Good Comics for Kids
May 31, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Honestly, I don’t quite know why I even bother doing Fusenews posts on Saturdays. As you might suspect, my readership dips considerably when the weekends hit, but an old Fusenews post is like a week old fish. Time does it no favors. As such, I shall cut through my seething envy of everyone at BookExpo […]
October 5, 2011 by Betsy Bird
All right. Test Subject A is still sleeping through the night but due to events beyond our control she has decided to go to bed two hours later than usual. So it is 10:00 p.m. and I’m only just starting my blogging on this post. And a Fusenews night at that? Better slip on my […]
September 20, 2010 by Betsy Bird
Sometimes I feel that in midst of all our Newbery/Caldecott predictions we tend to place more attention on the Newbery side of the equation. There are Mock Newbery committees all around the country with blogs. How strange that there are fewer Mock Caldecott committees. You’d think it would be the other way around. After all, […]
Heavy Medal
by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
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