Good Comics for Kids
October 2, 2016 by Betsy Bird
Good morning, my fine and frisky young denizens of this sphere upon which we make our homes. I’m particularly chipper today as I’ve just returned from a lovely trip to Boston where I attended the Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards and managed NOT to lose my glasses in the process. More on that tomorrow, but today […]
September 27, 2015 by Betsy Bird
So, fun fact. I read a serious 2017 Newbery contender a couple months ago and it looks like they may release it in the nearish future (February 2nd). I’m calling 2016 as The Year of the Fox, by the way, since both Sara Pennypacker and Kathi Appelt have fox related middle grades on the horizon. […]
October 12, 2014 by Betsy Bird
A veritable plethora of dancing librarians greet you this weekend. Now I’ll be the first to say that if you’re going to have librarians or library patrons dancing in a video then the video has to be pretty darn impressive in some way. Life’s too short otherwise. But thing is, these folks are pretty extraordinary. […]
May 25, 2014 by Betsy Bird
This may sound a little crazy, but even though I’m on maternity leave for three months or so, this video made me nostalgic for my system. It’s the rather remarkable Why Libraries Matter short documentary from The Atlantic. Beautifully shot and LOOK! There’s Rita Meade again! Somebody give that gal her own show. While we’re […]
May 11, 2014 by Betsy Bird
I’ll confess to you that I think I just discovered the secret to Video Sunday. If I “Favorite” videos I see in Twitter throughout the week I end up having a MUCH stronger series than if I’d just scouted them out on my own. Phew! Happy to know there’s a secret there. Now in the […]
January 19, 2014 by Betsy Bird
It’s always wonderful when I run across a video that declares to me MAKE ME THE FIRST ONE IN THE VIDEO SUNDAY POST! But when I heard that Shaun Tan has a new book coming out on what appears to be April 24th of this year called Rules of Summer, it was just a matter […]
August 25, 2013 by Betsy Bird
A conservative estimate would say that around seven people sent me this particular video this week. A hat tip to every last person who set out to alert then. I wasn’t necessarily going to make a Video Sunday this week, but after watching this I just couldn’t pass this up. The editing, man, the editing!! […]
May 26, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Can you think of a better way to kick off? Not I, said the fly. Yes, the world’s most confused woman (not me) is celebrating her 50th birthday. I am pleased to report that Harper Collins is allowing me to reveal this video today. The strange thing about Amelia B is that she seems to […]
April 18, 2013 by Betsy Bird
They asked me to do some promotional videos for my book. I came up with these instead. Life is too short not to have your legs eaten by legwarmers. I’m inclined to name them The Electric Blue Boogaloo. Part One: Part Two: Part Three: Part Four: I have fun.
October 7, 2012 by Betsy Bird
Who says you need to be Ed Emerley to make fingerprints dance? A canny bit of book promotion, this title is out this year but I certainly hadn’t heard of it until now (Laurence King Publishers, anyone?). Now I’ll need to see it for myself. It’s Let’s Make Some Great Fingerprint Art by Marion Deuchars. […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
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