Good Comics for Kids
July 5, 2021 by Betsy Bird
Cool off from these hot summer days with this cool nighttime excursion. Kate and I make weird owl noises and debate why we don't eat them for food (amongst other things).
September 28, 2015 by Betsy Bird
The problem with this Fusenews feature is that if I don’t do them regularly then the news out there builds up, builds up, builds up, until there’s so much of it out there that I’m almost embarrassed to do anything with it. Such is the case today! And, as per usual, I’ll say that I’m […]
March 13, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Morning, folks. Bird here. Seems this book I’ve written with fellow bloggers Peter Sieruta of Collecting Children’s Books and Jules Danielson of Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast is in the last stages of completion. Fun With Copyedits is the name of the game this week, which means that my blogging may suffer a tad here […]
June 5, 2012 by Betsy Bird
#30 Owl Moon by Jane Yolen (1987) 55 points When I read this book, I can feel and hear the snow crunching under my feet. I can actually hear the silence. – Susan Lang It seems appropriate that just as the weather warms up for summer we take one last plunge into winter at its […]
100 Scope Notes
by Travis Jonker
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