Heavy Medal
January 9, 2024 by Betsy Bird
I could have picked any picture book to kick off my reviewing in 2024. I have selected this one. For me, this is everything I hope and fear for this year.
May 25, 2023 by Betsy Bird
From critical interpretations of tall tales and Norse tales to environmentalism in India and dead houseplants, there's something for everyone in today's round-up.
July 18, 2012 by Betsy Bird
The Secret of the Stone Frog By David Nytra TOON Books (an imprint of Candlewick Press) $14.95 ISBN: 978-10935179-18-4 Ages 7-12 On shelves September 11, 2012 It’s the old if-a-tree-falls-in-the-woods quandary reinvented for the comic book age: If a graphic novel for children references a century old comic predecessor, does it matter if no one […]
April 25, 2012 by Betsy Bird
You’ve got your big-time fancy pants New York publishers on the one hand, and then you have your big-time fancy pants Boston publishers on the other. A perusal of Minders of Make-Believe by Leonard Marcus provides a pretty good explanation for why Boston is, in its way, a small children’s book enclave of its own. […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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