The Yarn
April 11, 2023 by Betsy Bird
Welcome to a series I like to produce on the regular. "Unexpected Jolts of Children's Literature" is what happens when an adult book discusses children's literature in some manner.
August 2, 2021 by Betsy Bird
Today we consider the books written for adults that have some sort of link, however tangential, to children's literature.
October 20, 2020 by Betsy Bird
Periodically I will notice, note, and eventually post about books for adults that have some tangential (or even overt) relationship to children's literature. Today's the day!
August 2, 2016 by Betsy Bird
Here’s the thing about Minh Lê. He doesn’t blog terribly often, but when it does it just sort of explodes like an atom bomb on the scene. His Hamilton starring Elephant and Piggie . . . sheer brilliance. I’m just mad I didn’t think of it myself (not that I could ever have paired the […]
December 7, 2015 by Betsy Bird
In my current job I’ve become somewhat fascinated with what could easily be considered the key tool in a librarian’s toolbelt: Reader’s Advisory. Patron asks you to recommend a book based on a set of preferences and you knock it out of the park. That’s our job and we do it well. Booksellers do it […]
June 21, 2012 by Betsy Bird
#5 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis (1950) 204 points The book that made me a reader, by a writer whose pure enthusiasm for life and story carries you on a lion’s back through the best of adventures. – Susan Van Metre I remember at my vast old age in 7th […]
May 15, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Oh, wow. Just . . . wow. Some of you may already be aware of the Boogie Woogie blog, run by author/illustrator Aaron Zenz and his three kids. The fact that it may be the best blog out there in which kids participate in the discussion of children’s literature is evidenced by nothing so much […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
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