Children’s Book Illustrators for Obama
Here’s my thinking on the matter. I could chomp on about politics on this blog all day and that would be fine. But really, as political as I am I really need to see that the topics covered apply to children’s literature in some fashion. So when I was sent this amazing poster of Children’s Book Illustrators for Obama… well that I just had to put up.
Awww. Look at Chato and Ms. Bindergarten! He brings dogs and cats together in a common cause. On their blog PictureBook People for Obama (a good place to look for all the names here) people are asked to print off this poster and post it far and wide for all to see. I bet that if you ask some of them nicely they’ll send you high quality scans too.
To be fair, if Children’s Book Illustrators for McCain ever sends me a poster I’ll put that up too. Any takers?
Thanks to Maria van Lieshout for the link.
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About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Obama rocks and so does your site!
Hey, thanks for all the great ideas. I’ve nominated you for an I Love Your Blog award over on my site. Of course you don’t have to participate, but it’s always nice to know someone’s paying attention 🙂
My family lived through cult of personality like this. I myself grew up reading books like this one. You people have no idea what you are getting yourselves into with this cult of personality. G-d help us all if this cult of personality gets ever combined with power of the Presidency.
The best children’s books and the most inspiring teachers don’t tell children how to feel or what to think, they challenge them to be independent thinkers and encourage them to be honest feelers. This is a travesty and immediately identifies those who take part in and propagate it as second rate talents and people who are willing to use their power over children for their selfish goals. You may not be able to imagine anyone objecting to this and it is fine if the illustrators involved want to identify themselves as political hacks in feetsie pajamas, but if children are exposed to this I consider emotional extortion of the lowest most abusive kind. Political indoctrination in public schools is a violation of the public trust and in many places is a legal cause for dismissal.
Geez o’ marie that took a long time! I posted this link a good 9 days ago and it took over a week for the negative comments to start coming in? Seriously, you guys are off your game. In this day and age I expect instant outrage, not delayed grumbles. The internet just isn’t what it once was. In my prime I’d get neggies a mere two minutes after political postings. What is this country coming to, I wonder?
So, how about actually responding to my comment on substance?
My dad was taught to thank comrade Stalin for his happy childhood. Will his grandchildren be taught to thank comrade Obama for their happy childhood?
No, m’darling. I can’t actually respond to comments such as these. For one thing, you just compared Stalin to Obama and as much as I am all for free speech, you just took the train to Kookyville. Express.
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