Politics in Practice
October 18, 2022 by Betsy Bird
The self-publishing model has been around for a number of years now. How do you distinguish yourself in 2022? Becky Behrisch offers us a whole new model worth considering.
December 6, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Halfway Home: Drawing My Way Through Japan By Christine Mari Inzer Naruhodo Press $11.95 ISBN: 978-0-9907014-0-8 Ages 12 and up On shelves now There’s been a lot of talk about the role of the reviewer when it comes to self-published books. Horn Book Magazine makes a point of not reviewing self-published fare of any sort. […]
December 31, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Henry and the Incredibly Incorrigible, Inconveniently Intelligent Smart Human By Lynn Messina Tater Tot Books $7.99 ISBN: 978-0984901845 Ages 9-12 On shelves now. Every year I swear to myself that I’ll review at least one self-published book written for kids. And every year I manage to do it, but only after sifting through countless manuscripts. […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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