the Top 100 list, that means it was due entirely to child votes and didn’t have the requisite two adult votes to crack the list.
Thanks again to everyone who participated. This was a delightful poll to do. Here’s hoping the next one (if there is a next one) is just as fun.
Down the Rabbit Hole by Peter Abrahams (#8) – 3 points
Ingrid is the perfect every day thirteen year old (not sleuth by design) stumbling onto a mystery and fumbling her way through it with wits and cunning. – Monica Ropal
Danny Dunn and the Anti-Gravity Paint, by Raymond Abrashkin and Jay Williams (#4) – 7 points
Danny Dunn, Invisible Boy by Raymond Abrashkin and Jay Williams (#9) – 2 points
I don’t think you can pay kids to read these books now. But back in the day I thought the technology was cutting edge! I was even a card-carrying member of the Danny Dunn fan club for many years. 🙂 – Kara Dean
Watership Down by Richard Adams (1972)
(#1)(#2)(#5)(#9) – 27 points
I read this four times before I was twelve. The adventure series to end all adventure series. I spent much of my fourth and fifth grade years pretending to be a rabbit. Maggi Idzikowski,Media Specialist, Allen Elementary School, Ann Arbor MI
The mother of all animal fantasy. This is a great book for kids who are ready for older, more sophisticated animal fantasy. – Vikki VanSickle –
Cam Jansen & the Mystery of the UFO by David Adler (#5) – 6 points
Arabel’s Raven by Joan Aiken (#10) – 1 point
Nightbirds on Nantucket by Joan Aiken (#8) – 3 points
I know that if any of Joan Aiken’s books make the list it will be The Wolves of Willoughby Chase. But I didn’t actually read that one until I was an adult, so my heart is with the third title in the series, but the first one I read. – Clarissa Cooke
Serial Garden by Joan Aiken (#6) – 5 points
I think this is the best of the various Joan Aiken short story collections and I’m so thrilled it made the finals for the Cybils this year! Jennifer Wharton, Youth Services Librarian, Matheson Memorial Library
Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott (#8)(#10) – 4 points
Desert island top pick (I actually have 2 top picks, but the other one is an adult novel). Rose has been recently orphaned, and after 13 years of being an only child, has been sent to live on Aunt Hill where she finds six aunts and seven boy cousins. They rough her up, she calms them down. One of Alcott’s best, I think. – Rebecca Fabian, Children’s Department Manager, Odyssey Bookshop, South Hadley, MA
Little Men by Louisa May Alcott (#3)(#5) – 14 points
FAR superior to it’s much-acclaimed sister and possibly the reason I became an educator. – Stephanie Howell , Lower School Librarian , Carolina Day School , Asheville, NC
The Arkadians by Lloyd Alexander (#4) – 7 points
The Black Cauldron, by Lloyd Alexander (#2)(#5)(#8)(#8) – 21 points
The trickiest part of this exercise was choosing just one entry out of my favorite series. If it were allowed, #2 on my list would be all of the Chronicles of Prydain. – Rachael Vilmar
Hard to pick just one in the series, but this is the one that sticks with me. – Sarah Flowers
The Castle of Llyr by Lloyd Alexander (#5) – 6 points
I loved the whole series, but this one had a lot of Eilonwy of the red-gold hair and I thought I was her. – Kathy Jarombek, Head of Youth Services, Perrot Memorial Library, Old Greenwich, CT
Taran Wanderer by Lloyd Alexander (#1)(#3)(#6) – 23 points
Welsh folktales, coming of age, breaking down the ideals of the aristocracy. Even though the Prydain chronicles do contain prophesy, this one’s still a great antidote to all sorts of "chosen one" type prophesies. – Miriam Newman
Though The Black Cauldron was a Newbery Honor Book, and The High King a Newbery Medal winner, Taran Wanderer has always been a personal favorite, for its strong arguments about the nature of nobility, honor, and identity itself. Though the reader misses the lightening voice of Princess Eilonwy, Alexander makes up for her loss by providing a haunting mournfulness, even as the events and adventures add up. – Mark Flowers, John F. Kennedy Library, Vallejo, CA
Prince Jen by Lloyd Alexander (#7) – 4 points
Time Cat by Lloyd Alexander (#10) – 1 point
This title is why I included authors on the list. This is the only one where people may not immediately know the author. Island of the blue dolphins may have introduced most kids to Hist Fic. This introduced me to Historical Fiction. I remember being grabbed by the immediate notion that History is loads of fun. This has been a lifelong interest and all due to Time Cat. I know I will likely be the only one to nominate this, but at least I want it nominated! Joan L. Raphael, Youth Collections Librarian, San Diego Public Library
Kit’s Wilderness by David Almond (#6) – 5 points — story stayed with me a very long time, caused a vivid nightmare – Chris Vollmer, Librarian/ITL/Lit. First Coordinator, Browning School, Milwaukee, WI
Skellig by David Almond (#7)(#8)(#8)(#9)(#9) – 14 points
My list skews towards "classics," I think, but this one is a modern classic. Just the right blend of fantasy/realism. A brilliant reworking of The Secret Garden, in some ways. –Libby Gruner
dreamy, magical and just a bit creepy—crossed some new territory and opened up new ones – Priscilla Cordero, Ocean County Library, Toms River, NJ
5. Before We Were Free by Julia Alvarez (#5)(#9) – 8 points
Gripping account of events that in some ways echoed the unrest in the US at that time – Mary Ann Rodman
Return to Sender by Julia Alvarez (#8)(#9) – 5 points
4. May Bird and the Ever After – Jodi Lynne Anderson
Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson (#4) – 7 points
Whales on Stilts M.T. Anderson (#3)(#7) – 12 points
Oh, I’m loving this. Funniest concept since Howie Monroe and the Doghouse of Doom. If the Spouse wrote a parody of children’s series books, it would be this book. I recommend it to adults who’ll laugh at jokes about the British invasion and David Bowie’s eyes. – Kaethe Douglas
The Underneath by Kathi Appelt (#2)(#3)(#9) – 19 points
The minute I was through the first chapter I knew there was something wonderful about this book. The writer’s craft is extraordinary, and weaves together light and dark story elements so that you’re never left without hope. – Susan Eley, Hillside School Librarian, Mt Laurel, NJ
Home of the Brave by Katherine Applegate (#3)(#7)(#8) – 15 points
5. Armstrong, Alan — Whittington
The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot (The Three Investigators) by Robert Arthur (#7) – 4 points
I do hope that some of your voters submit some of the series books. Nancy Drew, etc. I have to say, I know these won’t make the top 100, but much as I tried to drop it from the list, it wouldn’t go lower than #7. I wanted to put the whole Three Investigators series, but kept it to one title so as not to be disqualified. This was book two in the series. Brilliant! The cleverness of the plot, the suave villian, it was a terrific mystery, it was a treasure hunt, it was scary and adventuous. This is the book I read when I have a cold. Interestingly, amid all the Benedict Society and Liar cover uproar, when I was a kid, it really bothered me that the cover artist for this didn’t get the kids right. – Schuyler Hooke
Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard Atwater (#5)(#7)(#8)(#9)(#9)(#10)(#10)(#10)(#10) – 21 points
A personal indulgence because this is the first laugh-out-loud book "exaggeration" book from my childhood. – Donna Carey, Chattanooga, TN
The ridiculous events described in serious detail tickle my funny bone on every re-reading. – Faith Brautigam, Director of Youth Services , Gail Borden Public Library District, Elgin, IL
Crispin: Cross of Lead by Avi (#9)(#9) – 4 points
Poppy by Avi (#3) – 8 points
The Search for Delicious by Natalie Babbitt (#8) – 3 points
The Prince of Fenway Park by Julianna Baggott (#9)(#10) – 3 points
10. Pony in a Pumpkin Patch by Ben Baglio
The Story of A Bad Boy by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (#10) – 1 point
Dragon Kiss by E.D. Baker (#7)(#7)(#7) – 12 points
Dragon’s Breath by E.D. Baker (#2)(#2)(#2) – 27 points
The Dragon Princess by E.D. Baker (#6)(#6)(#6)(#8) – 18 points
The Frog Princess by E.D. Baker (#1)(#1)(#1)(#2)(#2)(#3) – 56 points
No Place for Magic by E.D. Baker (#4)(#4)(#4) – 21 points
Once Upon a Curse by E.D. Baker (#3)(#3)(#3) – 27 points
The Salamander Spell by E.D. Baker (#2)(#5)(#5)(#5) – 27 points
Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett (#4)(#7)(#7)(#9)(#9) – 19 points
As I said, love a good mystery, and this is a goodie. Winning young heroes, too. – Monica Ropal
I credit Chasing Vermeer with getting me interested in reading kids’ chapter books as an adult – it felt so new to me. Sure, the story is great and the journey of the characters is exciting (and wonderfully tied to the art world), but the puzzles integrated throughout the story and illustrations put this one over the top for me. – Amy @ Media Macaroni
The Wright 3 by Blue Balliett (#2) – 9 points
2. Sisters Eight Bk 3: Georgia’s Greatness (Sisters Eight) Lauren Baratz-Logsted: Both my daughters love this new series starring eight eight-year-old sisters, mystery, adventure, and a huge dose of humor. The Huit sisters live in an unusual house, shared with eight unusual cats. In the way of multiples, the sisters find ways to distinguish themselves from one another, and Baratz-Logsted has done a brilliant job of imagining the conflicts and the joys of sisterhood. The set-up allows for each sister to discover a new and unexpected capacity within herself. Georgia’s turn to learn something new. More villains, more adventure, more fun. Highly recommended to fans of The Penderwicks, Nancy Drew, Scooby Doo, and any child who’s ever thought about what it would be like without those parents around. – Kaethe Douglas
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie (#4)(#7)(#8)(#9) – 16 points
I don’t think I have have to explain this one! – Sally Engelfried
When I finally read the actual Barrie book as an adult, I was mad — truly upset — that I had ever been exposed to another version prior. The book is brilliant – I was in love – Aaron Zenz
Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson (#4)(#8)(#10) – 11 points
Peter is a real boy, an orphan, happening upon the greatest adventure that will change his young life forever. Loved the Dave Barry whimsy twisted with Ridley Pearson’s touch of danger. – Monica Ropal
Who knew Dave Barry could write a children’s book??? I read this book with complete amazement as the intricate story lines came together. I loved these characters immediately and was fascinated by the back story of such a beloved classic. I enjoyed reading this series, but the audio version with Jim Dale narrating is really the way to experience Peter & friends. (Then again, wouldn’t we all just about listen to Mr. Dale read the phone book?) – Kim Hall (aka klonghall)
Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer (#8)(#9) – 5 points
Sticks by Joan Bauer (#5) – 6 points
On My Honor by Marion Dane Bauer (#2)(#7) – 13 points
Thwonk by Joan Bauer (#8) – 3 points
One of my favorite authors at her best… and it’s funny. (Powells lists this as children’s…) – Sharon, The Head Chick in Charge,
The Marvelous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum (#9) – 2 points
Ozma of Oz by L. Frank Baum (#5) – 6 points
I love this story best of all the Oz stories, from Dorothy’s plucky common sense to the first appearance of Tik-Tok the Clockwork Man, the story is full of the logic, magic, and sly humor that characterizes the first truly American fairy tale genre. Jennifer Wharton, Youth Services Librarian, Matheson Memorial Library
