Heavy Medal
January 23, 2020 by Betsy Bird
Taking a common hand rhyme and turning it into a story with a satisfying plot would be a difficult challenge for anyone but for Ms. Carmen Agra Deedy's Rita & Ralph's Rotten Day it’s a breeze. A marvelous addition to any storytime roster, no matter where you are.
October 19, 2014 by Betsy Bird
So here’s the deal. In libraries nationwide there are systems where trained children’s librarians are a scarcity. There are any number of reasons for this. It could be that the city or system is low on funds and isn’t hiring. It could be that there isn’t a reliable library school in the state. Whatever the […]
October 7, 2010 by Betsy Bird
Do I pander? All right then, I pander. When you find yourself doing a storytime for the kidlets, you may start to become desperate to hold their attention in some way. With toddlers I always have the option of singing my head off. Only a few tots have ever resisted the lure of “The Wheels […]
August 23, 2010 by Betsy Bird
It’s an understood fact that toddlers, when placed in large groups, respond to only a few things the poor librarian schmuck sitting in front of them might care to do during a storytime. The poor librarian schmuck (or PLS) is then faced with several options. I cannot vouch for everyone, but usually this means just […]
July 24, 2010 by Betsy Bird
Herein lies the third installment of my Storytime Suggestions series. We covered Toddlers. We covered Preschoolers. Now a little something for the older tykes. I’m talking the K-2 crowd. Maybe my favorite age to read books to, truth be told. These are the kids I feel more comfortable experimenting on with new picture books. It […]
July 7, 2010 by Betsy Bird
That went well! A week or two ago I announced that I would begin a new series on this blog. My idea was that children’s librarians always want to see how other children’s librarians tell different stories. It gives us ideas. We can steal ways of telling books and incorporate them into our own storytimes. […]
June 22, 2010 by Betsy Bird
We’re trying some new today, kids. Bear with me. Today marks the official re-release of one of the greatest storytime picture books of all time. Ladies and gentlemen, I have been a one-woman-band for the power, glory, and overall wonderfulness that is The Noisy Counting Book. It is my storytime staple. I might forget the […]
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