100 Scope Notes
January 23, 2013 by Betsy Bird
When you’re a parent you don’t get a whole lot of time to take off and see new movies. Tell you something you don’t already know, right? Well for Christmas my husband and I got a copy of Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom and even with the film in our home we STILL didn’t get around […]
April 17, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Durn. This is what I get for not doing a Fusenews in a while. A whole plethora of good stuff! Let’s see what we can use up in a single day, eh? For the record, if you haven’t read these Hunger Games comics (in the style of Kate Beaton, no?) then now’s the time. They’re […]
December 8, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Actually, that little icon here is a touch misleading, but I took it since it talks about our first news item of the day. This l’il here ole blog got itself nominated for an Edublog Award, which is mighty nice. SLJ wrote an article about me and my fellow nominees, Joyce Valenza’s NeverEndingSearch, Karyn Silverman […]
April 14, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Howdy, folks. I’m starting off today with a little podcast-related item. Back in the day I tried podcasting for sport. It was fun (I had my own intro music and everything) but after a while it became clear that podcasting is a labor of love best left to the professionals with their prodigious editing skills, […]
February 28, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Nice movie poster, right? Wouldn’t look too shabby in your local cineplex. Well, don’t get too excited quite yet. It seems that Sean Astin (a.k.a. Sam from the Lord of the Rings trilogy) is raising money to start production on this film, to be shot in Denmark. Lowry reports on the process, though she is […]
January 19, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Marketing yourself. Yeah, forget the hokey-pokey. We know what it’s really all about in this game. You poor authors and illustrators. Isn’t it enough that you sweat and strain to create the highest quality literature for the generation that will inherit the earth after we are dead and gone . . . and now you’ve […]
December 8, 2010 by Betsy Bird
Boy, I picked the wrong week to go about putting off my regular Fusenews. What we’ve got here is a veritable fusey newsy pile-up. I shall endeavor to separate the wheat from the chaff, but no guarantees it’ll actually work. Let us see what all I’m able to pack in for today then: Lucky ducks! […]
September 15, 2010 by Betsy Bird
Oh man. I need to get my third Newbery/Caldecott predictions up and pronto. Now that the Heavy Medal blog has entered the arena again you just know that the debating is about to begin. Already I can see that I’ll have to fight tooth and nail for my beloved One Crazy Summer and that Nina […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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