Fusenews: Mmmm. A delicious slush stack could really hit the spot right now.
Ain’t It Cool news finally got their paws on Spike Jones and they had him tell everything he knew about the upcoming Where the Wild Things Are movie. There are lots of great tidbits in it, like the fact that Jonze initially wanted to produce Harold and the Purple Crayon. And then there’s this great part where they talk about the film’s difficulties:
Spike Jonze: And I think that’s what freaked the studio out about the movie too. It wasn’t a studio film for kids, or it wasn’t a traditional film about kids. We didn’t have like a Movie Kid in our movie, or a Movie Performance in a Movie Kid world. We had a real kid and a real world, and I think that’s sort of where our problem was. In the end they realized the movie is what it is, and there’s no real way to… it’s sort of like they were expecting a boy and I gave birth to a girl.
Even if you don’t make it to the end of the interview (it’s massive) be sure to check out the photographs Ain’t It Cool News secured. I hadn’t seen the sunset one before. Thanks to Educating Alice for the link.
I know that his post is interesting above and beyond the usual twaddle, but I was delighted beyond measure when I saw that J.L. Bell had posted a photograph of an actual honest-to-goodness slush pile on his blog. It’s from Tor in 2006, but I do not care. Doesn’t look much like a pile, though. More like a slush stack.
News to make you sit up and weep for joy: Justine Larbalestier and Holly Black are editing an anthology called Zombies Versus Unicorns. According to Galleycat io9 has the scoop: "[the] anthology that will be half zombie stories and half unicorn stories, with Larbalestier editing the former and Black the latter."
As I am sure you already know The National Book Award for Young People’s Literature was announced the other day and it just happened to go to Judy Blundell for What I Saw and How I Lied. In case you’d like a systematic look at each book, Collecting Children’s Books has provided, along with notes on how available their first editions are.
A 12-year-old kid who won a competition to make the cover for The Wind in the Willows will have it printed on the new Vintage Classics Edition. Aw. Check out the runners-up as well, if you’ve a chance. Can we start having competitions like this on our side of the pond? Thanks to Bookninja for the link.
Douglas Florian has a blog? Don’t nobody tell me nuthin’. Yep, apparently Florian Cafe is up and running and doing just fine. Thanks to BookMoot.
You know, if a hundred libraries working a hundred hours tried to find a way to make (suppress gag reflex) reading cool, they could do no better than to turn the word "book" into a term of adulation and praise. But according to Alien Onion, a new editorial blog (!!) the term is being used by the kids today as a stand-in for "rad" or "gnarly" (and yes I am 100 years old, why do you ask?). By the way, if someone could identify for me the publication house of Alien Onion I’d be obliged. I like their tone, I do.
The Winter Blog Blast Tour may be over for this season, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other great interviews out there. From an interview with illustrator Matt Phelan (The Higher Power of Lucky) conducted by The Longstockings:
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
Selling dismemberment insurance over the phone. On my first day, a customer asked me if I would buy dismemberment insurance over the phone. I had to admit that I wouldn’t. I hung up the phone and quit.
You can read more of the piece here.
An authorial website is a work of art. It typifies a writer’s personality and soul. A good website is a purely personal creation and when done well signifies a kind of artistic expression (even though half the time it was put together by a designer and not the writer in question). Lisa Greenwald has a new one up at the moment and it’s a wonderful example of how to be eye-catching without being annoying. Kudos to you, Lisa!
Heads up, people! Editorial Anonymous here’s got herself an Open Mike Night at the Synopsis Lounge. When someone asked old EA on the ins and outs of an average synopsis, the challenge was thrown down for the masses. "Please email me with synopses of well-known, published middle-grade/YA novels (synopses should be no more than 150 words). I’ll post them with my comments regarding thoroughness, clarity, style, and appeal in a separate post." So far only two submissions have been entered. See if you can up the count before the end of the weekend.
The things you learn. Here I am in my new digs. Got my marble walkways. Got my stucco. Got my gold inlays. And now I’m learning about some of the hip projects happening above my head. Listen to this:
"The New York Public Library and design*sponge have invited the five artists to come to the library, become inspired by its collections, and have their entire creative process filmed from beginning to the final finished creative product. In this first episode they’re introducing the project and designers, and I just watched and found myself so inspired. You can find inspiration for your art in so many places, and I think the good old library is a long forgotten gem, so I’m super excited to follow the Design By The Book series."
That’s sfgirlbybay giving you the skinny. She has the first episode up and running on her blog (I could put it here but credit where credit’s due). And fellow Desk Setter and HSSL employee Jessica Pigza has also been working on the series. Cheers!
By the way, did you guys catch the Amulet Spring 2009 preview and the Abrams Spring 2009 preview all over at designer Chad Beckerman’s blog? They came out a while ago but I’m behind on my blog reading. Worth checking out.
I don’t suppose I link to my fellow SLJ bloggers quite enough. Well if you pop on over to Good Comics for Kids you’ll see a nice little post called "T" is for Teenagers, Not Kids. Snow Wildsmith makes some excellent points about kids reading comics that are inappropriate for their maturity levels. Makes me kind of happy I have my all-children’s-all-the-time library room. It can’t last, but it’s lovely not having to deal with these issues.
Daily Image:
The Jim Flora advocates out there just keep the kicks coming. Now they’ve created their own shop called Little Shop of Flora (add requisite groans here). I have to admit that they’ve some fairly nice wares to hock as well, though. Check it:
Thanks to Irwin Chusid for the link.
Filed under: Fusenews
About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
SLJ Blog Network
Cover Reveal Q&A: HURRICANE by Jason Chin
Uprooted | This Week’s Comics
Talking with the Class of ’99 about Censorship at their School
Queering the Classic YA Love Triangle, a guest post by Alicia Jasinska
lisa greenwald says
Thank you so much for highlighting my website! I am thrilled you like it. You made my day!!! xoxo Lisa
teacherninja says
Thanks for the link to that “book” blog, Alien Onion.
editorial anonymous says
Alien Onion is Allen & Unwin, silly. 😉
Fuse #8 says
Oh… with the… the sign outside their building which I very very specifically linked to? *sigh* Just one of those posts.