Good Comics for Kids
March 9, 2023 by Betsy Bird
Children's laureates abound in other nations. In this program seven of them presented and I've got a video from it that's gonna knock your socks off!
January 12, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Some weeks can go by without a single solitary interesting video in sight. Other weeks, you drown in brilliance. This week inclines far more towards the latter than the former. I could not lead off today with anything other than the latest bit of Bookie Woogie brilliance. You keened to their 90-second rendition of Where […]
August 26, 2013 by Betsy Bird
There must be a psychological disorder associated with an extreme preference for speculation over cold hard facts. Or, at the very least, a layman’s term for it. But until I research this fully, let us indulge my proclivities and talk a little about the National Ambassador of Young People’s Literature and all that it entails. […]
January 5, 2012 by Betsy Bird
The last time I did a Fusenews was more than a week ago. As such my links all seem a bit out of date. Ah well. Let’s have fun with a partially abbreviated Fusenews today then. However, to begin . . . Sometimes it feels like we always lose some of the best ones at […]
September 15, 2011 by Betsy Bird
Had a conversation with someone the other day about the next potential National Ambassador of Young People’s Literature. A position created in 2008 by its sponsors The Center for the Book in the Library of Congress, the Children’s Book Council (CBC) and Every Child a Reader, from 2008-2009 the job went to Jon Scieszka. In […]
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