Tumtum and Nutmeg: Adventures Beyond Nutmouse Hall by Emily Bearn (#1) – 10 points
10. Bedford-Atkins, Gladys. The Luck of the House: The Story of A Family and a Sword. Chicago: A. Whitman, 1938. It traces the history of a family over nearly a thousand years in a series of stories and is simply wonderful. – Jenny Schwartzberg
The Red Blazer Girls: The Ring of Rocamadour by Michael D. Beil (#6) – 5 points
The Curse of the Blue Figurine by John Bellairs (#10) – 1 point
The first seriously scary book that most middle school students can handle. At least, unless they’ve already seen Saw. – Jennifer Hubert Swan, Little Red School House, New York, NY
The House With a Clock In Its Walls, by John Bellairs
(#1)(#1)(#4)(#7)(#7) – 35 points
John Bellairs writes so sensitively and perceptively about the mundane trials of childhood, and then turns on a dime and writes some of the most genuinely frightening scenes in middle grade literature. – Rachael Vilmar
My favorite author as a kid was John Bellairs, and whenever I meet someone that also read his books as a kid, I know I’ve found a kindred spirit. When I read Harry Potter, it reminded me of The House with a Clock in its Walls, where Lewis discovers that he comes from a wizarding family and dabbles in magic himself, with some disturbing results. This book will always be with me, and I can’t wait to introduce it to my daughter when the time is right. – Amy @ Media Macaroni
The Ark by Margot Benary-Isbert (#7) – 4 points
I loved every book by her, which were mostly about German and Austrian families during and after WWII. This one made me see that a nation is made up of individual people, and that we can’t despise them just because the leaders are monsters. The inside look at a family struggling just to survive was beautifully portrayed. – Lori Erokan
Little Witch by Anna Elizabeth Bennett (#7) – 4 points
I found this book in third grade, and couldn’t believe how good it was. It had everything my heart desired–good and bad magic, witches, nixies, centaurs and fairies–plus a cozy friendship story. – Laura Amy Schlitz
The Palace of Laughter by Jon Berkeley (#9) – 2 points
Seven Wonders of Sassafras Springs by Betty G. Birney (#2)(#4)(#7) – 20 points
The Field Guide (Spiderwick Chronicles) by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi (#7)(#7)(#8) – 11 points
The Seeing Stone (Spiderwick Chronicles) by Holly Black & Tony DiTerlizzi (#5) – 6 points
The Ironwood Tree (Spiderwick Chronicles) by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi (#1) – 10 points
Tangerine by Edward Bloor (#6)(#6)(#9) – 12 points
The only sports story I’ve ever really loved (Well, except for the Dairy Queen books, but those are YA.) So jam packed full of STUFF. Like plot and character and suspense and the Revenge of Nature and other really meaty things to chew on. Issues-oriented without being didactic. A thriller without being too scary. Plus: a sinkhole that threatens to suck down the middle school! – Els Kushner
I love mean characters and boy is Paul’s older brother mean! It’s a sports book, a problem novel and journal. And, there’s a blind soccer player. – Sharon, The Head Chick in Charge,
A Gathering of Days by Joan Blos (#9) – 2 points
Blubber by Judy Blume (#3)(#6)(#7) – 17 points
OH this book – it spoke to me so much as a middle school girl stuck in a class with serious girl drama – much like this book. I devoured ALL of Judy Blume’s books, but even as I walked through my collection trying to decide, I remembered how much I identified with that book!!! – Erin Hibshman, Librarian, Rheems and Fairview Elementary, Elizabethtown Area School District
Another Judy Blume title, just to make sure she gets as many points as possible. – Brenda Ferber
Double Fudge by Judy Blume (#5) – 6 points
Fudge-a-Mania by Judy Blume (#9) – 2 points
Just as Long as We’re Together by Judy Blume (#4)(#4)(#5)(#7) – 21 points
The number three always makes a problem. This is the story of three sixth grade friends, narrated by Stephanie over the course of a year. I think it is an overlooked classic. – Heather Meagher
Otherwise Known As Sheila The Great by Judy Blume (#8)(#10) – 4 points
because thirty-seven years later, Judy Blume still speaks straight to kids’ secret hearts – Jacqui Robbins
Starring Sally J. Freedman As Herself by Judy Blume (#2)(#5) – 15 points
Superfudge by Judy Blume (#8)(#10) – 4 points
Then Again Maybe I Won’t by Judy Blume (#10) – 1 point
The Famous Five Go on a Hike Together by Enid Blyton (#3) – 8 points
Five on a Treasure Island by Enid Blyton (#8) – 3 points
This was one of the first mysteries I ever read, during the summer after first grade. Oh my gosh, how will our heroes escape from the bottom of that well with the water rushing in? And why were they always saying hello to each other. “Hello, what’s this?” And what about those torches they were always carrying around – wouldn’t they get burned? This is the start of a terrific series of mystery/adventure books. I seem to remember that the sequel, Castle of Adventure is even better.- Greg Holch
The Land of Far-Beyond by Enid Blyton (#2) – 9 points
this was my favourite book as a child and it influenced me so hugely, it made me who I am today, and certainly inspired me to be a writer; I can still, decades later, remember every scene vividly. My own daughter loved it too and it also provided us with much material for lessons. – Sarah Haliwell
First Term at Malory Towers by Enid Blyton (#1)(#6) – 15 points
A String in the Harp by Nancy Bond (#2)(#10) – 10 points
(oh, how I wish she could find a new publisher and get something else out there!)- Elena Blake
The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Boy by William Boniface (#10) – 1 point
The Name of This Book is Secret by Pseudonymous Bosch (#8) – 3 points
If You’re Reading This, It’s Too Late by Pseudonymous Bosch (#10) – 1 point
The Book is Not Good for You by Pseudonymous Bosch (#9) – 2 points
The River at Green Knowe by L. M. Boston (#1) – 10 points
Although this is not the most critically recognized of the Green Knowe books, I place it at the top of Boston’s works for its sense of wonder and exploration and the growth and magical independence of the characters. Jennifer Wharton, Youth Services Librarian, Matheson Memorial Library
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne (#3) – 8 points
Young Samurai, The Way of the Warrior by Chris Bradford (#1) – 10 points
Baby Island by Carol Ryrie Brink (#1)(#4) – 17 points
This is by the author of Caddie Woodlawn. I have never read Caddie Woodlawn. This book was all I needed; how could it not be? Two girls on a cruise ship are bundled into a life boat in a moment of crisis with four babies and toddlers. OMG! In another moment of crisis, the life boat is launched with NO GROWN UPS IN IT! The girls and babies manage to float safely to a deserted island! OMG! They sing Scottish songs to keep their spirits up! They keep the babies alive, fed, and in clean diapers! But OMG! The island isn’t deserted after all! They see footprints in the sand! WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?
As a child, friends, family, teachers, and classmates saw me as timid, bookish, and quiet. That’s because I was. But I was also reading this story every 8 or 9 months, getting imprinted in the process at a critical developmental window with two take-charge, can-do, kick-ass, totally unfazable personalities. I do not underestimate the effects of this book on my eventual, late-blossoming self-confidence. – Melissa Depper, Youth Services Librarian, Arapahoe Library District CO
Mademoiselle Misfortune, Carol Ryrie Brink (#1) – 10 points
very funny, very feisty female characters and a wonderful setting in France. – Sallie Wolf
The Pink Motel by Carol Ryrie Brink (#1)(#5) – 16 points
3. Winter Cottage by Carol Ryrie Brink. A very cozy book with a nice dad. – Tina Engelfried
No Flying in the House, by Betty Brock (#1)(#7) – 14 points
Stanley’s Christmas Adventure by Jeff Brown (#6) – 5 points
Heart of a Chief by Joseph Bruchac (#5) – 6 points
A favorite read aloud. We’re always scrounging for copies. – Jim Randolph
NERDS by Michael Buckley (#5) – 6 points
The Sisters Grimm Book One: The Fairy-Tale Detectives by Michael Buckley (#9) – 2 points
The Time Travelers (also known as Gideon the Cutpurse) by Linda Buckley-Archer (#3) – 8 points
The characters in this book are so well drawn, from the children to the adults, historical and present, that I felt like I had lived another life after reading. Their thoughts, hopes and actions were so compelling to me. Great historical writing, as well. – tanya @
Shoeshine Girl by Clyde Bulla (#2) – 9 points
another wonderful female character and an amazing example of a character growing/changing through the course of the story in a totally believable way. – Sallie Wolf
All the Broken Pieces by Anne E. Burg (#5) – 6 points
The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford (#7) – 4 points
Molly Moon’s Incredible Book of Hypnotism by Georgia Byng (#5) – 6 points
MOLLY MOON STOPS THE WORLD by Georgia Byng (#10) – 1 point
There were too many choices for the last book, so I let my daughter, Jillian pick one.- Greg Holch
Allie Finkle’s Rules for Girls: Moving Day by Meg Cabot (#2) – 9 points
Court of the Stone Children by Eleanor Cameron (#10) – 1 point
A Room Made of Windows, by Eleanor Cameron (#5) – 6 points
Probably no one else will list this one, but it was one of my favorites ever. So complex and subtle and full of unexpected relationships.- Els Kushner
The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet by Eleanor Cameron (#10) – 1 point
Trixie Belden and the Secret of the Mansion by Julie Campbell (#1)(#7)(#10) – 15 points
Loved these more than the Nancy Drew Mysteries and read every single one of them. They really made me a life-long reader. I wanted so to be a member of the Bob-Whites, too! – Nicole Schreiber
Quantum Prophecy: The Awakening by Michael Carroll (#7) – 4 points
Summerland by Michael Chabon (#1)(#2)(#6) – 24 points
LORETTA MASON POTTS by Mary Chase (#6) – 5 points
A forgotten book by the author of the play, Harvey.- Greg Holch
The Wednesday Witch by Ruth Chew (#9) – 2 points
She rode a vacuum cleaner! – Tina Engelfried
Al Capone Does my Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko (#1)(#5)(#6)(#9)(#10)(#10)– 25 points
Al Capone Shines my Shoes by Gennifer Choldenko (#2) – 9 points
4. If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period by Choldenko
The Prince in Waiting by John Christopher (#2) – 9 points
The White Mountains by John Christopher (#4)(#6) – 12 points
3. The City of Gold and Lead by John Christopher
An Innocent Wayfaring by Marchette Chute (#5) – 6 points
Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary (#1)(#9)(#4)(#6) – 24 points
Ramona Quimby hit her stride at 4. Poor Beezus had her hands full. – Beth Maddigan, Provincial Children’s Librarian, Newfoundland and Labrador Public Libraries, St. John’s, NL
Most important middle reader author because her books are favorites of both girls and boys alike with wonderful animals included in the mix. – Donna Carey, Chattanooga, TN
Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary (#2)(#4)(#5)(#7)(#8) – 29 points
Also discovered during that magical summer – Jennifer Sauls
Another title I loved as a child. I must have read Dear Mr. Henshaw two or three dozen times between 4th and 7th grade. I remember lying in bed with flashlight under the covers reading it from start to finish on many a school night. Maybe the first newbery winner I read myself and in my opinion still one of the very best. – Eric Carpenter
Henry and Beezus by Beverly Cleary (#4) – 7 points
