Teen Librarian Toolbox
November 25, 2024 by Betsy Bird
"Put a box over them! This is not rocket science!" For Thanksgiving we enjoy the bad choices made by the characters in today's book. Will this make the book a classic? Find out!
November 23, 2020 by Betsy Bird
Kate requested a Thanksgiving picture book classic. In the course of things, Kate creates a shocking backstory worthy of V.C. Andrews while I deep dive into Agatha Christie territory and start speculating about how the incipient murder would take place.
November 27, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Joyeux Turkey Day, my fellows! Between bites of sweet potato and rolls, perhaps it might do the soul good to listen to a l’il ole podcast that’s actually a bit perfect for the day. The “original” Thanksgiving was between Pilgrims and Native Americans, or so we were taught in grade school, yes? Well perhaps we […]
November 22, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Bork bork bork! Happy Thanksgiving, you kooky turkey lovers.
November 24, 2011 by Betsy Bird
I sez it’s children’s literature related and I sez the heck with it. The Thanksgiving connection is, admittedly, a bit of a stretch. Many many thanks to BoingBoing for the link. I hope you are all having a delightful Thanksgiving. I know that with my new baby and newer job I’m awfully thankful for a […]
November 25, 2010 by Betsy Bird
As you bask in this glorious day, eating lots of food, gawking at the Diary of a Wimpy Kid balloon in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (wish my apartment was just a leetle closer to the parade route) enjoy this fabulous and fun article by Rocco Staino that appeared recently in Huffington Post: Turkeys: The […]
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