Teen Librarian Toolbox
September 8, 2022 by Betsy Bird
After all these many years Jules Danielson hangs up the towel and the blog Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast reaches the end of its days.
March 17, 2017 by Betsy Bird
I’m quick and slick and blogging like a . . . like a . . . like a woman who can’t come up with a third rhyme! Doggone it . . . Look at this guy with this book doing his business like it ain’t no thing. You go, man, go! If you’ve […]
September 16, 2016 by Betsy Bird
Fast fast, like lightning, fast! It’s a Fusenews round-up of epic quickie proportions! First up, my buddy Warren Truitt used to work with me in the Central Children’s Room of New York Public Library. Then he moved to Alabama. He’s kept busy, since that time with a long-term personal project. This one man machine […]
December 6, 2015 by Betsy Bird
You know that recurring nightmare where you have to give a TED talk at TedX Beacon Street in Boston? The one where they fit you with a teeny tiny hand free mic on your head and then you have to stand in front of a series of two-tone cubes? To combat this fear of mine […]
September 2, 2015 by Betsy Bird
Morning, folks. I’ve been looking to expand my knowledge beyond just children’s literature, so I figured a good podcast would be the best way to go. After reading Bustle’s 11 literary podcasts to get your bookish fix throughout the day I settled on Books on the Nightstand as the closest thing out there to a Pop […]
April 5, 2015 by Betsy Bird
Happy Easter, folks! Tis a bonny Easter Video Sunday . . . . not really. One of these videos does show a bunny at one point, though. Can YOU find it? The answer is at the end of this post. First up, my co-writer Jules Danielson was in town recently and managed to get herself […]
February 22, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Think of it like Voltron. Or, better yet, don’t. If you are a clever daily blog reader and you have already seen the posts at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast, Nine Kinds of Pie, and 100 Scope Notes then what I’m about to tell you will come as no surprise. To wit: The Niblings is […]
September 16, 2012 by Betsy Bird
I think it fitting that I follow up the last Video Sunday bit of teacher enthusiasm with this subsequent sneaky teacher taping. “We’re just smelling books, Mr. Lewis.” That would be Mike Lewis and though they acknowledge him at the start, it’s pretty clear they don’t know he’s taping until much later on. This should […]
August 30, 2011 by Betsy Bird
I get by with a little help from my friends. I get quilts from them too, as it happens. I’ve gotten a slew of amazing and fantastic presents from friends and well-wishers upon the birth of my babe. Hopefully I’ve thanked you all (if I haven’t, I’m a putz). One gift that I have received […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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