Henry Huggins; The Mouse and the Motorcycle; Ramona the Pest: along with Roald Dahl and Lloyd Alexander, Cleary is the author whose works I remember most fondly from childhood. Strangely, Dear Mr. Henshaw was not a huge favorite of mine when I first read it. Rereading it recently as an adult, I think I didn’t connect with it because I had a very happy family life and wasn’t terribly concerned with the realistic troubles of a poor young kid who wants to be a writer. I hope I know better now: at least, when I read it this time, it moved me to tears, and I certainly hope that it still connects with kids whose lives aren’t as fortunate as mine was. – Mark Flowers, John F. Kennedy Library, Vallejo, CA
Henry and Ribsy by Beverly Cleary (#5) – 6 points
As real today ever, and I had to put BC here someplace! – Madelyn Rosenberg (
7. Henry and the Paper Route by Beverly Cleary
Mitch and Amy Beverly Clearly (#4) – 7 points
I liked the idea of having a twin. – Tina Engelfried
The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary (#4)(#6)(#7)(#9)(#9) – 20 points
wonderful story – Sarah Sullivan
Ramona and her Mother by Beverly Cleary (#4) – 7 points
The one in which Ramona’s parents fight about the not-turned-on-crockpot and Ramona gets the cute pixie haircut and feels sorry for Beezus) … tho I could just have easily picked Ramona the Brave (the one in which rigid teacher Mrs Griggs WRONGLY praises Ramona’s nemesis Susan’s owl drawing – that Susan PLAGIARIZED from Ramona — and then Ramona crumples up both drawings and gets punished) or Ramona and Her Father (in which Ramona’s dad loses his job and Ramona tries to get him to quit smoking). THEY ARE ALL GENIUS HOW CAN I CHOOSE WAH WAH! Grr, I already know Ramona is gonna split the vote in her multitudinous awesometasticness. – Marjorie Ingall
Ramona the Brave by Beverly Cleary (#1)(#2) – 19 points
Beverly Cleary captures the condition that Milan Kundera calls "litost" that shame spiral that makes you sort of hate yourself and thus act even more abhorrently, perfectly. sympathetically. I remember feeling that way as a child. And I LOVE the parents, now that I am one. – Gayle Forman
Ramona Forever by Beverly Cleary (#2) – 9 points
Where the Lillies Bloom by Vera & Bill Cleaver (#8) – 3 points
Lunch Money by Andrew Clements (#2) – 9 points
No Talking by Andrew Clements (#1)(#8) – 13 points
The Report Card by Andrew Clements (#4)(#7)(#10) – 12 points
Room One by Andrew Clements (#8) – 3 points
A Week in the Woods by Andrew Clements (#6) – 5 points
Trolley Car Family by Eleanor Clymer (#10) – 1 point
I have absolutely no recall of any detail whatsoever about this story. I’m not kidding, absolutely nothing. But in the middle of the book there is a 2-page illustration of the floor plan of the trolley car they lived in, and I spent a long, long time pouring over it—probably as much time as I spent tracing the maps in Katie and the Big Snow—and then drawing my own floor plans of ways to reorganize the furniture in my room. – Melissa Depper, Youth Services Librarian, Arapahoe Library District CO
Shadow Castle by Marian Cockrell (#2) – 9 points I adore this book so much I wrote a long blog post about it: – Jenny Schwartzberg
Vive La Paris by Esme Raji Codell (#5) – 6 points
Second Grade Friends by Miriam Cohen (#7) – 4 points
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer (#5)(#6)(#7)(#7)(#8)(#9)(#10) – 25 points
isn’t the good guy – well at least not the squeaky clean Charlie Bucket type – and I love him for it!! – Beth Maddigan, Provincial Children’s Librarian, Newfoundland and Labrador Public Libraries, St. John’s, NL
Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer (#5)(#6)(#7) – 15 points
Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code by Eoin Colfer (#1)(#2)(#10) – 20 points
Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception by Eoin Colfer (#3)(#7) – 12 points
Artemis Fowl: the Lost Colony by Eoin Colfer (#2) – 9 points
Half Moon Investigations by Eoin Colfer (#9) – 2 points
The Legend of Spud Murphy by Eoin Colfer (#10) – 1 point
The Supernaturalist by Eoin Colfer (#4) – 7 points
Gregor the Overlander by: Suzanne Collins (#4)(#6) – 12 points
Before they’re old enough to read Suzanne Collins’s masterful Hunger Games series, kids can immerse themselves in the Underland. For the purposes of this list, I’m going with the first book in the series, where the Underland enfolds with the adventures of Gregor and his little sister, Boots, for our page-turning enjoyment. Huh, this is the second book on my list with giant bugs. – Amy @ Media Macaroni
Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi (#8) – 3 points
This is a classic that is truly rich with the creation of wonderful plotting and characters, good and awful, with an ultimate message that is skillfully drawn out and definitely timeless. – Billy
What Katy Did by Susan Coolidge (#2) – 9 points
Over Sea, Under Stone by Susan Cooper (#6) – 5 points
Grey King by Susan Cooper (#1)(#2) – 19 points
The Limerick Trick, by Scott Corbett (#7) – 4 points
Getting Near to Baby by Audrey Couloumbis (#9) – 2 points
Monster’s Ring by Bruce Coville (#3) – 8 points
A Hero’s Guide to Deadly Dragons by Cressida Cowell (#6) – 5 points
Bloomability by Sharon Creech (#3)(#7)(#8) – 15 points
How could I leave off my blog’s inspiration? Although I don’t know if this is the best of Sharon Creech’s books–how could I pick just one favorite?–this was the first by her that I read and will always be my favorite – Alvina Ling
The Castle Corona by Sharon Creech (#10) – 1 point
Chasing Redbird by Sharon Creech (#2) – 9 points
Granny Torrelli Makes Soup by Sharon Creech (#2)(#2)(#7)(#9) – 24 points
I expect to see a lot of Creech on your final list – I chose Granny because I just loved the sweet inter-generational relationship and the story-within-a-story – Brenda Kahn, School Library Media Specialist, Tenakill Middle School, Closter, NJ
is it fair to love a book for the voice? For the structure? Maybe it is the author in me coming out, but this book reads like the best kind of play. I saw it. I felt it. Mostly I heard it. And I hear it a couple of times every year, just because I love that Granny Torrelli and that Bailey Boy so very much. – Linda Urban
Hate That Cat by Sharon Creech (#6)(#10) – 6 points
Heartbeat by Sharon Creech (#5)(#6) – 11 points
Replay by Sharon Creech (#1)(#10) – 11 points
Ruby Holler by Sharon Creech (#9) – 2 points
Florida and Dallas. Love them – – Stacy Dillon, Lower School Librarian, LREI – Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School
The Wanderer by Sharon Creech (#6)(#6) – 10 points
Ordinary Jack by Helen Cresswell (#3) – 8 points
Elijah of Buxton by Christopher Paul Curtis (#7)(#8) – 7 points
In 1859, eleven-year-old Elijah Freeman, the first free-born child in Buxton, Canada, which is a haven for slaves fleeing the American South, uses his wits and skills to try to bring to justice the lying preacher who has stolen money that was to be used to buy a family’s freedom. (Great audio book version. I read it first, and then listened. I like serious books that are also funny.) – Laurel Sharp, Liverpool Public Library, Liverpool, NY
7. Mr. Chickee’s Funny Money by Christopher Paul Curtis
Catherine Called Birdy by Karen Cushman (#8) – 3 points
The Midwife’s Apprentice by Karen Cushman (#5)(#7)(#9)(#10) – 13 points
Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl
(#1)(#4)(#4)(#7)(#7)(#8) – 35 points
Life in a gypsy caravan! – Stephanie Howell , Lower School Librarian , Carolina Day School , Asheville, NC
Even though all of Roald Dahl’s books have a special spot on my bookshelves, this is my favorite. It evoked the clearest, simplest feeling of love by a child for a parent that any book has ever done. Maggi Idzikowski,Media Specialist, Allen Elementary School, Ann Arbor MI
Made me wish I lived in a cozy gypsy caravan and poached peasants. So illegal and subversive, still can’t believe Dahl got away with it. – Jennifer Hubert Swan, Little Red School House, New York, NY
I know most people will probably go for James or Charlie, but I just love Danny and his dad. The scene with the drunk pheasants is one of the most hilarious in children’s fiction. – Sarah Flowers
I LOVE this book. Suspense that just keeps you on the edge of your seat, biting your nails. Give this to any middle school boy or girl, I just dare you. – Susan Eley, Hillside School Librarian, Mt Laurel, NJ
Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl (#2)(#3)(#7)(#10) – 22 points
George’s Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl (#4) – 7 points
The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl (#6) – 5 points
The Twits by Roald Dahl (#2)(#8) – 12 points
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More by Roald Dahl (#3) – 8 points
The reason I am a children’s librarian today (and not an opera singer, my trained career) is because of Roald Dahl. He always includes enough "dark" elements to give you glimpses of what the world must be like for some adults you know, but he always makes his main characters brave enough (but not over the top) to confront the craziness before them. If you have not read this book, I ask you, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" – Susan Eley, Hillside School Librarian, Mt Laurel, NJ
10. The Bears on Hemlock Mountain by Alice Dalgleish
2. AMBER BROWN is Feeling Blue by Paul Danziger
Thames Doesn’t Rhyme With James by Paula Danziger (#10) – 1 point
Fourth Grade Wizards by Barthe DeClements (#7) – 4 points
I still think about Marianne and her father. – Karen Halpenny, Book Editor, Sesame Street Events Co-Chair
Nothing’s Fair in Fifth Grade by Barthe DeClements (#8) – 3 points
The original mean girl book that predates and outclasses those Clique books 🙂 – Jennifer Hubert Swan, Little Red School House, New York, NY
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (#8) – 3 points
The Wheel on the School by Meindert DeJong (#2)(#5) – 15 points
The Magician’s Elephant by Kate DiCamillo (#3)(#8)(#10) – 12 points
When I read this one recently, I called it an instant classic. It has all of the elements that make a book appeal to all readers. – Kristen M. from
The Tiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo (#4)(#6)(#10) – 13 points
Just the perfect little book about overcoming grief. – Lenore –
The Tower Treasure (The Hardy Boys Mysteries) by Frank Dixon (#5)(#9) – 8 points
Morning Girl by Michael Dorris (#5) – 6 points
The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd (#4)(#8) – 10 points
Chicken Boy by Frances O’Roark Dowell (#5) – 6 points
10. Deep Wizardry by Diane Duane
I love So You Want to be a Wizard, the first title in this series very much too, but this one, which features the protagonists donning whale skins and saving the world (again) from the Lone Power, has a great scary-but-ulimately good character and a moving sacrifice. Plus, I was a second-grader who wanted to save the whales–of course my sixth grade self wanted to be one! – Emily Calkins Charyk
The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pene Du Bois (#4)(#5)(#6)(#7)(#8)(#10) – 26 points
The defining example of the the older-and-underread-but-everyone-who does-read-it-including-me-loves-it book. Written with endless imagination and verve, this is a fantastic adventure and a marvelous delight all around. – Billy
10. The Diamond of Darkhold by Jeanne DuPrau
The People of Sparks by Jeanne DuPrau (#9) – 2 points
My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell (#5) – 6 points
Knight’s Castle by Edward Eager (#2)(#3)(#5)(#6)(#9) – 30 points
my favorite, because of the Ivanhoe and Robin Hood crossover. But of course I love all of them. – Sally Engelfried
Half Magic is the first book in this fantasy story, but I remember this one as being even better. The whole series is a take-off on the E. Nesbit books, but these books stand on their own.- Greg Holch
