I Wanna Be Creepily Preserved Too!
As first paragraphs go, this one from another recent Guardian article takes the cake:
The four lucky laureates included Anne Fine, Quentin Blake, Michael Morpurgo, and Jacqueline Wilson. All worthy writer/illustrators one and all. Not everyone was entirely pleased, it seems. Said Anne Fine, she was, "seriously scared by the way she looked like the wicked stepmother in Snow White." If she’s referring to the stepmother pre her cronification then that might be intended as a compliment. Maybe.
I think this is an excellent idea, by the way. We should holograph our own kidlit behemoths. I say we start with Maurice Sendak. Something tells me he might enjoy the creepy process in all the right ways.
Filed under: Uncategorized

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Trying again. The color thing in the verification totally threw me, really, I’m too lazy to read.
I was going to say that ‘creepily preserved’ must be better than ‘penetratingly transformed’ and then make a risque joke about post penetration transformations, but maybe that’s actually what made SLJ boot my comment.
It looks good on you, the corporate. Except for that pesky banner at the bottom – go ‘way, dammit!
Congratulations on a successful transition!
Hon, any joke you can make using the word “penetration” is more than welcome here. Obviously I’m not classing up the joint by being here myself.
Doggone little banner.