Politics in Practice
April 5, 2019 by Betsy Bird
Today we're going to try out a new series. Jump into the wayback machine with me, and let's revisit books that came out more than a decade ago, that were stellar at the time. Does anyone remember them today? Do kids still find them in libraries? Bookstores?
February 6, 2019 by Betsy Bird
When I was a kid my favorite detective was Vikki from The Bloodhound Gang. In her honor I create a booklist of the great Black girl sleuths of today.
August 12, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Lockwood & Company: The Screaming Staircase By Jonathan Stroud Hyperion Books for Children $16.99 ISBN: 978-1-4231-6491-3 Ages 10 and up On shelves September 17th I’m sick of historical fiction. I’m sick of contemporary fiction. I’m sick of realism and science fiction. Fantasy I watch with a wary eye. I don’t always feel this way but […]
February 12, 2013 by Betsy Bird
One Came Home By Amy Timberlake $16.99 ISBN: 978-0-375-86925-9 Ages 10 and up On shelves now I like children’s books that sock you in the gut. Not the books that telegraph their hits or do the old one-two punch you can see coming from a mile away. No way, man, I’m talking about the books […]
September 24, 2012 by Betsy Bird
All the Wrong Questions: “Who Could That Be at This Hour?” By Lemony Snicket Illustrated by Seth Little, Brown and Company $15.99 ISBN: 978-0-316-12308-2 Ages 9-12 On shelves October 24th Last year I was running a bookgroup for kids, ages 9-12, when the subject of children’s books adapted into films came up. We talked about […]
May 3, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Three Times Lucky By Sheila Turnage Dial (an imprint of Penguin) $16.99 ISBN: 978-0-8037-3670-2 Ages 9-12 On shelves May 10th The Southern Girl Novel. It’s pretty much a genre in and of itself in the children’s literary world. Some years produce more of them than others but they all tend to follow the same format. […]
January 23, 2012 by Betsy Bird
The Great Cake Mystery: Precious Ramotswe’s Very First Case By Alexander McCall Smith Illustrated by Iain McIntosh Anchor Books $12.99 ISBN: 978-0-307-94944-8 Ages 7-10 On shelves April 3rd There was once a time, best beloved, when the early chapter book section of your local lending library was a veritable wasteland of white characters. Oh, every […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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