Seven Day Magic by Edward Eager (#7)(#8) – 7 points
Edward Eager was my favorite series writer when I was growing up. So when it came to nominate just one of his books for my top 10 list, I was torn. However this book resonated with me the most. Five children are avowed book worms- they go to the library each Saturday to get new (and old favorite) books to check out. One nondescript book, only available as a 7 day loan, is checked out and becomes the doorway to magical adventures for the group. I remember wishing very hard that someday some magical talisman would appear and let me experience my own magical adventures. The joy of this book was that it made me think that this was possible, when I read and for years to come. Christine Sealock Kelly
The Time Garden by Edward Eager (#9) – 2 points
Big Apple Barn:A Sassy Surprise by Kristin Earhart (#8) – 3 points
Big Apple Barn:Saddle Up,Happy! by Kristin Earhart (#9) – 2 points
1. Night of the Living Lawn Ornaments by Emily Ecton
The Case of the Marble Monster (Ooka the Wise) by I.G. Edmonds (#9) – 2 points
Mandy by Julie Edwards (#6)(#9) – 7 points
The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles by Julie Andrews Edwards (#6)(#8)(#9)(#9)(#9) – 14 points
Momo, by Michael Ende (#3) – 8 points
Momo also gives me good memories with my husband. I had newly signed up for Book-of-the-Month Club, but I didn’t really believe that you could decide if a book was good just by the description. Momo was the first book I ordered, and it was fantastic, thus hooking me on ordering from Book-of-the-Month Club, even though the results were never again so spectacular. I did read it aloud with my husband-to-be. It’s about a girl who is the only one who can see these grey men who are swarming around. They are Time Thieves. They convince people to save time, but once they save time, the grey men steal it. (Which is why the more you try to save time, the less free time you have.) It’s mythic and powerful. Steve and I were reading it when Finals Week hit, and of course we were tempted, but couldn’t say we didn’t have time to read it. – Sondra Eklund, Youth Services Manager, Herndon Fortnightly Library, Herndon, VA –
Enchantress From the Stars by Sylvia Louse Engdahl (#7) – 4 points
And Then There Were Five by Elizabeth Enright (#5)(#6)(#9) – 13 points
My kids and I love all the Melendy books, but this one is the most dramatic, the least episodic, and the most touching. My daughter loves debating whether she is more of a Randy or a Mona – which really gets at how I read books when I was a kid. I tried on the characters for size and loved the books with people I wanted to be. – Linda Urban
This is a wonderful warm family story with some sentimental drama going on too. – Clarissa Cooke
The Four Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright (#2)(#2)(#10) – 19 points
Enright’s second Melendy book is wish-fulfillment at its finest, while at the same time feeling totally realistic. Of course the Melendys live in an amazing house on fabulous property, give elaborate plays, find a secret room, get lost in the woods, and have a pet crocodile. Doesn’t everybody? – Wendy Burton
Return to Gone Away Lake by Elizabeth Enright (#10) – 1 point
Spiderweb For Two: A Melendy Maze by Elizabeth Enright (#4)(#6)(#8) – 15 points
I loved the Melendys, but this book with all the little riddles at the start of each chapter! I really really really wanted someone to do that for me! – Kathy Jarombek, Head of Youth Services, Perrot Memorial Library, Old Greenwich, CT
Thimble Summer by Elizabeth Enright (#1)(#3) – 18 points
Hank the Cowdog and the One-Eyed Killer Stud Horse by John Erickson (#7)(#10) – 5 points
6. The Curse of the Incredible Priceless Corncob #7 (Hank the Cowdog) by John Erickson
Ginger Pye by Eleanor Estes (#6) – 5 points
I think this book has been forgotten, and I try to recommend it to fans of dog stories whenever possible. It’s a sweet and gentle story. – Jennifer Schultz, Fauquier County Public Library, Warrenton
The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes (#6)(#8)(#10) – 9 points
This was the first book I read as a child that did not end "happily ever after." It was the first book that really made me think.
The Moffats by Eleanor Estes (#2)(#2)(#3)(#6) – 31 points
Pinky Pye by Eleanor Estes (#8) – 3 points
The Witch Family by Eleanor Estes (#7)(#10) – 5 points
Ballet for Drina by Jean Estoril (#10) – 1 point
I cannot begin to explain why this series, started by this book, has been a favorite of mine since 4th grade. – Jennifer Rothschild
The Silver Curlew by Eleanor Farjeon (#6)(#6)(#6) – 15 points
I have a distinct memory of my older sister reading this to me for the first time at the park. Read it aloud to my kids a few years ago and was still just as creeped out when Poll had to go into the forest and confront the imp. – Sally Engelfried
I loved her books (The Glass Slipper, the Martin Pippin books) AND the poem she wrote that became one of my favorite hymns ("Morning Has Broken"). What a wonderful storyteller she was! I knew I was SUPPOSED to love all those classic fairytales collected by Andrew Lang, but EF made them come alive. – Lori Erokan
Out of print forever, but it’s the perfect fairy tale novel (based on “Tom-Tit-Tot”/“Rumpelstiltskin”). – Steven Engelfried, Raising A Reader Coordinator, 2010 Newbery Award Committee Member, Multnomah County Library, Portland, OR
The Black Stallion by Walter Farley (#3)(#5)(#9)(#10) – 17 points
as representative of all of Farley’s books, and not just the Black Stallion series- Elena Blake
A fantasy of another kind, firmly set in the real world, but really, could an actual kid tame a wild Arabian on a desert island – well, at age 10 or so I sure believed he could. I was with Alec every step of the way, through every trial and trauma, through every race track, heart racing and galloping through the plot. He was so real to me that even now, decades later, I don’t have to look up his name. Alec and the Black live on in my mind, they are part of my imaginative DNA. – Connie Rockman, Children’s Literature Consultant, Program Coordinator, Rabbit Hill Festival of Literature, Stratford, CT
A favorite during my horse craze. – Kara Dean
The Island Stallion by Walter Farley (#9) – 2 points
The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm by Nancy Farmer (#6)(#7)(#8)(#9)(#10) – 15 points
The Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer (#7)(#7) – 8 points
It’s a historical epic! It’s a fantasy! It’s got everything, this one. I’ve got to read it again soon.- Els Kushner
Charlotte Sometimes by Penelope Farmer (#6) – 5 points
(school story and time travel and I think she’s an orphan too) – Constance Martin
10. Yolanda’s Genius by Carol Fenner (my first author friend in Michigan because of her beautiful book, which I will probably be alone in picking, and she died way too soon–otherwise there is more symmetry in picking When You Reach Me)- Ed Spicer
Love Among the Walnuts by Jean Ferris (#5) – 6 points
Another lesser-known title that I adore. It reminds me of the old Jimmy Stewart movie, "You Can’t Take It with You." I love the zany characters in this book. I enjoy her Marigold series, but this one is the hidden gem, I think, in all of her books. – Kim Hall (aka klonghall)
Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher (#1)(#2)(#2) – 28 points
Another one of my girl-power titles when I was a kid. If the Baby Island girls’ confidence was the destination, Betsy’s slow growth showed me you could get there step by step. Which I did. – Melissa Depper, Youth Services Librarian, Arapahoe Library District CO
This book is as wholesome as homemade bread–and like good bread, it is warm, nourishing, and not too sweet. Also a damned good manual for parents. – Laura Amy Schlitz
The Great Brain by John D. Fitzgerald (#2)(#3)(#3)(#9)(#10) – 28 points
In the world of children’s literature, the Great Brain fills a unique spot in my mind. It’s smart and clever, set in rural Utah over 100 years ago, and the main characters are all boys. Though the girls I know who have read it have enjoyed it as well, it’s a good series to share with reluctant and rambunctious boys, who will see themselves in the crazy escapades of the brothers in these stories. Mercer Mayer illustrated the books very capably, which is just one more reason to love them. – Kristen Marie Stewart
The Great Brain at the Academy by J.D. Fitzgerald (#8) – 3 points
Another wonderful series and this is my favorite book. The Great Brain always manages to get himself into scrapes and out of them again and Fitzgerald brings boarding schools to life in a wonderful way. – Cathy Berner, Children’s/Young Adult Specialist and Events Coordinator, Blue Willow Bookshop in Houston, Texas,
The Long Secret, by Louise Fitzhugh (#8) – 3 points
In some ways I feel even more affinity for this one than for Harriet, its more famous sister. Ah, Beth Ellen. “A shy person is an angry person.” Indeed.- Els Kushner
10. Nobody’s Family Is Going To Change by Louise Fitzhugh
Money Hungry by Sharon Flake (#1) – 10 points
Ranger’s Apprentice: Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan (#2)(#6)(#7)(#9) – 20 points
An unconventional choice? Perhaps. But I’ve handed this book successfully to so many kids and I’ve enjoyed the audiobooks so very much that it had to be on my top ten. Flanagan writes an imaginative adventures series that points out how you need not be the strongest or the biggest to be good. he allows for strong female characters, sees them through extremely tough situations, and raises difficult questions. I am a huge fan. – Abigail Goben
A new favorite of mine by a gifted author who weaves a great tale. – David Ziegler
The Ranger’s Apprentice: The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan (#8) – 3 points
The Ranger’s Apprentice: The Icebound Land by John Flanagan (#9) – 2 points
The Ranger’s Apprentice: The Battle for Skandia by John Flanagan (#10) – 1 point
By the Great Horn Spoon by Sid Fleischman (#4) – 7 points
The Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischman (#8) – 3 points
Great, funny, well-written book that nobody talks about anymore – Marci Dressler, Ossining Public Library, Ossining, NY
Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang by Ian Fleming (#9) – 2 points
Mama’s Bank Account by Kathryn Forbes (#9) – 2 points
Diamond Willow by Helen Frost (#6) – 5 points
Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke (#9) – 2 points
Inkspell by Cornelia Funke (#1)(#5)(#8)(#10) – 20 points
Well, the ultimate book-lover’s trilogy has GOT to squeeze onto this list somehow, so here it is. I put Inkspell because that’s actually my favorite of the three. Maybe it ought to count towards Inkheart‘s points though. Oh, why must series be ripped apart so? – A.M. Weir, rockinlibrarian
Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke (#1)(#2)(#2)(#7) – 32 points
Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke (#4)(#6)(#8)(#8) – 31 points
Torn between this and Inkheart, but this story has stuck with me a bit more and I’m guessing Inkheart will get plenty of love. – Jenn Bertman (
Coraline by Neil Gaiman (#3)(#5)(#9)(#10)(#10)(#10) – 19 points
The Graveyard Book won the Newbery, but I think this will be the book that kiddie lit remembers as the years go on. – Dreadful Penny,
I struggled with whether I wanted this or The Graveyard Book on the list, but Coraline’s mixture of cats, rats, ghosts, eccentric neighbors, and nightmarish alternate realities was just too good to be excluded. Who knew buttons could be so terrifying? – Christi Esterle, Youth Librarian, Douglas County Libraries, Parker CO
Dark, twisted, home away from home.
