Heavy Medal
June 10, 2014 by Betsy Bird
So the big news this week was that a writer at Slate decided that now was an ideal time to take a potshot at adults reading young adult books. And, as you might expect, everyone got quite hot under the collar about it. To arms! To arms! Considering that this sort of thing happens pretty […]
June 27, 2013 by Betsy Bird
As you read this I am winging my way to Chicago, IL. Land of Great Lakes, windy winds, and hot dogs that carry unconscionable stigmas for logical edible combinations (ketchup ONLY works on hot dogs, people). Blogging, if my schedule is to be believed, is due to be a bit spotty for the next few […]
September 11, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Oh good. Now we have a rallying cry. Bonus. Thanks to Maureen Johnson for the link. Travis at 100 Scope Notes recently discovered the author video cache to beat all author video caches. As he puts it “I challenge you to a good ol’ fashioned game of ‘I Bet I Can Find a Video Interview […]
October 12, 2010 by Betsy Bird
With Noonoo and Nada and Nell… No. Wait. Scratch that. But I have been to a couple of marvelous parties as of late. Under normal circumstances I don’t mention them all that often, but this week I’ll make an exception. [Note: If you don’t like party posts, avoid this one at all costs. Even if […]
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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