Politics in Practice
September 17, 2020 by Betsy Bird
I Wish isn’t going to sit quietly in a category. It’s the kind of book that would rather wander off and make up its own categories, expecting you to follow dutifully behind. And you will, because it is strange and wonderful and ultimately very very memorable. Can many other books out there say half as much?
December 12, 2017 by Betsy Bird
Initially I think I was going to call this list “2017 Imports” but that was a bit on the vague side. And was I really going to include all the Australian, British, Irish, Canadian, etc. books I admired this year? Seems a bit much. No, let’s instead offer an homage to the delightful translations of […]
November 24, 2017 by Betsy Bird
HIC! By Anushka Ravishankar Illustrated by Christiane Pieper Tara Books $18.00 ISBN: 9789383145645 Ages 4-7 On shelves now Ladies and gentlemen I ask you, and I ask you truly, can you think of a more international childhood experience than the hiccups? Here we have an unwanted occurrence that comes to every nation in the world. […]
December 12, 2016 by Betsy Bird
I know it gets confusing but this list is a bit different from the Calde-not list from a couple days ago. The reason is simple. While the Calde-not list looks primarily at books with illustrations so distinguished they could easily win major illustration awards if given half a chance, this is list is more for […]
January 28, 2015 by Betsy Bird
Mr. Squirrel and the Moon By Sebastian Meschenmoser NorthSouth $18.95 ISBN: 978-0-7358-4156-7 Ages 3-6 On shelves now Here in America 2015 is turning out to be a great year in terms of children’s literary imports. Authors and artists that I haven’t seen gracing the shores of our fair nation for years are suddenly returning en […]
September 23, 2014 by Betsy Bird
Fox’s Garden By Princesse Camcam Enchanted Lion Books ISBN: 978-1-59270-167-4 $14.95 Ages 3-6 On shelves now. Have you ever read a picture book multiple times, enjoying it with each and every read, and then find later that it was wordless . . . and you didn’t even notice? Now THAT is the mark of an […]
November 18, 2013 by Betsy Bird
Jumping Penguins by Jesse Goossens Illustrated by Marije Tolman Lemniscaat $19.95 ISBN: 9781935954323 Ages 6-11 On shelves now. Here’s a puzzler for you. See what you think. There’s been a lot of talk lately about nonfiction for kids and the importance of highlighting those books that adhere strictly to the truth. That means no invented […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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