The Man Who Was Magic by Paul Gallico (#8) – 3 points
Another mystery–why has no one made a movie of this magnificent book? It has everything: an enormously picturesque setting, a humane and gentle hero, an ill-used heroine, magnificent tricks and spells, and a talking dog. Funny, dear and a little bit sad. – Laura Amy Schlitz
The Dragons of Blue Land by Ruth Stiles Gannett (#8) – 3 points
Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key by Jack Gantos (#2)(#9)(#10) – 12 points
Voice voice voice. – Brenda Ferber
I Wanna Be Your Shoebox by Cristina Garcia (#2)(#3) – 17 points
A Long Way from Verona, by Jane Gardam (#1) – 10 points
Stone Fox by John Gardiner (#3)(#5)(#6)(#7) – 23 points
The Weirdstone of Brisingamen – Alan Garner (#2) – 9 points
A classic and original fantasy – the underground sequence is so vivid I feel like I watched it on TV. – Sian Marshall
Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George (#7)(#8)(#8)(#9)(#9) – 14 points
This book described a life so different than my own. It was the first book I read that talked about about menstration in a matter-of-fact way. It talked so many "adult" topics in a way that made *me* feel like I was growing up. I read this around the same time I was reading the Babysitter’s Club and Sweet Valley High books, and it made those books seem so trite and vapid. It was definitely a coming-of-age book for me. – Jennifer Sauls
A more predictable JCG pick might have been “My Side of the Mountain,” but Julie is the one I really connected with as a kid.
Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff (#4)(#6)(#8) – 15 points
Old Yeller by Fred Gipson (#4) – 7 points
9. Rumer Godden: Miss Happiness and Miss Flower
Princess Bride: S. Morgenstern’s Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure by William Goldman (#6) – 5 points
Loved the movie, so I was thrilled to find the book to have the same winning charm. (Well, Goldman wrote them both so there you go.) – Monica Ropal
Mystery of the Silent Friends by Robin Gottlieb (#4) – 7 points
Linnets and Valerians by Elizabeth Goudge (#3) – 8 points
The Thing About Georgie by Lisa Graff (#3)(#3)(#10)(#10)(#10) – 19 points
Jexium Island, Madeleine Grattan (#4) – 7 points
spy thriller for kids. I reread it every summer for years. – Sallie Wolf
Philip Hall Likes Me, I Reckon, Maybe by Bette Greene (#8) – 3 points
10. Summer of My German Soldier by Bette Greene
A Girl Called Al by Constance Greene (#2) – 9 points
She too liked to eat white bread with butter and sugar and she wasn’t a typical girl. – Tina Engelfried
9. My Life in Pink and Green by Lisa Greenwald
The Homework Machine by Dan Gutman (#4) – 7 point
Kid Who Ran for President by Dan Gutman (#2) – 9 points
Million Dollar Shot by Dan Gutman (#9) – 2 points
Million Dollar Goal by Dan Gutman (#10) – 1 point
Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix (#1)(#4)(#9) – 19 points
thought provoking at an accessible level for this age – Chris Vollmer, Librarian/ITL/Lit. First Coordinator, Browning School, Milwaukee, WI
Double Identity: Margaret Peterson Haddix (#8) – 3 points
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix (#9) – 2 points
Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn (#3) – 8 points
The Truth About Sparrows by Marian Hale (#1) – 10 points
The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale (#1)(#8)(#8) – 16 points
Princess Academy by Shannon Hale (#3)(#4)(#6)(#7)(#9) – 26 points
Lush writing, great setting, characters, details…it’s Shannon Hale! What else can I say? – Nicole Schreiber
This was my first introduction to the wonderful Shannon Hale. (In fact, I found your blog from a comment you made on hers.) I’ve reread this book several times, and enjoy each reading as much as the first. I think all young women–ages 10 & up should read this book just to be reminded who they are and the strength they have within. My 12 year-old son picked up this book recently (I think he had finished all his books, and was looking through mine.), and was surprised to find how much he is enjoying it. I always tell people that I wish this book had a different title, so that boys would read it. I don’t think it’s really so much about Princesses. – Kim Hall (aka klonghall)
The Magical Adventures of Pretty Pearl by Virginia Hamilton (#6) – 5 points
This book with its musical language and deep grounding in African-American folklore was the first book that felt like a classic of children’s literature by an African-American author to me. The other books I had read up to that point felt more like problem novels or did not resonate with me. This was a magical reading experience. – Jenny Schwartzberg
M.C. Higgins the Great by Virginia Hamilton (#7) – 4 points
An amazing teacher read this out loud in 6th grade. – Stacy Dillon, Lower School Librarian, LREI – Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School
Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush by Virginia Hamilton (#4) – 7 points
10. Zeely, by Virginia Hamilton (#10) – 1 point
I’m a sucker for books about mysterious grownups who come into the heroine’s life (cf: Father’s Arcane Daughter.). This is one of the first ones I remember reading. – Els Kushner
Shug by Jenny Han (#6) – 5 points
I will read anything that is about a girl coming to terms with adolescence. This is one of my favourites because Annemarie’s voice is pitch perfect. Jenny Han does a nice job balancing heavier content with lighter moments. – Vikki VanSickle –
Ida B by Katherine Hannigan (#10) – 1 point
Fly By Night by Frances Hardinge (#5)(#5)(#5) – 18 points
Frances Hardinge creates a complete world, and alternative history where the ability to read is punishable. Her characters and names for them, as well as for the geography of the book, are truly inspired. – tanya @
Set in an imagined place similar to England at the start of the 18th century. All the intrigue of Stephenson’s Baroque Cycle, but with a manageable number of words. And a twelve-year-old heroine, and a vicious goose. I finished up loving FLY BY NIGHT even more. It’s awlays delightful to me to watch a character think, and Mosca puzzles out all the intrigues very well. And, she has moments of great valor. And I love all the secondary developments. And I love Mosca’s final decisions so much. – Kaethe Douglas
3. The Lost Conspiracy, Frances Hardinge
3. Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
Betsy’s Little Star by Carolyn Haywood (#9) – 2 points
Olive’s Ocean by Kevin Henkes (#2) – 9 points
This quiet gemis a perfect example of the concept of distillation in a novel. The moments, the language, the emotion, everything is distilled to crystaline perfection. There is not a word wasted. It’s practically a poem. I can’t get over how well Kevin Henkes writes as an adolescent girl. A remarkable book from a remarkable author. – Vikki VanSickle –
Justin Morgan Had a Horse by Marguerite Henry (#3) – 8 points
King of the Wind by Marguerite Henry (#4)(#5) – 13 points
I almost didn’t read this book as a child, disdaining the "horse books" that so many of my fourth grade peers were gaga over. But it had that shiny Newbery sticker on it, so I decided to relent. Boy, am I glad that I did! Exotic settings, extreme loyalty, amazing friendship, triumph over adversity, and all of it a (more-or-less) true story! – Ann Carpenter, Youth Services Librarian, Brooks Free Library
Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry
(#6)(#7)(#7)(#7)(#7)(#10) – 22 points
Wild horses! – Tina Engelfried
I think my first animal stories were likely TV: Lassie and Flipper and Gentle Ben. But this may have been my intro to animal stories in book form. This is probably responsible for single handedly turning generations of girls into horse lovers. Joan L. Raphael, Youth Collections Librarian, San Diego Public Library
Just Juice by Karen Hesse (#6) – 5 points
Letters from Rifka by Karen Hesse (#5)(#6) – 11 points
Remembering Mrs. Rossi by Amy Hest (#9) – 2 points
Flush by Carl Hiaasen (#7) – 4 points
Hoot by Carl Hiaasen (#6) – 5 points
The Black Book of Secrets by F.E. Higgins (#3) – 8 points
The Year of Miss Agnes by Kirkpatrick Hill (#3)(#6) – 13 points
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton (#2)(#7)(#9)(#10) – 16 points
Not sure if you’ll argue this is a YA, but I think the innocent way in which it’s told makes it appropriate for younger readers, too. I read it when I was eleven, and it’s still one of my favorites. (twenty plus years ago) – Monica Ropal
This is the most personal choice of all. Hinton’s melodramatic story of high school social-economic gang warfare is here for no other reason than it was my favorite book when I was a middle-grade reader. I remember exactly where I was standing as I was walking home from school, when I first saw it in the Scholastic book order. I’m pretty sure it was the first book I chose for myself without my mother’s influence. I knew nothing about it other than it looked exciting and . . . dangerous. I’m not sure what it was in my 5th grade existence that needed the spice of danger, but that’s what I was drawn to. Once I got the prize in my little hands I proceeded to read it countless times though early adolescence. I was pretty convinced that one day I would meet Soda Pop and we would live happily, if a bit dangerously ever after. I know it is technically considered YA but it stays for my 10-year-self! – DaNae at The Librariest
Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton (#8) – 3 points
That Was Then, This Is Now by S.E. Hinton (#9) – 2 points
Sheep by Valerie Hobbs (#2) – 9 points
Bearstone by Will Hobbs (#1) – 10 points
Our Only May Amelia by Jennifer Holm (#5)(#9) – 8 points
Whenever I get a historical fiction request, I recommend A Drowned Maiden’s Hair and Our Only May Amelia, in the hopes that the child will a) see that historical fiction reads need not be dull and b) seek out other books by these two fantastic authors. – Jennifer Schultz, Fauquier County Public Library, Warrenton
Cricket Winter by Felice Holman (#8) – 3 points
I love this story as much for its lyrical writing and layered themes as much as I do for it being the first book for which I wrote a "real" critical review. Jennifer Wharton, Youth Services Librarian, Matheson Memorial Library
Professor Diggins’ Dragons by Felice Holman (#6) – 5 points
Operation Yes by Sara Lewis Holmes (#4) – 7 points
When Zachery Beaver Came to Town by Kimberly Willis Holt (#9) – 2 points
Away Is a Strange Place To Be by H.M. Hoover (#3) – 8 points
