100 Scope Notes
May 21, 2020 by Betsy Bird
You know those parents that get roped into reading to their kids’ preschool/Kindergarten/church group and walk aimlessly through libraries and bookstores in a hazy daze of barely contained fear? This book is for them. Guaranteed laughs, short content, and the kind of book I could see a kid demanding over and over again. Worth buying? “Yerp!”
July 19, 2019 by Betsy Bird
I like a dead pet book with good practical advice, some honestly touching moments, and, yes, a bit of humor. A book like The End of Something Wonderful: A Practical Guide to a Backyard Funeral by Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic. Euphemisms and platitudes can take a hike. This book proves that there’s more than one way to funeral.
November 26, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Recently I had the pleasure of attending the AAP Tri-State Book Buzz for Children’s and Teen Librarians here in NYC. This is an event where a whole heaping helpful of publishers gather together to do a kind of massive librarian preview for folks like myself. It’s a mix of big folks (Macmillan, Random House, etc.) […]
June 2, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Heh heh. You know when I said I’d write up the Day of Dialog librarian previews that I saw? Well, I wasn’t kidding. In fact, I’ve decided to be extra efficient and just cram the whole lot of them into one big, superlative, overcompensating post. Before I do, however, I should note that a couple […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
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