Violet Quill Posters
I suppose the most important announcement is that the Cybils are nigh yet again. Those of you unfamiliar with these awards are in for a treat. This is the second year that the electronic children’s literary world has participated in the Children’s and YA Bloggers’ Literary Award. Last year’s winners, as you will recall, were extraordinarily good, if I do say so myself. I’ve little doubt that this year will produce a similar crop of outstanding titles. According to Big A little a, Kelly and Anne are currently in the throes of preparation and they will be seeking panelists this Friday. Nominations of your favorite books will not begin until October 1st, however. You have been warned.
- Speaking of awards, the sometimes unfortunate Quill Book Awards were announced. Here are the children’s winners. Not too shabby. You can also vote amongst all the winners to determine the best Book of the Year. What if Scott McCloud won? Would that not be just absolutely bizarre and wonderful? I think I may be biased. Thanks to Kids Lit for the link.
Your Neighborhood Librarian on ALA’s Read Posters: ". . . ALA’s products are often most totally lame – William H. Macy looks remarkably simian while advertising Curious George; they’ve got Orlando Bloom not convincing anyone of his heterosexuality by attempting a thoughtful glower while suggesting that we read Tolkien, and the expression on Keira Knightley‘s face suggests that we’d be total chumps to read Pride and Prejudice! And oh no! They took the weirdly sexy Alan Rickman and made him look like Mickey Rourke. Where do they get these photographers?" Amen, sister. Amen to all of that.
The generosity of illustrators strikes again. This time it’s at 7-Imp where Eisha and Jules are the proud recipients of a bit of original art for their banner from one Frank Dormer. Well done, my fellows! Well done indeed. I’m glad he confessed to creating it. Now does anyone want to tell me who it was that made my little fuseman?
And finally via both Jen Robinson’s Book Page and Finding Wonderland, I was introduced to the blog Shrinking Violet Promotions. Essentially it’s marketing advice for introverts. It has been created by Ms. Robin LaFevers (of Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos fame) and a Ms. Mary Hershey who appears to be a coach of some sort as well as an author. This blog has actually been around since February, so it’s not as if they don’t have tons of posts on the topic at hand. There’s mostly a lot of talk about introverts vs. extroverts. I’ll be scanning their archives to find material specific to how introvert authors can market themselves without having to create reader’s theater productions of their own books (not that there’s anything wrong with that, Mo).
Filed under: Uncategorized

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
SLJ Blog Network
Newbery Jump 2025
Very Bad at Math | Review
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Take Five: February 2025 Middle Grade Graphic Novels
I have to point out at least one ALA product that is far from lame – the “I Read Banned Books” bracelet, which I was given for my birthday by a wonderfully thoughtful friend. I love it!!
To be fair, I cut out that part of the quote praising the bracelet. It is, as you same, much with the not-lameness.
Is drink night still on?
Many thanks for the Cybils announcement, Fuse! We’re well on our way to the bestestest Cybils ever. What, bestestest isn’t a word?
Of course the drink night is still on! Interestingly, Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown. Something tells me I should have thought of that. Ah well. And yes, bestestest is most certainly a word. It’s practically my name.
Glad you found the Violets, Fuse. I think they do great stuff.
Funny about the READ posters. A friend of mine did one through his University, and it was so weird to see this book-filled READ poster, with a picture of an old drinking buddy.
You know you’re getting up there when you find yourself in a theater thinking: “Hey, that Severus is hot.”
I must be getting up there then, cause that man is smokin’.
The Orlando Bloom poster is on prominent display in my daughter’s college dorm room. The girls in her hall are all drooling over it.