The Bobbsey Twins of Lakeport (Bobbsey Twins #1) by Laura Lee Hope (#3) – 8 points
Everything on a Waffle by Polly Horvath (#7) – 4 points
Primrose’s belief that her parents are alive is helped by the great community of her little seaside town. The residents are quirky and awesome and the book has recipes, and that’s pretty cool too. – Heather Meagher
The Trolls by Polly Horvath (#4)(#4)(#8)(#9) – 19 points
9. Howard, Alice W. The Princess Runs Away: A Story of Egypt in 1900 BC. New York: Macmillan, 1934. This wonderful tale of a daughter of the Pharaoh who runs away from the palace and becomes a scribe, dancing girl, and a weaver in turn, brings ancient Egypt to life. – Jenny Schwartzberg
Bunnicula by James Howe (#3)(#3)(#7)(#7)(#9) – 26 points
4. Bunnicula Strikes Back by James Howe
5. Howliday Inn by James Howe
6. Return Howliday Inn by James Howe
Invitation to the Game by Monica Hughes (#4) – 7 points
Seriously one of the best kid’s dystopias, and I really like kid’s dystopias. Character interactions and plot twists for the win. Plus a hefty dose of coming-of-age and a share of mature-before-their-time. – Miriam Newman
Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt (#3) – 8 points
Up a Road Slowly by Irene Hunt (#8) – 3 points
A Dangerous Path (The Warriors) by Erin Hunter (#8) – 3 points
The Darkest Hour (The Warriors) by Erin Hunter (#2)(#5) – 15 points
The Quest Begins (Seekers) by Erin Hunter (#9) – 2 points
A Stranger Came Ashore by Mollie Hunter (#1) – 10 points
Class Clown by Johanna Hurwitz (#9) – 2 points
Teacher’s Pet by Johanna Hurwitz (#5) – 6 points
The Mona Lisa Mystery – Pat Hutchins (#8) – 3 points
My absolute favorite book from my book report writing childhood – Simone Loeffel
Haunting of Granite Falls by Eva Ibbotson (#10) – 1 point
Island of the Aunts by Eva Ibbotson (#9)(#9) – 4 points
The Secret of Platform 13 by Eva Ibbotson (#10) – 1 point
The Star of Kazan by Eva Ibbotson (#5) – 6 points
I didn’t read it as a child, but I swear to you, if I had, I would have embraced it wholeheartedly. Eva Ibbotson’s humor and essential goodness irradiate every page. – Laura Amy Schlitz
icarly: i am Famous by The iCarly series (#7) – 4 points
Our Eddie by Shulamith Ish-Kishor (#8) – 3 points
Redwall by Brian Jacques
(#1)(#3)(#7)(#7)(#7)(#8)(#9)(#10) – 36 points
I was surprised to discover on a recent trip to the book store that there are still new titles coming out in this series! I stopped reading after Marlfox, and by then I’d learned the plot patterns pretty well, but the first four or five titles are fantastic. I love Mattias’ quest to find Martin’s sword. Jacques’ world creation is especially complete and consistent, I think, and all the little quirks of the different species (I love the moles’ accents) are wonderful. And the food! I could probably die happy after eating a Redwallian feast. – Emily Calkins Charyk
For best descriptive writing (did you know he wrote for blind students?) – K. Zottl, Gr.3/4, Cathcart Blvd. Public School, Sarnia, ON
Mossflower by Brian Jacques (#8) – 3 points
Finn Family Moomintroll by Tove Jansson (#2)(#3)(#9) – 19 points
I love, love, love the Moomin books, but some of them are a bit dark. This one is my favorite. Moomin house was my utopia when I was a child, the family are warm and friendly and accepting of everyone they meet. Fun funny, not too scary adventures happen.
The Groke is a villian who never hurts anyone, but was still deliciously scary to me as a child. She is so cold that the ground freezes under her, and if she stands in one place too long the ground dies in that spot. I love Thingumy and Bob who speak in a sort of spoonerism language. The warmth of the Moomin family, and the wonderful pictures by the author are factors in my love of all things Moomin. Last year I bought myself some mini spoons with Moomin characters on the handles. – Clarissa Cooke
They’re just so *Finnish*. All civilized and genteel, but romping around all the same. – Miriam Newman
Moomintroll Midwinter by Tove Jansson (#2)(#9) – 11 points
The Animal Family by Randell Jarrell (#1) – 10 points
This is the most hauntingly beautiful, hilarious, poetic, life-affirming tale of all time, and it concludes with the sweetest lie ever told to a child: "We’ve had you always." – Judith H. Van Alstyne, Librarian, Allendale Columbia School, Rochester, NY
The Bat Poet by Randall Jarrell (#4) – 7 points
Toys Go Out by Emily Jenkins (#1) – 10 points
these two books are perfection. I read them every year to 2nd and 3rd grade respectively. They are the only books I get applause for before I sit down to read the next chapter. – diane mazziotti
Toy Dance Party by Emily Jenkins (#2) – 9 points
these two books are perfection. I read them every year to 2nd and 3rd grade respectively. They are the only books I get applause for before I sit down to read the next chapter. – diane mazziotti
The Color of My Words by Lynn Joseph (#7) – 4 points
Any Small Goodness by Tony Johnston (#7) – 4 points
Archer’s Goon by Diana Wynne Jones (#7) – 4 points
Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones (#1)(#1) – 20 points
Gwendolen Chant and her brother Cat find the Chrestomancy Castle family’s magic powers difficult to counter with the inferior powers of the Coven Street witches. (Charming book. Many of Jones’ books feature a betrayal, but this one really surprised me) – Laurel Sharp, Liverpool Public Library, Liverpool, NY
Dogsbody by Diana Wynne Jones (#5) – 6 points
Eight Days of Luke by Diana Wynne Jones (#3) – 8 points
I love all DWJ’s books, but some of the books I would have put on this list are listed as YA, so I choose this one. I love the combination of Norse myth with the everyday world. It’s a wonderful story. – Jenny Schwartzberg
The Homeward Bounders by Diana Wynne Jones (#9) – 2 points
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (#4) – 7 points
The Lives of Christopher Chant by Diana Wynne Jones (#6)(#9) – 7 points
Witch Week by Diana Wynne Jones (#5) – 6 points
I love Diana Wynnes Jones, and I hope enough other people do too, that she gets on this list. But she my suffer from the curse of the prolific writer, the diluting effect of too many titles getting votes to add up to a winner. I am voting for one of my top favorites, the first Diana Wynne Jones I ever read. Yet another funny fantasy novel! – Clarissa Cooke
Year of the Griffin by Diana Wynne Jones (#9) – 2 points
Yes, I know it’s a sequel. But this has been my favorite of Jones’ work since I first discovered her. The hilarious mix of school story conventions, magical philosophy, and romantic friendships is delightful. Jennifer Wharton, Youth Services Librarian, Matheson Memorial Library
Ned Mouse Breaks Away by Tim Wynne Jones (#4) – 7 points
Irony, satire, humor and chocolate merge in a delightful tale of a mouse who breaks out of jail–which Ned Mouse is in because he wrote that the government is unfair to mice. This short book is a great book to read out loud, if one can stop laughing long enough to read it. – Sarah Johnson
5. Lucy and the Big Bad Wolf / Ann Jungman
Kira, Kira by Cynthia Kadohata (#5) – 6 points
5-Masha by Mara Kay
(not very well known but adored by anyone who read it) – Constance Martin
The Ordinary Princess by M.M. Kaye (#1)(#3) – 18 points
She has everything! She’s a princess! She’s a normal girl! She’s not frickin’ blonde! She gets to run away and have adventures! She gets to spend time in a kitchen (the best place!) She gets to play house like whoa! She gets really pretty dresses AND grungy running-around-the-forest dresses! She has everything! – Miriam Newman
A charming, kind of unknown book that I’ve read about a dozen times. I found this book before it was the "in thing" to write new fairy tales. I loved the idea of a princess who was ordinary. I wish more kids were introduced to this book. I also read this one aloud to my 4th graders, and even the boys liked it. – Kim Hall (aka klonghall)
The Bungalow Mystery (The Nancy Drew Mysteries) by Caroline Keene (#8) – 3 points
The Lost Files of Nancy Drew by Caroline Keene (#1) – 10 points
The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly (#3)(#4)(#6) – 20 points
Circle of Doom by Tim Kennemore (#10) – 1 point
Thirteen-year-old Lizzie uses ingredients both ordinary and not so ordinary to make a series of magic potions, to the growing astonishment of her younger brothers. (I read this with delight, and then read it out loud to my husband, who also liked it a lot. ) – Laurel Sharp, Liverpool Public Library, Liverpool, NY
Children of the Lamp: The Akhenaten Adventure by PB Kerr (#2)(#2)(#3) – 26 points
Children of the Lamp The Blue Djinn of Babylon by PB Kerr (#3) – 8 points
Children of the Lamp and the Cobra Kind of Kathmandu (#7) – 4 points
The Tail of Emily Windsnap by Liz Kessler (#3) – 8 points
Escape to Witch Mountain, by Alexander Key (#6) – 5 points
Woman in the Wall by Patrice Kindle ( #6) – 5 points
Babe, the Gallant Pig by Dick King-Smith (#3) – 8 points
I don’t know if this will even make the poll, but I must mention it! I’ve never read it aloud, but I think it would make for a great (short) read aloud. The humor is abundant, the pathos is real but not pushed, and the ending is perfection. – Jennifer Schultz, Fauquier County Public Library, Warrenton
The School Mouse by Dick King-Smith (#3)(#8) – 11 points
Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1 by Jeff Kinney (#2)(#3)(#6)(#7) – 26 points
Diary of a Wimpy Kid – Rodrick Rules by Jeff Kinney (#5)(#9)(#10) – 9 points
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw by Jeff Kinney (#2)(#9) – 11 points
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days by Jeff Kinney (#1)(#2)(#2)(#7)(#7) – 36 points
Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling (#8) – 3 points
Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling (#3)(#4) – 15 points
Ah, the language! I am still in love with Bagheera, the black panther–and when I meet someone particularly contemptible, I want to jeer at them, "There is hair between every toe!" It is the ne plus ultra of insults in the Jungle, and I think as insults go, it deserves a following in the 21st century.- Laura Amy Schlitz
Kim by Rudyard Kipling (#2) – 9 points
Regarding the Trees – Kate Klise (#10)
Lassie Come Home by Eric Knight (#8) – 3 points
LOVED this! Can’t remember a single thing about the book, mind, but I get all warm and fussy whenever I see it or hear it mentioned. – Kara Dean
9. *Father’s Arcane Daughter, by E. L. Kongisburg.
Another book I’ll be surprised if anyone else lists. I’m counting on enough people listing Mixed-Up Files for it not to need my vote; the Heidi character, and Winston’s guilty love/hate relationship with her, and all the ambiguity they both feel about their sister Caroline (or is she Caroline, really?) make this one I couldn’t leave off my list.- Els Kushner
(George) by E.L. Konigsburg (#5) – 6 points
Jennifer Hecate Macbeth William McKinley and Me, Elizabeth by E.L. Konigsburg (#1)(#3)(#3)(#5)- 32 points
Not her most famous, but great fun and lovely. Another one I’ve read to shreds. The View from Saturdays and The Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place were also contenders for this list, but Jennifer, Hecate is the one I reread over and over, so it wins the spot. – Lisa Gordis, Barnard College
A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver by E.L. Konigsburg (#4)(#3) – 15 points
I didn’t know the story of Eleanor of Aquitaine until I read this clever book. It’s middle of the 20th Century in Heaven where Henry II is finally out of purgatory and ready to be judged. I loved the clever way Konigsburg told the tale and it was such a fun book, I wanted to know more. – Sharon, The Head Chick in Charge,
Silent to the Bone by E.L. Konigsburg (#3) – 8 points
King Matt the First by Janusz Korczak (#10) – 1 point
The 39 Clues: One False Note by Gordon Korman (#4) – 7 points
No Coins, Please by Gordan Korman (#9) – 2 points
Swindle by Gordon Korman (#3) – 8 points
Zoobreak by Gordon Korman (#5)(#8) – 9 points
Naming Maya by Uma Krishnaswami (#2) – 9 points
This book feels so incredibly realistic to me. This is real life. While reading Naming Maya, (and even months afterward) the characters spring to life, and I feel like I am stepping into the lives and the home of real people who live next door, just across the street, across the continents, in India. – Sarah Johnson
Book of Everything by Guus Kuijer (#1) – 10 points
an international title, just so amazing in a way that respects the capabilities of the young reader – Alicia Blowers
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils by Selma Lagerlof (#7) – 4 points
8. Langley, Noel. The Land of Green Ginger. London: Arthur Barker, 1936. A tale about Prince Abu Ali, the son of Aladdin, and his own adventures. I prefer the 1966 Puffin version which was adapted by Langley, with wonderful illustrations by Edward Ardizzone. I’ve read a copy of the 1936 original and Langley’s own illustrations don’t compare to Ardizzone’s and I think the 1966 version reads more smoothly. – Jenny Schwartzberg
The Diamond in the Window by Jane Langton (#3)(#3)(#8)(#10) – 20 points
yet more orphans – Constance Martin
A magical and mysterious book that stays with the reader. How is it possible that a book can define transcendentalism and introduce children to Emerson and Thoreau without being didactic in the least? – Wendy Burton
What a great mix of mystical adventures, houses with hidden places and sibling rivalry (and a nod to some famous American literary figures). I had no idea it was part of a series until I became a librarian! Maggi Idzikowski,Media Specialist, Allen Elementary School, Ann Arbor MI
Magic, family secrets and puzzles in verse are combined to create engaging adventures for a brother and sister team that want to save their family’s house from being repossessed by the bank. This is not like other magical adventure books- there is something so immediate here that the reader is drawn completely into the story. There are interesting references to historical figures of the Transcendalist movement that give it texture and depth. I love this remarkable book- and am sad that it has not really attained the classic status I think it should have. – Christine Sealock Kelly
The Fledgling by Jane Langton (#2)(#10) – 10 points
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch! by Jean Lee Latham (#1) – 10 points
I read and reread this book as a child. I loved the history and the illustrations by John O’Hara Cosgrove III. I still reread the book occasionally with great pleasure. – Jenny Schwartzberg
Savvy by Ingrid Law (#1) – 10 points
Joy is Not Herself by Josephine Lee (#6) – 5 points
The problem of evil. This is another book I read and reread as a child. It mystified me, and I relished the damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t dilemma of the main character. Little Melisande (Joy) has the powers of a witch. She is very isolated, and her one way of getting attention is to use her occult powers–but every time she does so, she becomes less human and less lovable. Even her siblings find her creepy–and the temptation to use her powers against her tormenters is often overwhelming. A powerful book.- Laura Amy Schlitz
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula LeGuin (1968)
(#2)(#2)(#7)(#7)(#9)(#9)(#10) – 31 points
The story of a young wizard coming of age, but told in spare language with no camp or easy laughs and a sense of responsibility for the power one wields; LeGuin creates a rich world that these men of few words inhabit and sense of the wonders that travel brings – Amy Farrier
the whole series was great but [my daughter] loved this best – the wild beauty of it – a book to read over and over all through one’s life. – Sarah Haliwell
A Wind in the Door – Madeleine L’Engle (#4)(#9) – 9 points
If Wrinkle in Time became part of my ethical understanding, Wind in the Door became part of my experience of faith: joy at the cellular and universal levels. – Melissa Depper, Youth Services Librarian, Arapahoe Library District CO
I liked this one even more than the first book. I think it was the powerfully imagined character of Proginoskes. Maggi Idzikowski,Media Specialist, Allen Elementary School, Ann Arbor MI
Part Two continues here.
Filed under: Top 100 Children's Novels (2010)

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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umm…I can only see the title. Is anyone having similar difficulties? Or is the post written in some sort of invisible font, accessible only to trained eyes?
I think I need to sleep, maybe the it will be here in the morning.
Either this post is top secret, has a cloak of invisibility, or my computer is jinxed, but I don’t see anything beyond the post name
Amusing. It’s so big that it doesn’t want to post. Uno momento . . .
Oh, this is rich. It saves and then deletes it entirely. I will fix THIS!
Cracked it!
Someone else voted for Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself! Yay! Also, someone shares my Joanna Hurwitz love – I didn’t include her in my list, but I loved her books as a kid!
It’s so important to draw attention to reading, and attract reluctant readers to it, especially boys. In fact, I’ve recently completed a feature magazine article on this subject that came out in October, “Help for Struggling, Reluctant Readers.”
I grew up as a reluctant reader, in spite of the fact that my father published over 70 books. Now I write action-adventures & mysteries, especially for tween boys, that avid boy readers and girls enjoy just as much.
My blog, Books for Boys is dedicated to drawing attention to the importance of reading. And my new book, Lost Island Smugglers – first in the Sam Cooper Adventure Series – is coming out in July-August. Contracts are also signed for Captain Jack’s Treasure and River Rampage.
Keep up your good work.
Max Elliot Anderson
PS. My first 7 books are going to be republished by Comfort Publishing later in 2010
Oh wow, I wish I’d taken notes, there was so much I wanted to comment on…
first, Catherine Called Birdy only got ONE VOTE??? Somewhere in the back of my head I thought it even made the list! That settles it, that one is officially the One Title from my Possibilities list I wish I HAD voted for. ONLY ONE VOTE?!
Secondly, speaking of books I DID vote for, I guess that answers the question of whether my Inkspell vote counted towards Inkheart. Well, I still consider that a vote-that-made-it! (Though I’m anxiously looking forward to the rest of the list to see if anyone else voted for my one vote that absolutely did NOT make it…)
Okay, I SOOOO want to read Whales on Stilts now.
And SEE? Told you the Diana Wynne Jones votes got ridiculously split. The Judy Blume votes got ridiculously split too, but she’s famous enough that it doesn’t matter.
And we just keep learning things, don’t we. There IS a book called The Frog Princess? Someone JUST ASKED ME yesterday if we had it, but they were looking for the Original Fairy Tale and were looking through folktale collections in vain (no, NOT the Frog Prince, it’s definitely the Frog Princess). They were going to be in a play of it. Is there a play version of that Frog Princess book, or is this play simply a retelling of the Frog Prince with a princess? …wow. Hear about it one more time in the next week, won’t I.
I really really WANT to read what Brooke has to say about Hero and the Crown (which I voted for on the YA list)! I was so shocked and appalled to get to the end of this list and realise this was just part one, even though it says “PArt One” in the title!
OMG, I don’t believe SOMEONE ELSE VOTED FOR BABY ISLAND! Who are you??? I’ve never found anyone else who even *knows* the book, let alone would put it in their top five! 🙂
Can’t wait till I have time to go over this list properly! Must pack lunches…
Just wanted to chime in with my love for BABY ISLAND, although it did not make my top ten. I LOVED that book!
Ah, THERE are my votes! And I wasn’t completely alone in my love of these books, which is nice.
Though really, only two votes for The Ordinary Princess? Have the rest of you just never the delightful thing? (It was out of print for a while, but still!)
Two votes for Danny Dunn! Makes my heart warm
I think librarian Melissa Depper and my duaghter share the same brain? were separated at birth (although I probably would have noticed). See she is a fellow lover of both Baby Island and Understood Betsy- both of which are practically in tatters due to rereading.
I will proofread before posting…I will proofread before posting. 😉
Anyone else feel like this could be an effective matchmaking service?
(By the way, MelissaZD, Baby Island is much-beloved among the ladies of the Betsy-Tacy listserv, though most of us love her Family Sabbatical best, and with good reason.)
FYI, you may see some mistakes when it comes to authors of some titles. If so, let me know. It was hard to keep track of at all times.
Betsy, did you split the post in the middle of the L’Engle votes? I don’t see my Swiftly Tilting Planet vote (and I’d hope that some of her other books got votes too).
There’s my Seven-Day Magic! Glad to see someone else voted for it too.
Ooh, Baby Island! I had totally forgotten that book, but my sisters and I read it to pieces. Also Understood Betsy.
I could see this poll being done over and over again: top teen books, top children’s fantasy books . . .
Ah, the sweet delight of seeing each one of the Chronicles of Prydain receiving special love – and Time Cat, too! I hope many discerning librarians will now remember to point eager readers to Lloyd Alexander to find a life of fantasy, humor, adventure and character growth after Harry Potter.
And so nice to know a few others found room on their top ten for The Black Stallion (well, OK, one of them was my adult daughter …)
Hey, I respect y’all’s opinions and everything, but… NO ONE ELSE VOTED FOR SILENT TO THE BONE?!? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?! I’ll just assume that all the Konigsburgians gave their votes to View and/or Basil and leave it at that. But I am perturbed, I must say.
I loved Wylly Folk St. John’s mysteries, and The Ghost Next Door was my favorite…forever paired in my memory with The Ghost in the Swing by Janet Patton Smith which I read at the same age (clearly one of those periods when “ghost” was in every title!)
Can’t believe someone else loved Mystery of the Silent Friends by Robin Gottlieb…I wanted to see those mechanical dolls in action so desperately!
And Diamond in the Window….not “just” the great writing, but Erik Blegvad’s fantastic cover art and illustrations. (Illustrators of chapter books absolutely do not get enough recognition…long past time for a new book award!)
Stunned that I was the ONLY vote for Eleanor Cameron’s Court of the Stone Children; fantasy, mystery, a small but fine museum in San Francisco, Trina Schart Hyman cover art and winner of the National Book Award…what’s not to love? 🙂
Genevieve, yup.
Part Two (link at the bottom of this post) continues the list.
Alvina, Mrs Mordecai, Chris in NY, Wendy, I can totally die happy, now that I am surrounded by Baby Island love. Chris, tell your daughter I will swap titles with her anytime! And Wendy, I am putting Family Sabbatical on hold RIGHT NOW. *happy sigh*
RE: Sam B. I consider SIlent to the Bone (and Outcasts of ….) to be YA so I left them off my top 10, maybe others did the same.
Kind of wish I could have squeezed Jennifer, Hectate, MacBeth.. into my top ten since it might have helped it make the list but I already had both Mixed Up and View on my list and couldn’t put 3 titles in.
(I should be working, but instead I’m reading all the great quotes about all these fab books.) Judith, I didn’t vote for Animal Family because I discovered it as a young adult and the list I sent in was all childhood favorites, BUT I read Animal Family to my daughters in utero, just so they could never have a time when they didn’t know it. How sappy is that? And really, I am NOT a sappy person! “We’ve had you always” just gives me chills. 🙂
So happy to see that I’m not alone in my Tangerine love! And feeling very chipper that Laura Amy Schlitz and Linda Urban loved, respectively, Understood Betsy and And Then There Were Five enough to vote for them. Those are two that it pained me to leave off my list.
What a list… it’s hard to take it all in. Thanks, Betsy, for making sense of the piles of info.
Wow.. what a list.
Have really enjoyed the daily results.
Maybe next time a list of best starting reader/chapter books?
I love this list even more than the top 100 so many childhood favorites and more recent ones to: The Toys Go Out is one of my more recent favorite however it’s the childhood favorites that resonate-remembered and forgotten.
More reasons to love Laura Amy Schlitz: Little Witch , I loved that book as a child but couldn’t remember the title as an adult, Shadow Castle-my poor falling apart Scholastic book club edition has been reread so many times-one of my early fantasy favorites, Diamond in the Window-how else would I have ever learned about the Transcendentalists in an interesting way, The Wednesday Witch another Scholastic book club edition read about the same time as Mr. Pudgins also “borrowed” from my older sibling’s bookshelf both reread many times. Regarding Mary Chase her Wicked Pigeon Ladies in the Garden reissued under the title The Wicked, Wicked Ladies in the Haunted House was another great forgotten title.
I never even thought of The Princess Bride! Maybe because I read it as a teen (but still Newbery age) – but a terrific, hilarious book. I love all the digressions (“this was before glamour” “this was before Europe”) and then the mention of the editor’s frantic comments (“How can this be before glamour when glamour is an acient concept? See ‘glamer’ in the OED.”). And Inigo Montoya’s and Fezzik’s backstories are such heartbreakers.
Also, I was a gullible kid, apparently — I was taken in by the comments saying it was a retelling of S. Morgenstern’s story, and wrote away for the scene that the lawyers wouldn’t let them print. Though I actually got a response to that!
Hooray for some Lloyd Alexander love! “The Gawgon and The Boy” is my personal favorite of his, but I do dearly love “The Chronicles of Prydain.”
And I’m also happy to see that “Artemis Fowl” and “Ranger’s Apprentice” got some votes as well. Those are two of my “no fail” boy series. I have started all three editions of my book groups with “Artemis” and I never fail to create fans. My favorite, though, is book talking it. The boys tend to roll their eyes at the word fairy, but then when I say, “Oh, but these aren’t your typical fairies, oh no: these fairies have guns,” they immediately wake up and erupt into exclamations and excitement. Never fails. It’s why sharing the Arty love is one of my librarian goals.
Okay now I am seeing a real pattern here. The daughter loves Baby Island, Betsy Tacy and Understood Betsy. We also did “find that book” search on a websited one time, trying to find the title to a book she read and liked and wanted to find again. That title was, Family Sabbatical. If she was not 17, and completely overwhelmed with school, I would point her to the Betsy Tacy list serve. For those of you that share her taste you might want to check out What Katy Did, another favorite.
And Genevieve, I was the other 7 Day Magic supporter. I do think if I wasn’t married (and was into girls) we could do a successful matchmaking thing…. ‘)
Indeed, Chris (and with the same caveat), because I read the description of Family Sabbatical on that bookfinder site and said “Oh, I remember that book! I liked that book!” I remember them ordering all those cans of Campbell soup and the kids making the names into a song including “Oxtail,” which stymied me. Had no idea that was the author of Baby Island, which I’ve seen mentioned here.
Rockinlibrarian, you’re another of my book twins . . .
Had dinner last night with a friend whose family knew Lloyd Alexander – she said he looked like Fflewddur Fflam. And apparently he started Cricket magazine! As a girl who grew up on Cricket and whose son loved Babybug, I owe him even more. (Black Cauldron is my favorite, glad to see votes for it.)
Genevieve, I always thought Clifton Fadiman started Cricket Magazine? Lloyd Alexander was an early contributor, though, and maybe he was on the board (I was 7 when it started & didn’t pay attention to such things as boards).
Again, I cannot comprehend the amount of effort required to complete the list and these follow up posts. Thank you, E.R.
And love everyone’s comments. Almost as good as the posts.
To the person who voted for Ordinary Jack by Helen Cresswell, well done. Read it during my teacher training back in 19__ and it was the funniest book I read in Kid Lit. Laugh-out-loud funny.
But then one may need the requisite knowledge of British life to fully appreciate it. Thank goodness I had just spent the previous semester in England. Thank you for bringing back those fond memories. (BTW, E.R., loved the review. Brilliant!) Cheers all.
Baby Island! I didn’t know ANYONE else had read & loved that book! It was one of my all-time favorites as a child. I haven’t thought of that book in years. Oh, and I’m so happy to see someone else voted for The Ordinary Princess! No one ever knows that book. I enjoyed going through all these “leftovers”. I think half of my top 10 are in these two posts. I always knew I didn’t go with “popular opinion” on books, and that’s OK. I love reading everyone’s comments, too, with their votes. Thanks for posting so many of mine. 🙂 There’s one advantage to voting for random books! Thanks again, Betsy. I’ve found lots of new books for my summer reading list. First, I gotta go find a copy of Baby Island! I don’t think I’ve read that book since about 1976.
Can’t believe no one else voted for Charlotte Sometimes! Can’t believe I didn’t vote for Shadow Castle (a cherished hardcover handed down from my mother, now being enjoyed by my nieces) and Winter Cottage (I like Baby Island too) or perhaps Two Are Better Than One. I’m a big fan of Court of the Stone Children and Mushroom Planet also. I agree with whomoever said that Eager and DWJones were hurt by vote splitting. Although I did not vote for Enid Blyton, I was very influenced by Malory Towers and St. Claire’s and The Naughtiest Girl in the School – resulting in a life long obsession with school stories.
Some of these books, although great, I think are YA like Summer of My German Soldier (I was shocked recently when only one other person in my book group had ever heard of it).
Thank you for continuing, Betsy.
This list makes me smile. How delightful to see all the books that my students adore in this snapshot. Many will be weeded through and in garage sales by the next poll – (Sassy’s Surprise). I’m embarrassed I ever worried about letting children vote. Any books that get them panting for the next will lead to the next generation of poll takers and readers.
I’m not sure if I should admit how ridiculously thrilled I get whenever I see that you have used one of my quotes. I really shouldn’t be so impress with my own cleverness. Thanks for allowing a bit of head swelling.
Although I voted for The High King, I admit that Taran Wanderer is my favorite Prydian, but I think that book appeals more to my adult self. If I’d found the books when I was a kid I’m sure The High King would have been the most satisfying.
And once again Smank you.
More Lloyd Alexander! Some Danny Dunn! Mr Popper’s Penguins deserves more readers. I love Joan Bauer’s books. Glad others remember John Christopher and The White Mountains series. The Gregor series is great. The London Eye Mystery is a gem. Ranger’s Apprentice love will grow! Just finished third book in Sea of Trolls series – so good!
Only one vote for The Whipping Boy? Jack Gantos and Dan Gutman should have more votes too. Too much vote splitting for Diane Wynne Jones.
Wow – look at all the books I haven’t thought of in years! And all the ones I never heard of!
Nice to see I’m not the only one who nominated Trixie Belden and the Secret of the Mansion, or for Spiderweb for Two!
And Kjelgaard not only didn’t make the Top 100, but didn’t get even a single nomination. Sad….
I couldn’t get Trixie Belden onto my top 10 list, there was just so much else I felt like I had to put on there, but I wish I could have. Although I’m not sure if I would have put Mansion or Gatehouse (#3, my favorite) on there. Trixie was practically my best friend growing up.
Count me among the many readers who loves Baby Island. And among the many celebrating with great joy over how much love Lloyd Alexander got!
Oh, The Ordinary Princess is wonderful, as is The Silver Curlew! And yes, though I haven’t read Baby Island in years, I remember how much I liked it, especially when they mixed up the twins. Plus Joan Bauer is fantastic, and it really is poopy that the marvelous Diana Wynne Jones doesn’t have a book on the list, but I can see how easily that vote might have split. Well, it’s nice to know how many great books are out there! Looking at this list, I’m amazed any of us narrowed it down to 10 at all.
More love for Baby Island here (my family is always saying, “We’re singing hosannas/’Cause we found bananas”), but as Wendy mentioned, Family Sabbatical is my very favorite Brink. It’s one of my very favorite children’s chapter books, in fact, though obviously it wasn’t on the Top Ten list I sent to Betsy.
Thrilled to see even more love for Elizabeth Enright, and the vote for the Three Investigators delighted me (Dead Man’s Riddle is my favorite). I have always much preferred Trixie Belden and Three Investigators mysteries to Nancy Drew.
WOW! Someone else has read Trolley Car Family! I, too, pored over the drawings–actually, I still love to reread the book and was just thinking about it this morning. When the trolley cars are phased out to make way for buses, the father of the family asks for his old trolley instead of a pension or a new job driving a bus. They tow it out past the end of the line and set up the trolley car as a house on an old farm. Adventures, of course, ensue, but the thing that always sticks out in my mind is the the mother sends the dad out with a packed lunch consisting entirely of cake.
Thank you for doing this, Betsy Bird! I’m thrilled that someone else actually voted for SPIDERWEB FOR TWO and TOM’S MIDNIGHT GARDEN! There are “kindred spirits” out there, as Anne Shirley would say!
So neat to see a vote for Masha! Some day I will find a reasonably-priced used copy.
No love for my childhood favorite – Hoban’s The Mouse and His Child.